Family Ties
Read This Week: Mark 3
Then Jesus entered a house, and again a crowd gathered so that he and his disciples were not even able to eat. When his family heard about this, they went to take charge of him, for they said, “He is out of his mind.” Then Jesus’ mother and brothers arrived. Standing outside, they sent someone in to call him. A crowd was sitting around him, and they told him, “Your mother and brothers are outside looking for you.” “Who are my mother and my brothers?” he asked. Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”
– Mark 3:20-21 & 31-35 NIV
One of the actions that Jesus accomplished when he came to earth was to establish a new family – the family of God. Mark 3 verses 20-21 and 31-35 have been misinterpreted in their context and meaning as Jesus neglecting or forsaking his blood relatives for other people. But nothing could be further from the truth. Jesus was always doing the will of God, and that was not going to change even for his family. Instead, His mission included the establishment of a family that extended beyond kin people to those bonded through their relationship with God through Christ. That is what He is doing in this chapter.
Jesus is not being dismissive to His family when he remains in the house and does not go out to see them or give in to their request in verses 31-35:
Then Jesus’ mother and brothers arrived. A crowd was sitting around him, and they told him, “Your mother and brothers are outside looking for you.” Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, “Here are my mother and my brothers!
He knew their motives were good and looked out for his best interests. But Jesus wanted to demonstrate to those in the crowd and the religious leaders that His purpose and mission were greater than the desires of His family. He did not need help or assistance, but only to do the will of the Father and show His followers that they should do the same. He says in verse 35, Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.
The Lord, by his example, shows us that we must not allow anyone (even our dearest loved ones) to influence us in a way that will cause us to stop doing God’s will. His actions point to his words that our love for God should be so deep, passionate, and great that love for our family or anyone else would pale in comparison.
Our family may not even understand (verses 20-21) or support our love for God, but that should never be a deterrent to following Him. Additionally, it is important to note that Jesus is not suggesting we ignore or abandon our families. It is His will for us to care for and provide for our loved ones, but nothing in life can take precedent over the Lord.
The beautiful takeaway from this chapter is that when we follow and have a relationship with Christ, we are not abandoning our family; we are gaining a new one by doing God’s will. When we trust Jesus as our Savior, we experience the new birth and enter the family of God. We get to share in the divine nature, experience His grace, celebrate His goodness, and express His love together. So, God, in His mercy, does not ask us to abandon our family. He provides us with a new one in His name and for His glory.
Thank you, Jason, that was awesome! I love this part:
So, God, in His mercy, does not ask us to abandon our family. He provides us with a new one in His name and for His glory.
So many people don’t realize that we’re all family. There is one Father for all of us. If you give your life to Jesus, we’re family. We are now blessed with a new family and pray and be all that you can be to represent God for those who haven’t joined the family yet.
I am so glad and blessed that this touched you, Heidi! I think I’ve been one of those people at times that didn’t realize or appreciate the beauty and benefit of God’s family. But, like you, I am thankful for the family of God that I get to be a part of and do life with as we all follow and love Jesus.
For me, I was drawn to the scene where the 12 are chosen in Mark 13:13-14 where it says, And he went up on the hillside and called to him were himself those whom he wanted and chose, and they came to him. And he appointed 12 to continue to be with him and that he might send them out to preach as apostles or special messengers.
It is very important that we spend time with the Lord, in close fellowship with him, to receive the wisdom and instruction we need to be effective in the work he has given us. I believe Jesus is showing us a disciple-making plan that we get to follow every day.
Today is a new day, take time to be asking God in selecting someone or more as God leads you so that you can help them prepare and grow as believers so they too can equip others to do the same. Again, whatever God is leading you to do he is going to equip you to do it but it’s all in what God is doing in you and through you, he will empower you to do it as you spend time with him he will equip you to minister to the people in your life.
So how does Jesus equip and train you for your life purpose he does it through you spending time with him reading the Bible remember all Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach you what is true and to help you realize what is good and it corrects you to help you and to teach you what is right.
God uses His Word to prepare and equip his people to do every good work it does take time by spending time reading the Bible and learning from those who can help you too and then you get to help others. Not everyone is called to be preachers, pastors, evangelists, or missionaries who go overseas however we are all to be shares of the gospel we are to be ambassadors of God‘s good news.
Have fun sharing the Good News!
I love this commentary, Heidi, and what God spoke through you from Mark 3. I read this and was blessed by the way you point out our growth and spiritual maturation as one of the great benefits and privileges we have as members of God’s family. And that we get to access it and take part in it every day. This part was my favorite:
Today is a new day, take time to be asking God in selecting someone or more as God leads you so that you can help them prepare and grow as believers so they too can equip others to do the same.
It is so cool that we were chosen by the Lord to follow Him and that He empowers us with His Holy Spirit to grow in His grace and to encourage and support others in the family of God to do the same.
Great job, Jason. I love my family of God. Those that I am related to by DNA, marriage, and in the spirit. I know wherever I go in the world I have family. It’s so wonderful to travel and meet extended family of God and feel the love of God and hospitality. One of the biggest blessings of God is having a family and knowing that you are never alone.
I am so glad this touched you, Ken. Praise God for that! I agree and feel like you that one of the greatest experiences on earth that we can have is to know and take part in the family of God worldwide. That we get to live in and experience the bond of the Holy Spirit with those in Christ no matter where we go. It is beautiful, refreshing, and as you said, an amazing blessing to feel the love of God and hospitality through the extended family of God.
This week in Mark 3, God gave me a song called “Be Ready”:
Let’s be ready, let’s be ready, let’s be ready for our Lord
Doing ministry, doing the Lord’s work with our arms wide open
Our Lord will give us strength, power, and courage to stand up
And bring his people to worship Him
We are children of the Lord, children of the Lord
We are children of the Lord, our Father
He is with us, helping us be ready, yes be ready
Doing ministry, being encouraged to help others come to the Lord
We believe, we trust and have hope because our father is with us
Let’s be ready, let’s be ready, let’s be ready for our Lord. Amen.
Always be ready for our Father. We don’t want to miss what he has for our plans together. Thank you, Father God.
I love this, Alma. Thank you for your challenge and exhortation to be ready as the family of God to serve Jesus, stand up for Him in our witness, and to serve and help others. I also appreciate how you give us hope that He is with us and will empower us to indeed be ready and not miss the things He has for us to do and the purposes He has laid out for our Christian walk.
Your song this week reminded me of a worship song from Sovereign Grace Music of the same title:
Well, Jesus said we should plan ahead
Because He’s coming back one day
And those who’ve heard and believed His words
Will be prepared to celebrate
So, here’s the truth in this simple tune:
We should always watch and pray
And we’ll be glad when the Lord comes back
If we’re trusting Him today
Be ready, be ready
The King is gonna come again
Be ready, be ready
His reign is gonna have no end
Wow! That is so true. Thank you, Jason, for bringing it more alive for me.
I’m so thankful it touched you, Alma! Praise God for you and the way you bless and challenge me each week. You’re a tremendous blessing and encouragement.
This is what God was saying to me in this chapter, “I will never command you to do something, without enabling you to be able to do it. There is nothing in your life that must stay under Satan’s dominion. If you know that I am telling you to get rid of something, do it. You belong to Me, not him. Give it to Me-you will be healed, and I will use what you have been through for good, and you can help others. Do not reject the work that the Holy Spirit wants to do in you.
The attitude of your heart should care about forgiveness and be open to Me that you will do things My way. You are also to forgive others and yourself. My Son Jesus wants your faith in Him to never fail. As we celebrate Christmas, which is the coming of the Son of Man, who came not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a reason for many; open your heart to receive the best present. Turn away from sin and self-help. Trust Him with your life.”
What this said to me is I need to not let my heart be hardened, by living in sin and self-help. I do not want to reject the work the Holy Spirit wants to do in me. Christmas is the birth of my Savior, and I need to trust Him with everything.
This was a powerful post, Kathy. I copied and pasted it into Evernote so I can reflect on it again. I appreciate you allowing God to speak through you because I needed this message and especially these words:
The attitude of your heart should care about forgiveness and be open to Me that you will do things My way. You are also to forgive others and yourself.
I want God to continue to shape and mold me to have an attitude and heart posture of forgiveness. I love how you stated that we should care about forgiveness. That intentional concern about forgiveness is so key to restoration in our lives and in relationships with others. It is often overlooked but yet necessary to sing and do it in God’s way.
Thank you so much Jason! I love that God spoke to you through me. Restoration and relationships are so important in our lives. I don’t want to ever take them for granted. God bless you Jason! Merry Christmas to you.
Thank you, Kathy! That is such a tremendous point you make about relationships. I don’t want to be guilty of taking them for granted and not valuing them either.
God bless you and your walk with Him and others. Merry Christmas to you and yours!