All People

Read This Week: 1 Corinthians 9

I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings. – 1 Corinthians 9:22-23 NIV

Prejudice is a prison. It oppresses the heart and mind and keeps one from relating to and loving all people. It enslaves one to a baseless and negative attitude toward others. The emotional confinement of prejudice is damaging to all levels of relationships and has a lasting adverse effect on communities. Most importantly, it is a direct affront to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to the inherent love of God for all human beings.

A person of prejudice operates under the delusion that they are exercising their freedom of thought and feeling, but they are actually binding themselves from the beauty of the human experience. They are restricting their full potential in the world and any chance of bringing glory to God.

The Apostle Paul had a deep understanding of freedom in Christ and its power to overcome prejudice. He was a Jew who had an intense passion for his people, but he had a special calling on his life to minister to and share the gospel with the Gentiles. These two people groups had a long history of animosity and racism toward one another. Yet, Paul did not allow this to keep him from serving and doing life with both. He writes about his freedom to serve beyond his cultural and natural prejudices in verse 22 where he says, “I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.”

This statement by Paul does not mean that he was inauthentic. He didn’t change who he was to fit his audience or please those he was around. He loved all people and understood the freedom God gave him to adapt his approach to different groups while overcoming cultural bias. How he interacted with and acclimated to various cultures never involved changing his spiritual identity or his message.

Paul’s ultimate purpose was for people to be saved and changed by Jesus Christ. No one’s race, background, or creed was going to stop him from sharing about Jesus even if his methods varied in how he shared. He wrote in verse 23, “I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.” The freedom in his approach never altered the true gospel and the life-changing blessings it held for all people.

To become all things to all people is not an excuse to compromise our faith or standards. Compromise is the inability to know what one believes. Prejudice is the inability to bend to another. The freedom and wisdom that comes from Christ in 1 Corinthians 9, gives us the ability to take a stand while bending to the needs of others.

May we take this teaching and example seriously and apply it to our lives. May the love of God invade our hearts and empower us to serve others no matter how different or foreign we perceive them to be. May we be consistent in our message while accommodating others in our behavior. May we take risks and move out of our cultural comfort zones so that one person may know and experience the love of Jesus for all of eternity.


Read This Week: Luke 1 and 2

May you experience the hope that is found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ this Christmas season.

Hope is the benefit and not the doubt.
It is silver in the lining.
It knows the sunshine is somewhere behind the rain.
Hope moves the arm that goes down swinging.
It propels one foot in front of the other.
It compels the fingers to cross.
It is the effort in the last-ditch.
Hope is the wing that carries the prayer.
It is the gun that shoots for the moon.
It is the radiance of the light at the end of the tunnel.
It is the exclamation point behind joy!

Hope put a melody in Mary’s heart after she received news that would’ve startled the bravest of souls. Hope was the assurance of her purity amid the stinging voices of skeptics. It was her anesthetic during labor on the dirt in her fiancée’s hometown.

Hope serenaded her while listening to the rumblings of outside activity. It soothed her as the aroma of farm animals filled her nostrils. It fueled her happiness as she welcomed strangers and shepherds.

Hope caused her to trust when her family was on the run. It comforted her in hiding. It gave her energy as she watched her firstborn grow up. Hope sprung eternal as she saw him die. It was her confirmation when she found out he was alive. It whispered in her most desperate moment that she would see him again.

George Iles once said, “Hope is faith holding its hand out in the dark.” That is good but the writer of Hebrews put it better when he said, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Hope is not just faith holding its hand out in the dark. It is the faith that someone is going to turn the light on and something extraordinary is going to be in your hand. That is what God gave us in Jesus. Therefore, we hope. We have hope.

Power of Empathy

Read This Week: 1 Corinthians 8

Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak. So this weak brother or sister, for whom Christ died, is destroyed by your knowledge. When you sin against them in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. 1 Corinthians 8:9, 11-12 NIV

One of the most undervalued and underused emotions in life is empathy. Empathy is knowing about someone and balancing that knowledge with love and wisdom. It is the ability to understand and sincerely relate to another’s feelings while handling them with discernment and compassion.

In 1 Corinthians 8, we see Paul addressing the more mature and stronger Christians in the church, those who had more knowledge, experience, and a better understanding of their freedom in Christ. He is talking to them about activities that they have the freedom to do but require empathy toward others that are weaker. Paul wants them to be empathetic in their liberty because others can’t handle it in the same way.

In essence, Paul is saying that in our lifestyles, activities, and freedoms, we should look out for one another because everything permissible to do is not always helpful. What is good for one person may be risky for someone else. He wants us to be mindful, not proud of our ability to do certain things in front of others.

Paul writes in verse 9, “Be careful that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak.” The phrase stumbling block means spiritual destruction. In other words, if we fail to empathize with someone in their weakness when we exercise our freedom, it could cause that person to be destroyed by our actions. That’s why freedom and empathy must go together. We simply can’t do what we want without considering others. The strong should always look out for those who are weaker.

Living as an empathic person means to follow the example of Jesus. He was empathetic to others. He understood them, felt their pain, and was sensitive to their situations. He was God but did not use his power to take advantage of or lead people astray. That’s why Paul said when we fail to regard others in our freedom and do damage to their lives, we not only sin against them but we sin against Christ.

Empathy and wisdom can prevent this from happening. Being empathetic to one another makes us more aware of our actions and how it will affect someone else. Having empathy in our knowledge and freedom is limiting ourselves for the sake of others and their spiritual wellness. Empathy can keep someone from being destroyed. Empathy is selfless. Empathy is powerful. Empathy is love.


Read This Week: 1 Corinthians 7

Nevertheless, each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them. This is the rule I lay down in all the churches. – 1 Corinthians 7:17 NIV

Our circumstances are given too much credit for our happiness in life. We depend on them to be right instead of on God for our contentment and satisfaction. Our joy and peace are unnecessarily tethered to the state of a relationship, the disposition of another person or the trajectory of a career. Sometimes, our lives are dictated by where we live or where our kids go to school.

Throughout the Bible, we are exhorted, encouraged and commanded to be content with whatever state we are in. As Christians, this should be a reality because we are children of God, made in His image, loved by Him and called to live on mission for His eternal purposes. These affirming and amazing realities are all we need to have peace, joy, and hope whatever comes our way.

In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul addresses some important issues. The church in Corinth was confronting serious things like marriage, divorce, singleness and life transitions. These circumstances were greatly affecting their perspective, mood, and outlook on life. They were also greatly affecting how they viewed and worshipped God. The same is true for us in our modern times. These issues and struggles are prevalent and impactful. They often determine our mindset, health, and spiritual direction.

However, in verses 11 and 17-24, Paul makes it clear that the call of God on the married, divorced or single person is the same. The call to handle things with God’s wisdom and live in peace and contentment with His will. In verse 11 he writes, “Each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them.” Then summed it up in verse 24 with this encouragement: “Each person, as responsible to God, should remain in the situation they were in when God called them.”

Marriage, divorce, and singleness are serious matters to contend with in life. Paul is not minimizing their impact but is outlining the proper way to deal with them. He does this while emphasizing their inferiority to God’s power and peace. In other words, God desires for us to trust Him and have the right perspective amid our circumstances. Our relationships do not change the character or intentions of God and his calling. Our situations don’t take precedence over our identity in Him.

The prevailing message here seems to be that there is no true categorization of our situations in life. There are just situations. Situations that look and feel differently. Situations that incite different emotions. Situations that burden us but where we are sustained, empowered and propelled by God’s grace. In all situations, joy and peace come from something greater, something distinct from our relationship status or life transition. It comes from the Lord. So whatever may come, we can have the strength to deal with it and live in peace.

Paul is also the writer of Philippians 4:13 that says, “For I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength,” which shows that the situation does not define a life nor does it determine or prevent the source of power. Our fulfillment is not subjected to circumstances but is ultimately provided by the person, Jesus Christ. In him, we have whatever we need for the journey.


Read This Week: 1 Corinthians 5

What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. – 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 NIV

The term judgy is thrown around in conversation and social circles when talking about a person that we perceive as overly critical and judgmental. This is the technical meaning of the word, but often that is not how we use it and is certainly not what we mean.

Chances are when judgy is being used as a descriptor for someone, it is most likely meant to describe a person who has poorly expressed disapproval or disagreement with our choices, lifestyle, relationships or worldview. It’s a different way of saying that a person doesn’t agree with what we think or do.

Judgment and being judgmental can easily be misunderstood in relationships especially when it comes to living the Christian life. There is a big difference between making judgments, forming thoughts on things that are observed and flat out being judgemental. Making a judgment comes from having a grace-filled, balanced and neutral approach to people and situations. However, being judgmental comes from an imbalanced, sinful and reactive mindset that seeks to elevate oneself and diminish others.

In 1 Corinthians 5, the Apostle Paul is demonstrating the difference between making a judgment for healthy, moral purposes and being judgmental just because one can. To Paul, the problem was not that the church was living in an immoral society. It was the lack of sound judgment, accountability, and right living by the people of God in the world. The church had allowed the sin and immorality of society to invade and impact their community because they had not judged their behavior rightly or dealt with it.

The Christ-centered judgment of sin (verse 3) leads to restoration and correction. Simply being judgmental toward a person in their sin leads to unnecessary harm, resentment, and failure to change. This passage deals with serious sin issues that are also prevalent in our society and churches today. So we must understand the difference between a judgmental spirit that is not helpful and making truth-based judgments that allow us to live as God desires.

No one and no church is perfect, but human imperfection is not a reason to excuse sin and destructive behavior. Here in this chapter of Corinthians and throughout the Scriptures, we see that correction and discipline are necessary for us to stay on the right path. Yet these vital components of relationships and communities cannot come without proper judgment. The judgment that is granted to us by God, underwritten by love and meant to restore to a rightful place.

God has the awesome responsibility to judge the sin of the world through his eternality and supremacy. But through the expression of his grace and love in Christ, He gives us the responsibility and supplies the wisdom to judge ourselves with His truth.

We are called to avoid judging someone’s motives but to be broken over our sin and honest about our conduct. This approach is not judgy but caring and ultimately loving because it is God’s design to help us live for Him.

First Things First

Read This Week: Psalm 136

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. – Psalm 136:1

Ingratitude. There are few emotions in human beings sadder than this. An ungrateful spirit can be poisonous and toxic to relationships, environments, marriages, families, and communities. It shades and colors everything with entitlement and selfishness.

It is scary that we have this in us; that ingratitude lives in our flesh and makes us capable of hurting ourselves and others with a spirit of thanklessness and prerogative. It seems like the more that is done for an ungrateful heart, the worse it becomes. Alternate energy is gained from kindness, graciousness, and benevolence. If given more, it’s not enough. If given less, it’s unfair.

This is not a new revelation, however, after 400 plus years of slavery in Egypt, the Israelites were released from bondage by God’s hand. As they exited, they were blessed with cattle, food, gold, supplies, and riches. God then performed many miracles as they journeyed through the treacherous wilderness. He made a covenant with them, selected them as His people and said He would take them to the promised land. Pretty amazing, right? Not for the Israelites.

They were so ungrateful that, at one point, they expressed their desire to go back to Egypt. They failed to appreciate the blessings, provision and powerful miracles that God did for them and it caused them to long for a place where they had experienced hundreds of years of oppression and atrocity. Their ingratitude made them completely unreasonable and took their focus off of the beauty and kindness of the One blessing them and onto what they thought He should be giving them. They sought the blessing and not the Blesser.

King David knew about the history of his people and the ingratitude of man when he wrote this in Psalm 136:1, “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.” The starting point of his gratitude is not the tangible things God provides or gives but it is simply God Himself. The person and character of God is the catalyst for David’s praise and thanksgiving. It is what he recognizes first before he calls attention to the things God has done. He keeps first things first and doesn’t get distracted by the gifts because he’s too busy expressing his thankfulness for the Giver.

Perhaps this Thanksgiving and always, we will be reminded of our tendency to be like the Israelites if the Holy Spirit doesn’t guide our thoughts, control our minds and check our motives. If we keep first things first and don’t get too obsessed with what we’re getting or not getting to be thankful for what we already have in the person of Jesus!

A relationship with the God of the universe through Christ and the experience of His love is all that we need in life. It is more than enough for us to be grateful now and forever. So, let’s live with thankful hearts, act in a peaceful, rational manner and positively affect others with a spirit of gratitude.

Row the Boat

Read This Week: 1 Corinthians 4

This, then, is how you ought to regard us: as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the mysteries God has revealed. Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.
– 1 Corinthians 4:1-2 NIV

“Keep rowing!” This was a rallying cry issued to men in the galleys of ships so they wouldn’t give up on their job. It was a motivational tool for rowers to keep paddling no matter what happened or how exhausted they felt. They were not to look at the circumstances or the other people but remain faithful to the goal of moving the boat forward successfully.

This a great principle for the Christian life and one Paul evokes in 1 Corinthians 4. When he refers to himself and Apollos as “servants of Christ” he uses the word servant which means under-rower or a subordinate rower. He wants to make it clear to the people of Corinth who have become arrogant that they aren’t in charge of the ship. They are merely called to row the boat at the instruction of their captain, Jesus. According to Paul, Christians have the role of servants and faithful rowers of the master’s ship, not the operation of it.

If we will simply take the position of a faithful servant as outlined in chapter 4, it will eliminate the constant, unhealthy pursuit of personal agendas that can greatly hamper our effectiveness for God and His work. Our agenda isn’t always God’s so it’s better to be submissive to his leading instead of allowing our selfish, misguided ambitions to hurt the gospel ministry and damage other people. Paul writes in verse 5 that God “will expose the motives of the heart” so we must be sure that our attitudes and motivations are Christ-centered and service-oriented.

God, by His grace and good pleasure, has given us the privilege of serving Him and being His ambassadors on earth. We have the honor of sitting in the galley of His ship and rowing it toward his kingdom purposes. He merely calls on us to trust Him, obey His word and stay faithful to His truth no matter what life brings. We keep rowing on His command.

Paul concludes this chapter with the statement, “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.” In essence, he is challenging the Corinthian church and us to stop talking about what we know and be faithful to what God has already said. When it comes to life, leadership, relationships, and parenting, we are simply to take our directions from the captain and row the boat.

The Grown-Up Table

Read This Week: 1 Corinthians 3

Brothers and sisters, I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly—mere infants in Christ. I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. You are still worldly. – 1 Corinthians 3:1-3 NIV

Thanksgiving is coming up in a few weeks. People will gather with friends and family for a time to reconnect, fellowship, and of course, eat good food. At each place where a range of ages are represented, there will likely be a table for the grown-ups and a kiddie table. The kiddie table is for those who don’t possess the manners, maturity, or ability to eat the same food as adults. It is for those that need to come of age before they can sit at the big table and interact with the grown-ups.

In chapter 3 of 1st Corinthians, Paul decides to address the churches at Corinth as those at the grown-up table and those at the kiddie table. He is still talking about division and infighting, but he’s not distinguishing between followers of Jesus and those outside the faith in this section. He is now talking directly to believers who he sees as either mature or immature.

Paul writes, “Brothers and sisters, I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly – mere infants in Christ.” He is saying that their behavior and actions indicate that they are not mature enough yet to handle what he wants to give them. They are still acting like the world and essentially like children who need to grow up.

This passage shows that a Christian matures by allowing the Holy Spirit to teach and guide them as they read and consume God’s Word. However, the immature Christian does not value reading the Bible or living by the Spirit. They are still very much interested in the things of the world. A mature Christian wants God to change them from the inside out; an immature believer wants to align God with their life and choices. A grown-up Christian desires the meat of biblical truth. A baby Christian still craves the milk of a bible story. A mature Christian is convicted and broken over their sin; an immature Christian tries to justify it.

Paul says that another sign of maturity and readiness for the grown-up table is the way we treat others. He writes in verse 3, “You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans?” The mature Christian practices love and good relationships with people. Immature believers are like children who enjoy disagreement, fussing and getting their way.

The whole point and outcome of walking and doing life with God is growth, maturity and being more like Jesus. Just as it is unnatural for an adult to sit at the kiddie table at dinner, it is unnatural for a Christ-follower to remain in the same state they were in at salvation. Just as it is unnatural for an adult to drink milk from a sippy cup, it is unnatural for a Christian to ignore the Bible and how to apply it to their life.

The good and encouraging news for all Christians, as outlined in 1 Corinthians, is that there is equal access to God, His word and His wisdom. We can grow and benefit equally from His Spirit and power if we give ourselves to Him. We can all sit at the grown-up table where mature people belong.

Not Human

Read This Week: 1 Corinthians 2

We speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. No, we declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words. – 1 Corinthians 2:6-7, 13 NIV

Decisions and choices build on each other. One bad decision usually leads to another, just as a good decision can establish a pattern of other sound choices. A decision can have a domino effect and put us on a course and trajectory for better or worse.

Throughout our lifetime, the decisions we make begin to set a direction that determines the content and quality of our lives. These choices cascade and lead to predictable developments and outcomes. Therefore, wise decisions often lead to good outcomes; poor decisions lead to bad ones.

In 1 Corinthians chapter 2, Paul emphasizes the importance of getting wisdom from God. He wants to distinguish it as superior to human knowledge while recognizing that the wisdom gained from the world is not always bad, it just simply pails in comparison to the power and effectiveness of the wisdom that comes from the Holy Spirit.

Paul writes in verses 6 and 7, “We speak a message of wisdom, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. No, we declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began.” The Bible makes it clear that Christian wisdom is not human. It comes from the Holy Spirit and not from man’s discovery. It is divine and centered in God’s redemptive plan for humanity, not the corruptible schemes of the world. It has an eternal view and purpose. It is unfailing and draws from an unlimited source of power.

Essentially, God is saying to us through this passage, that our best life and our best choices will not come from our own understanding. They will come from the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit (v.10). The course and trajectory of our lives will be filled with good decisions and positive choices if we seek the wisdom of God. Our relationships, marriages, business and even how we choose to spend our free time will lead to affirmative and successful outcomes if God’s wisdom is sought and applied above all else.

For those who love and pursue God, every day can be a good day underwritten with wise decisions. It may not always feel like a good day, but when we follow God and His plan, we can be confident of the best outcomes. It is when we try to do it on our own and forsake God’s way that life begins to take on a more negative tone. But, if we walk in God’s not human wisdom, we will enjoy His blessings beyond anything the world can offer.

Uncommon Sense

Read This Week: 1 Corinthians 1

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God. Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God, the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. – 1 Corinthians 1:18, 20-21, 25 NIV

We live in a world of incredible access to knowledge and information. If we want to know what the capital of North Dakota is, we can immediately find the answer. If we want to know where Kanye West is from or the back story of our favorite athlete, it is simply a click away. However, this unprecedented access hasn’t made us wiser. It has given us a false sense of understanding that has led to arrogance and the proud belief that we’re all knowledgeable experts on a variety of topics.

The Apostle Paul addresses this same issue and mindset among the people and church of Corinth in the book of 1st Corinthians. The church there was falling apart because of sin, division, and people trading God’s wisdom for faulty human knowledge. As in modern society, when you have a bunch of proud people depending solely on their reason and intellect, there are going to be problems in every walk of life.

In the first chapter, Paul gets right to the heart of the issue. He makes it clear that their disregard for God is the reason for all of their turmoil and problems. The keyword in this opening part of his letter is wisdom. He uses various iterations of wisdom 13 times to create a contrast between God’s wisdom and the knowledge of men.

The revealed wisdom of God through Christ is far superior to anything a person thinks they know or could come up with. Verse 25 says, “For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.”

God is always seeking to make himself and his wisdom known. He uses several ways to show us who He is and what we should do. God reveals himself through the Bible, through nature, through the conscience, through events and circumstances, through other people, and through the person and teachings of Jesus Christ. There is no excuse for us to not know God, to not access His wisdom and apply His knowledge to every situation and circumstance in our lives.

We cannot know God and his ways through our means and knowledge alone. Verse 21 states that “the world through its wisdom did not know God” meaning that we cannot access God’s truth and power on our terms. But if we humble ourselves in light of the cross and walk away from the arrogant reliance on our reason, intellect, and technology, we could have the uncommon sense and supernatural wisdom we need to succeed in life and to glorify God.

If we truly seek the Lord, our decision-making, business dealings, relationships and everything we attempt can be underwritten by the clarity, foresight, judgment, and acumen that comes from God’s perfect wisdom. There is no limit to what we can accomplish. There is no boundary to the health of our relationships. There is no obstacle or sin we can’t overcome and there is no cap on what we can do for God when we exchange our common knowledge for the uncommon sense of God’s wisdom.

Paul summed it up this way in verse 18, “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God.”