Rolling Stones
Read This Week: Luke 24
On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. – Luke 24:1-3
In Luke 24, we find Mary (the mother of James), Mary Magdalene and Salome heading to the tomb on Sunday morning after Jesus died to dress His body with spices. Mark 16 tells us that they were walking along at sunrise in grief but they were not weeping. They were not talking about what happened on Friday. They were not reminiscing about Jesus’ miracles, stories, words and power. They weren’t talking about how much they missed him. They were asking, “Who is going to move that large stone for us so we can get into the tomb?”
They were discussing the practical details of how they would get to Jesus and who would remove this big barrier that stood between them and their Savior. This is an interesting moment because we seem to ask the same question. We might not ask it in the same way or with the same words, but we desire the same thing. We just want someone or something to remove that seemingly large barrier between us and a savior. Between us and happiness, fulfillment, joy and peace.
Unfortunately, we don’t always seek the proper source to move them. We look for new avenues of salvation. We move to a new location. We look for a new relationship. We try to make new friends. We apply for a new job. We go to another church. We reinvent our image. None of these ever effectively work long-term. They all come up short.
As the women discovered later that morning, the stone was gone. The question was answered for them and for us. It had not been done by human effort. It was removed by the only One with the power, authority, and capacity to do it. God cleared the way to himself. That’s what He does. He moves large barriers between us and fulfillment, joy, peace, and life. He makes a path to salvation. He’s always rolling stones away.
As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ this coming Sunday, trust him in your life above everything else.
As it says as we go through life. We ask others to help use with our problems and struggles. Asking what should we do. But we don’t look to the most important one in our lives to answer these questions. If we would all just look to him. As our total savior and the answer to all of our problems. We would all be better off. Thank you God for accepting all of my questions.
That reminds me of what God told Zachariah, “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord.” So may times we try to do it on our own, so it’s vital to remember the strength of our Lord and Savior, to roll back the stones, break down the barriers and make a way, where seemly there is no way. God is saying “Trust in me and I will make your strong.”
That’s such a great overall and last point, Sam. I am so thankful that God accepts our questions as well as our doubts, thoughts, apprehensions, and fears. He is gracious and good like that, but because He is the ultimate answer, our questions about Him, faith and life don’t bother Him. He desires for us to seek Him.
One thing I’ve learned from Ken and something that God has reinforced time and time again is that “there are always more blessings in a day than hardships”. I trust in God and His guidance, and know by doing so I can follow and focus on the wonderful blessings each day presents.
So many times we focus on the hardships of the day because they are the hardships of our old nature. But if we are able to step back and see just what He has done for us today. We would understand His true love and the plans he has in store for us. We just have to trust in Him and know. We have to go through the smaller things to gain the greater good.
It seems the smaller things are often the tougher to navigate especially in the day to day but absorbing, navigating, enduring and learning through them always lead us to the things of greater value and the character God wants to build in our lives. Your comment made me think of Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. He moves stones and clears paths if we lean on and trust in Him.
Javaid, it’s great that we can be encouraged by one another especially when we are going through a hard time or just having a tough day. The proper perspective is so important as we walk through life and I think that is one of the more hidden but powerful takeaways from the women and their conversation as they went to the tomb. If the focus is on the one who moves stones instead of the stones themselves, it can make all the difference in perspective and life.
Thank you, Javaid. One of the biggest blessings that we have each day is our life with Christ. What He did for us, by dying on the cross and taking our sins upon Himself, was the greatest act of love. It’s known as Good Friday. However, God told me it was a hard Friday that ended up good. We have many hardships in life that God can work together for our good.
That’s just one of the benefits of being a Christian. God is saying “I gave my life for you, so we could be together forever and know that we can enjoy a victorious life together right now, right here on earth.”
Thank you, Javaid for sharing. The more we focus on God’s blessings and bless others with what He does for us every day, it makes it easy to share with others! Hope you have a blessed day as we celebrate Resurrection Sunday!
Hey, Ken. I appreciate you sharing that. I am always reminded of this passage in Isaiah 53:10-11 when I am reflecting on Good Friday and why Jesus ultimately died on the cross. It puts my benefit in this life, and really in the next life, of having a relationship with God in Christ (especially in hard times) into proper perspective:
Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the Lord makes his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand. After he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied.
The Resurrection matters today because we can live forgiven lives! Every person lives with the consequences of sin and has experienced the brokenness, shame, and guilt of sin that destroys everything and everyone in its path. The resurrection means I can be unchained from the bondage of sin and delivered from its power. The first words of Jesus stated from the cross was that of forgiveness. God’s blood cleanses from sin and the risen Redeemer guarantees that he has conquered sin and death. Because he lives, we can live forgiven and free.
Thank you, Jeri, for sharing! What a blessing. I’m so thankful for all Jesus did so we could be forgiven!
Jeri, this is really powerful as you captured the essence of what the Resurrection of Christ means for the believer in Jesus – forgiveness and freedom. Forgiveness always leads to an experience of freedom. When we know we’re forgiven, we live like people free from the power and oppression of sin. We don’t go back to things that weigh us down, hinder our growth or devastate our lives. Those things have been eradicated by the power of the resurrection and we don’t have to be plagued by them anymore.
What I love about Luke 24 is that God blessed us with Jesus. He came to earth with so much love that He died for us so we could be together forever. I’m so thankful to God for all of His love. What’s important in our relationship to God, is spending time with him – worshipping, singing, and praising His name. We are also to tell the Good News of Jesus to others of how he is alive and how much he loves them. Thank you, God, for loving us so much!
During this week’s Bible study and ladies lunch, I have a song I want to share. It’s called Risen:
The Lord has risen, He’s risen
The Son has risen
Because he loves us, He loves us
He died on the Cross and has risen
To set us free, set us free from our sins
We are blessed to live our lives with Jesus forever
Thank you, just thanking you, our Father for sacrificing Jesus
And loving us forever and ever
Thanks, Alma for sharing your songs I know they bless everyone!
Alma, as always, thank you for sharing your song. You always remind me of other songs that God is using in my life. I thought of this one today:
Let faith arise
And see the Kingdom come
I lift my eyes
Oh for the battle has been won
My God is faithful
Oh and every single word He said is true
God of Miracles come
We need Your supernatural love
To break through
Nothing’s impossible
You’re the God of Miracles
I’m thankful to the God of miracles and what He did through the resurrection which is the greatest miracle.
As we begin this most important weekend, we have an understanding of the love God had for us and we know that He has an amazing plan for us. We just have to trust Him with our hearts and follow Him.
We may not realize that he rolls the biggest stones out of our way and sometimes leaves us the smaller ones to move on our own. Because He knows we can handle them on our own with his help. Thank you Jesus for your help with what you know we can do and for the help with what we can’t handle.
Thanks Samuel for sharing this week!! We enjoy listening to God through you!!
Fist off Happy Resurrection Sunday to all of you. Today as we gathered for church. Jesus shared with me about today. And the days before in Luke chapter 24 He said to me. As my father gave me the task to save you from sin and death. I knew it was going to be very hard and very painful. But I also knew that the end would be your beginning of a new and wonderful life with me. And it was worth every moment I suffered And what that meant to me.
There is no way or words I can express to you for what you for me that day. But I can show you with what’s in my heart. And in my good deeds thank you Jesus