Intentional Time
Read This Week: Exodus 19
Then Moses went up to God, and the Lord called to him from the mountain and said, “This is what you are to say to the descendants of Jacob and what you are to tell the people of Israel: ‘You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. Now, if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations, you will be my treasured possession. – Exodus 19:3-5 NIV
Exodus 19 not only marks the moment when Israel encounters the God who has led them out of slavery but also initiates their transformation from a wandering people into a covenant community. Exodus 19 is the setup for the giving of the Ten Commandments in Chapter 20, and it gives us some insights into how encounters with the Lord have the power to shape individuals and communities.
As the Israelites arrive at Mount Sinai, God instructs Moses to tell the people to prepare for an encounter. This preparation includes consecrating themselves and abstaining from certain activities for three days (Exodus 19:10-11). This process is about more than physical readiness; it’s a spiritual cleansing, a way of setting aside distractions to focus fully on encountering the divine.
For anyone seeking a deeper relationship with God, preparation is key. Spiritual growth often requires a willingness to step back from daily routines and set aside intentional time for reading God’s word, prayer, reflection, and maybe even fasting. Just as the Israelites had to be set apart to experience God’s presence fully, we, too, need to create space in our lives for spiritual readiness. This discipline and devotion don’t always require drastic measures but can be as simple as daily moments of quiet, study, or being with Father God.
In Exodus 19:5-6, God offers Israel a unique relationship: “If you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession.” This covenant is a two-way commitment that requires faithfulness from both sides. For Israel, it’s a call to obedience and holiness; for Yahweh, it’s a pledge of protection, guidance, and blessing. This relationship is not based on making a deal or guilt but on mutual consent and trust.
Covenant relationships—whether with God or others—are defined by commitment and mutual involvement. Just as Israel was invited to enter into a covenant willingly, we are invited to enter intentional relationships with Jesus and others, whether spiritual or personal. These relationships are strengthened by trust, consistency, and honesty. Covenant isn’t just about rules but shared commitment and accountability. In today’s fast-paced, often transactional world, nurturing covenantal relationships reminds us of the power of dedication and the peace that comes from knowing we are not alone.
As Moses ascends the mountain and speaks with God, the people witness a dramatic display of thunder, lightning, and thick clouds. This incredible encounter demonstrates God’s holiness and the serious nature of the covenant they enter (v. 16-18). For Israel, this moment is transformational. They are not only following God out of a crisis (bondage in Egypt); they are now becoming a people with a purpose—to be a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (v. 6).
Encounters with the divine, big or small, are often transformational. They push us beyond where we are comfortable and open our eyes to new purposes. This transformation can be frightening or humbling, as it was for the Israelites, but it also brings new clarity and a sense of identity. In our lives, transformation often happens when we allow ourselves to pause, listen, and open ourselves to growth, change, and divine guidance.
Exodus 19 is a blueprint for spiritual growth and community building. It reminds us that while the journey of faith may start with freedom or even a crisis, it continues through preparation, covenant with God through Christ, and change. Whether we’re looking for spiritual direction in our own lives or seeking to deepen our or our community’s sense of purpose, this chapter guides us toward spiritual intentionality, commitment, and openness to what God wants to do in our lives, families, relationships, and work.
May the Holy Spirit help us consider how to make space in our worlds for spiritual readiness, honor our commitments to the Lord in relationships, and remain open to the life-changing encounters that shape our faith and character. Portions of the Bible like this one offer insights into becoming more than individuals on a journey; it invites us to become a powerful community shaped by God’s purpose, His sovereign covenant, and to be ready for the opportunities He has for us to join Him on mission.
Exodus Chapter 19 Verse 8
And all the people answered together, and said, all that the Lord has spoken we will do. And Moses reported the words of the people to the Lord.
Exodus Chapter 19 Verse 10
And the Lord said to Moses, Go and sanctify the people [set them apart for God] today and tomorrow, and let them wash their clothes.
Exodus Chapter 19 Verse 12
And you shall set bounds for the people round about, saying, Take heed that you go not up into the mountain or touch the border of it. Whoever touches the mountain shall surely be put to death.
Exodus Chapter 19 Verse 17
Then Moses brought the people from the camp to meet God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain.
Exodus Chapter 19 Verse 22
And also let the priests, who come near to the Lord, sanctify (set apart) themselves [for God], lest the Lord break forth against them.
~The Process Of Purification~
God Is Saying To Me:
My child, in order to purify and cleanse yourself from sin, you must set yourself apart from the world. In order to be ready for my return, you must sanctify yourself and cleanse your heart of all impurities. Do not be afraid or tremble in fear because entering into my presence is Holy and your commitment to me by faith and obedience serves as the guiding principle of your covenant with me. Keep your confession to me Holy and tell others to step forward in faith so that they too learn to proudly take a stand for me.
What This Means To Me:
1. Make a public confession of your faith and be accountable to others and to God.
2. Show others your love of God through faithfully being obedient, faithfully following God’s commands and trusting God’s plans in love not obligation. To know God is to follow his commandments and ways
3. Always be vigilant and ready for God’s return by obeying and trusting him, by being Holy. Live in the spirit. Awaiting his arrival and return at any hour..
4. Righteous acts will not penetrate the barrier of sin. We must not deceive ourselves and live our lives thinking only good works will make us clean and Holy. We must mediate with God through the Holy Spirit claiming triumphant victory in Jesus Christ! ❤️
This is what I got from God in Exodus 19. I love My people. I love My people for a purpose. I will sacrifice Myself by placing Myself between My people, and any harm that may come to them. I will lift you up and allow you to fulfill a potential that you can not reach on your own. Christ gave up His life for you. I call all believers to be both part of His royal priesthood and a light to the lost. Are you hiding My light? I want all believers to make a public confession of Faith. I want you to be accountable to others. Show your love for Me through a faith that leads to obedience. Faithfully obey and trust My Ten Commandments out of love and not obligation. Meeting with Me requires personal preparation. It means to seek Me with an undivided heart and mind. I want all believers to be ready for Christ’s return by being holy. Christ will return with the sound of the rams horn. Do not wait until the trumpet blast to accept Him, as you will miss Him. The date and hour of Christ’s return are unknown. I want you always to be prepared at all times for His return. I will not withhold any good thing when you walk with Me. Sin has separated mankind’s ability to be in My presence. Sin has also separated you from Me. Moses was My appointed mediator for My people. The penalty for sin is death. Even though Christians will be saved by their faith, they will still be forced to give an account of their actions, while on earth. I am warning you that sin can hinder a believer’s prayer. Are you doing anything that might hinder your prayer’s? If so repent so that your prayer’s can be clearly heard and acted upon. There is only one mediator between man and Me and it is Jesus Christ. There is no other way to bridge the gap between man and Me besides Jesus your mediator. My mediator will go down and come up again. Thanks to Christ, you do not need to fear Me, when you enter the Holy of Holies. Boldly petition Me to help those in need.
What this said to me is believers need to be ready at all time for Jesus’s return. I don’t want to wait until its too late until the trumpet will blast and I will miss out. I need to faithfully obey and trust God with what He wants me to do. I want to be a part of His Royal Priesthood, and a light to the lost. I need to continue to bring others to Him, while we still have time.
Do you know that God wants to connect with you? God wants you to get to know Him. God is a real person, and He wants a real, personal relationship with you.
A relationship with God is greater than any human relationship because He is our Father, our Leader, and our Lord and Savior. We are meant to worship Him, listen to and obey Him, and honor our commitments to Him.
By doing so, we become blessed and experience a life far better than anything the world without God can offer. He brings heaven into our lives here on earth and promises a good life in the hereafter.
I am trying to grow in my relationship with God, learning to listen and follow His instructions. I want to make my Father proud by honoring the commitments I’ve made to Him.
1. God wants to connect with us in a real way.
2. God wants us to be His family and to bless us.
3. We have to do our part by listening, obeying, and honoring our agreements.
Exodus 19:6 and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation [set apart for My purpose].’ These are the words that you shall speak to the Israelites.”
God has a vision and a purpose for His people.
God”s purpose for Israel was to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
This meant that the Israelites were called to live in a way that reflected God’s holiness and love to the world.
In 1 Peter 2:9 Peter echoes a calling to believers, to be a royal priesthood
Being a royal priesthood implies a call to serve. Peter is highlighting believers as chosen by God set part for a holy purpose. We’re royal as children of God with a special inheritance and priestly ( dedicated to God service.)
For us today, we are called to serve others and show God’s love and live in a way that reflects Father God‘s heart, his goodness and Love.
Servant hood is modeling Jesus who is the ultimate servant who represented his Father very well.
God is saying to me
I have chosen you to be a light in this world, a servant, set apart for a holy purpose,
Don’t let anything get you distracted from your purpose here until you come home to be with me.
Be aware that there will always be something trying to distract you. Stay close to me, we can do this together. There is so many people that are lost, it looks like they’re not listening, don’t give up my daughter I am with you!
Thank you Father God for always being with me.❤️
What this means to me is there is so many people that are lost, they don’t know where they belong.
we need to be a light and not get caught up in the darkness at all, it is important to live in a way that shows that we belong to God.
If you are reading this and you do belong to God, ask him if there’s anything in your life that He would like to change so you can have a testimony,
When you do it with God, he helps you to be set free.
Because you are called to do great things for the family of God. Your royalty, Your chosen to do great things. ask Him, He will show you and help you.
Thank you Father God that we get to be your children, we’re chosen and we’re Your treasures!
Love you Father God, Jesus and Your Holy Spirit ❤️️
This Week in the Life: Exodus 19
For the best experience, we suggest you listen to the first song, the message, and then the second song.
1. Sunday Worship – First Song: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/20241103-Worship1.wav
2. Sunday Message: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/20241103-Message.wav
3. Sunday Worship – Second Song: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/20241103-Worship2.wav
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