Live Wisely
Read This Week: Titus 2
In the same way, encourage the young men to live wisely. And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching. – Titus 2:6-7
What is the wise thing to do? It might be one of the best questions we can ever ask ourselves in life no matter the circumstances or season. This passage in Titus tells us that wise living reflects integrity, the content of God’s word, and good works of every kind.
We should all be encouraged to live according to the teachings of the Bible because the wisdom gleaned from it powerfully informs our journey. To live wisely is to maintain perspective while we’re discovering who we are and what kind of people we want to become. Wisdom should go before us into every arena, endeavor or activity.
Wisdom helps us maintain our character when it comes to work, family, and decision-making. It protects us from bad choices and situations that compromise our lives and if applied to the moments when we’re tempted, wisdom can even safeguard us from negatively impacting our future.
Living wisely is redemptive for us and beneficial to others. It gives us the opportunity to begin every day on the right path and helps us take action in doing good. Aldous Huxley was famous for saying, “Experience is not what happens to you. Experience is what you do with what happens to you.” God’s w
Titus 2 also says that wise living can change our personal image and cause us to practically reflect the teachings of Scripture. Wisdom empowers us to be examples of God’s grace and goodness and to express love and patience as we interact with our spouse, friends, co-workers, and our kids on a daily basis.
When I think of wisdom I have to ask, where does wisdom come from? When you get to the root, wisdom comes from God. It flows from Him and transcends your own thinking. Often, experiential wisdom is just the opposite of God‘s wisdom. I found that it’s so important to rely on God‘s wisdom and not just experiential wisdom.
God has an infinite number of ways to solve the problem. I want to encourage you to rely on God and His wisdom, not just leaning on your own understanding. The book of Proverbs is chalked full of God’s wisdom, as recorded by King Solomon. In the end, King Solomon‘s downfall was that he relied on his wisdom, rather than God himself. God is saying to you and me: “Will you rely on Me? This is true wisdom.”
I would love for you to interact with the post, “Live Wisely” and reply to my comment here. It would be great to continue the conversation with you.
Thank you for the post, Ken and the encouragement to rely on God’s wisdom instead of our own reinforcing the points made in the article. When is a time you have tempted to rely on experiential wisdom but decided instead to seek and apply God’s wisdom? How did that situation turn out and how did the wisdom of God make a difference?
I’m glad you asked that because it happens to me all of the time. Really, it has become my standard operating procedure when facing decisions, whether they are related to ministry, financial, relationships, or business.
I actually have an example from this morning. I have a client that is past due on their bill and we would normally call them and let them know that we are going to discontinue services until they get caught up. But I asked God what to do and He told me to have one of our team members contact them and explain why they need to pay their bill without mentioning the discontinuing of services. Guess what? The bill was paid this morning.
This is just another instance of leaning on God’s wisdom and making moves with him instead of on my own wisdom and understanding. Seeking and applying God’s wisdom above our own is the true key to success and significance in this life. He says to us, “My ways are greater and will not only bring you success in life but it will lead to significance. Life according to my wisdom is easier and your burdens are lighter with me carrying the load. Why strain and struggle? Rely on Me and I will set your path straight.”
That is a great example of God’s wisdom that he gives to us in situations both profound and practical if we will simply listen to Him and not run ahead. Your story of waiting on God to speak and then act reminded me of something I read one time from John Piper: “My feelings are not God. God is God. My feelings do not define truth. God’s word defines truth.” It’s so risky to trust our feelings and rely on our own wisdom but it is always effective and rewarding to seek and apply God’s.
That is so true, Ken. I have learned through you and Pastor Heidi over the years that it’s all in his timing and we may not always be able to see the effect he is having on the big problems in our lives. But He works in the smaller problems as well so that we realize what He is doing is in His wisdom, planning, and timing. We just have to give it to Him and trust in him and as we follow his word, it will work out for us.
We must rely on God and his word. He instructed us to teach and follow his word so that we can share with others in the family of God and with people who don’t know Him. We should always shine with his promises so others can see the truth of who God is.
Good word, Sam. You mentioned God’s truth and promises in your comment, so how does the truth of God’s word and what is contained in His promises inform your life when it comes to using wisdom? How do you apply the truth of Scripture when you are making decisions, interacting with people far from God or dealing with a situation where you are tempted to do wrong?
You said it perfectly. I think of it as a chain reaction with many branches. Following God’s wisdom leads us to experiences that are filled with God’s love, and from those experiences we learn, grow, and go with God to the next experience.
I love the quote listed from Huxley because it rings true. Knowing that God is with us when we accept Him into our heart leads us to take on any challenge or experience with peace, and in turn, embrace wisdom to apply to the new experience.
I love the metaphor of the chain reaction. It seems to really fit the process of allowing God to give us His wisdom from experience to experience. It suggests that we transfer and apply the truth, discernment, and insight that He is providing in each of our experiences to the next one. If we do this, that transfer ensures that we will approach our lives and each successive experience with his wisdom and not our own, therefore, leading to greater success.
We can never go wrong applying the wisdom of God in general but certainly that which he gives us out of our experiences. It can make all the difference in life when it comes to decisions, past mistakes, recovering from failure, and navigating relationships. Great stuff, Javaid.
Today in Ladies Bible Study we were in Titus 2 and God was saying to me that He loves it when we believe in Him and our walk matches up with our faith and how we talk about it. Our good works show the world that we are living for Him. We must stay faithful to God and not be influenced by the sin of the world.
Hey, Jeri. That is important to point out. God definitely delights in us following his word and the path He wants us to walk. I also think he wants us to rely on His wisdom and not our own in this life. His way is better and allows us to stay faithful and not be influenced by the world.
In Titus 2, God is showing us that every day is a new day with Him. Every day He desires us to love Him first, to seek Him and ask Him to help us to be all we can be. To not only learn about Him and His love, but to teach other women His will and His ways. I’m very thankful to God for all the women He has put in my life over the years. Women who told me the truth and guided me and shared scripture and showed me what God wanted for me. They taught me about forgiveness and loving my husband and children the way God wants me to and more.
Everyday is a new day to do life with God and others. I get to bless others and help them know Jesus more and more as I learn about Him too!
Yes, Heidi, I have learned to realize the past is the past and today is the day that the Lord has made for me, you might as well rejoice and be glad in it. Focusing on God and each day, seems to really help me in many ways, including having grace for others. It’s hard to love when you don’t give other a break and let things go. I’m encouraged to always start a new day.
Do you have a story about a new day and loving other you can share? Does anyone else reading this have a story to share?
Heidi, I love this. I am so thankful that seeking God, walking in his wisdom and living the Christian life is not something we have to do alone. He gives us a community of people to encourage, challenge and inspire us on the journey as we seek to grow in our relationship with Him. What a blessing it is to do life together.
In Titus Chapter 2, Paul instructs Titus to teach what is fitting and becoming to sound doctrine. Titus 2:7 states, “And show your own self in all respects to be a pattern and a model of good deeds and works, teaching what is unadulterated, showing gravity with dignity and seriousness.”
Paul wants Titus to ensure that men and women understand the characteristics of living right in order to be identified as a true Christian. If the center of our belief is the person of Jesus Christ, gravity can be defined as the centralized body of Christ that resides within a true Christian. Verse 7 tells all serious believers, grounded by gravity, that their model for the purest teachings and highest regard to knowing the truth, with a pure desire of the spiritual message is a true gift because Christ is the centrifugal grounding force that centers His children.
Through believing in Christ, already the strongest and most powerful centerpiece of our life, the pattern and model to teach and share with others is given to us. This teaching solidifies that His children (you and me) are truly FREE to live and be grounded (gravity) as His servants living in harmonious peace, spiritually gifted and clothed in full armor to speak with respect and authority in a chaotic world.
I love the part that you pulled out about “gravity” of being an example of Christlikeness. There is certainly weight to it and a responsibility to both living for God and teaching others the same. The good news is what you pointed out that we have the example of Christ to see and understand and seek to emulate and we also have the power of the Holy Spirit to help us bear the weight and responsibility of living for God and making a difference in a lost and chaotic world.
Your points about being grounded as a true Christian really spoke to me, Trina. Can you reply with some examples of being grounded? We love hearing God through you.
Being grounded for me begins anew each day and many times throughout the day. Waking and knowing that with Christ, any situation is attainable. I ground my mere gift of waking with simplicity. I praise God for waking me. I pray for a productive day and ask for reminders and signs when I plan larger, that accomplishments can be obtained. I follow a routine, planned in increments throughout my day and specifically ask for guidance for quiet and prayerful intercession. I pray for acceptance when life’s axis tilts and the need to regroup arises. I pray for the Christ-like responses to tweak things that I have no control to change.
The weight of the world can literally ground my passion and love of Christ and steal my joy throughout the day. Christ within me has to bring about a spiritual grounding throughout each and every situation. Thank Jesus for all things great and small and ask for wisdom to know his truths, promises, and love. If we are truly grounded, rooted, and watered by the Holy Spirit, our fruits will bear complete wisdom, compassion, and acceptance beyond measure. Isn’t this exciting?
Praise Him in every facet of our daily walk but prepare to walk through the wilderness before reaching the mountain top. Stand firm on the gravitational ground, believing, claiming and speaking daily affirmations that no man can steal! Speak the truth and always ask for forgiving guidance. It’s a Win-Win! If we’re chosen to wake to another day, rise up and walk in Christs’ love, plan and scripture again.
Thank you for sharing that. The part about many times throughout the day, I have come to know is key. It’s not just acknowledging God on Sunday or when we want something, it’s a relationship all throughout the week. God is always with us and wants to share the entire day with us. What an honor, privilege, and blessing. As we worship and interact with God many times daily, we really begin to get to know Him, become a friend of God and grow greatly as a true believer. God is saying to me, “I love our time together, it’s the best part of my day when you give me your attention.”
I love that Trina! Thank you for sharing. I love the part about asking Him to help you. For me, it’s about waking up every morning and asking Him to help me and how I can make a difference with Him.
Trina, thank you for the practical yet very spiritual ways we can stay grounded in God’s word and in His love throughout the day. Your vulnerability in your prayerful routines and walk will be very helpful to anyone struggling to figure out how to incorporate God in their day. We need more of this.
In Titus 2 this week reading and listening to others I asked God for a song and this is what he gave me:
Singing for you, singing for you
Singing for you, Lord
Bringing us together, bringing us together
Far and near worshipping you, worshipping you
Making our hearts sing glory, glory, glory hallelujah
Glory, glory, glory hallelujah
You’re our King of Kings
Singing for you, Lord.
We all need to try and talk to young people. Many don’t know God and his ways. They are our future and we need the Lord to lead us to the ones who need Him in their lives. May He teach them through us and give us the wisdom of the true love of Christ.
Love your new songs from the Lord and your heart for others. Can you reply and tell us how you get your songs from God?
I simply ask God what he saying to me about the message or a verse and then I listen and start writing it down. God is so amazing if we just listen to him.
I believe God is saying that being an example is important, but He is the best example possible. When you have an issue or you need help, He’s there and ready to help. All we need to do is ask. Once we get used to doing that, God takes the lead and we, in turn, become great examples to others in Him.
Rick, I love the analogy of embodying Christ’s example so he alone will be seen. We can’t go wrong if we seek to emulate the person of Christ in our families, work and in the world.
That resonates with me, Rick. How do you become more like Christ? How do you learn to remember to rely on Him, rather that just trying to go it alone? Jesus makes it simple to connect and get what you need from Him. What are some ways you have found to remember to go to Him and get what you need to represent Him well?
Today was an amazing day. Thank you, God! I got a song through the message:
We are a family of God, a family of God
We are here for each other through Christ our father
Helping each other, being patient, showing kindness
Loving each other, loving each other
Growing in Christ our father, growing in Christ our father
We are a family of God, a family of God
Doing life together, doing our life together.
Have faith, love, patience, and understanding, when life gets difficult. Always know the Lord God is there to help you through it. We all have benefits and He gives us our pastors and Christian family who will help us. The relationship with Him matters as it does with other people.
I have no idea how to explain the prophetic words that were shared today in church. I was personally drawn to Titus 2 verse 14. God was saying to me that He gave myself for me so that I would be free to go and speak His words with others. He also gave so that I may be able to share life with Him here on earth and eternal life with after this world. And what that means to me is that God has given me so much that it is my honor to live for Him and to do His good works for others. As Pastor Ken says, “I would rather do one assignment with him a day than a thousand without him.”
Living wise. Wow, what an interesting topic to pick apart! I reflect on how wisdom has built with my own self. When we discuss wisdom comes from God, the correlation is exactly that! We grow through Christ in all walks of life, especially our personal experiences. Let’s dig a little deeper. I think about all of the experiences I have had and when those were of first exposure. A wise man should not make the same mistake twice, although we do often have situations repeat from the past. Our Father gives us all of the good and the bad for a purpose. He certainly does want us to grow through mistakes and trials, but to carry those lessons with us. Through our various battles with ourselves and the outside world, we grow into vessels that can help those we care about. I love how Trina used the word “armour” in her comment. It can seem as if we have another layer of armour to carry with us moving forward.