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Read This Week: Exodus 10
So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said to him, “This is what the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, says: ‘How long will you refuse to humble yourself before me? Let my people go, so that they may worship me. If you refuse to let them go, I will bring locusts into your country tomorrow. – Exodus 10:3-4 NIV
Exodus 10 vividly portrays the eighth and ninth plagues God inflicts upon Egypt in His power: locusts and darkness. These two plagues demonstrate the might of God and the continuous, unyielding stubbornness of Pharaoh’s heart. Verses 1-20 outline the eighth plague of locusts. God instructs Moses to go to Pharaoh and demand the release of the Israelites once again and to warn Pharaoh that if he refuses, there will be a devastating plague of locusts that will cover the land and destroy everything left after the previous hailstorm.
Initially, Pharaoh’s officials plead with him to let the Israelites go. Pharaoh agrees to negotiate but is ultimately insincere about his intentions. After the locusts devastate the land, Pharaoh asks for relief but then hardens his heart once more when the locusts are removed. These repeated scenarios with the Egyptian ruler defy logic and reason in every way. His pride, ego, and thirst for control continue to have devastating consequences for his country and his people.
Verses 21-29 tell us about the ominous plague of darkness as God commands Moses to stretch out his hand toward the sky, bringing about three days of total darkness over Egypt. This darkness is so profound that it can be felt. People can sense and feel the heaviness of the lack of light. At this point, Pharaoh offers to let the Israelites go but demands that they leave their livestock behind. Moses refuses, stating that they need their animals for sacrifices. Pharaoh’s offer is rejected, and the darkness is lifted. Despite this devastating reality, Pharaoh continued to resist and would not give up control.
Pharaoh’s repeated refusal to heed God’s warnings highlights a critical aspect of human nature: stubbornness. Despite experiencing the devastating consequences of his defiance, Pharaoh repeatedly refuses to relent, showcasing how pride and resistance can lead to one’s downfall. This constant behavior by Pharoah is an excellent reflection for us as it prompts our hearts to examine areas where we might resist the Holy Spirit or necessary changes in our lives. It should cause us to look at any patterns, habits, or attitudes that must be addressed. This story should motivate us to check our submission level to God and seek personal growth and openness to change.
Like in Egypt during this time, we live in moments of confusion and moral ambiguity. We must be mindful to seek guidance from God’s Word, prayer, or counsel from the family of God. Just as the people felt darkness in Egypt, our personal and collective struggles can be opportunities to seek greater clarity and understanding. We must diligently seek light and clarity in times of chaos and spiritual darkness. It encourages turning to faith and divine guidance when faced with moral and existential issues.
Moses demonstrates faith and persistence in holding to and delivering God’s messages despite his own fear, reluctance, and inability to understand at times. He pleads with God on behalf of the Israelites and shows us the importance of strong, faithful leadership and intercessory prayer in the face of resistance and opposition. May we do likewise in our daily lives – resist the darkness and seek the way of Christ in troubled times.
We must not be spiritually stubborn but look inward to make sure our hearts are submissive, open, and clear about what the Lord wants for us. Like Moses, may He give us the humility, steadfastness, and consistency to speak His truth and gospel amid many confusing messages.
Exodus Chapter 10 Verse 19
And Moses said, we will go with our young and our old, with our sons and our daughters, with our flocks and our herds [all of us and all we have], for we must hold a feast to the Lord.
Exodus Chapter 10 Verse 10
Pharaoh said to them, let the Lord be with you, if I ever let you go with your little ones! See, you have some evil purpose in mind.
Exodus Chapter 10 Verse 11
Not so! You that are men, [without your families]. go and serve the Lord, for that is what you want. And [Moses and Aaron] were driven from Pharaoh’s presence..
~Bargaining Vs. Power~
God Is Saying To Me:
My children, do not be fooled by the snares and traps of the enemy. Evil tries to confuse you and bargain with you to get what is desired. The perils of the world will try to negotiate with you to strike a deal or bargain without fully submitting to Father God. Always remember that your Creator has the power to negotiate or solve issues without any leverage from the world!
What This Means To Me:
1. Every good thing comes from God! There is no partial bargain or equal negotiation. We must submit fully to God the Creator and Lord of our life.
2. Nothing from the world or any idol will ever match the power and authority of God. We must know who we are in Christ, having total submission to Him because He is in us and we are in Him.
3. God will show us evil and expose false gods to teach us to seek Him in humility and will do so until we fully understand who God truly is in our life.
4. Confessing our sins and repenting brings clarity, purpose, and direction in what God has planned for us.
Exodus 10 verse 3
A Poem,
When my hopes fade and my dreams die.
And I find no answer by asking Why. I just
Keep on trusting and hang on to my faith.
Because God is Just, He never makes mistakes.
Should the storm come and the trials I must Face. When I find no solution I rest in Gods Grace.
What that means to me!!
God sees our struggles and every bend in
The road. But no mistake is ever made cause
He weighs every load.
Exodus 10: 16 Then Pharaoh hurried to call for Moses and Aaron, and he said, “I have sinned against the Lord your God and against you.
17 Now therefore, please forgive my sin only this once [more], and pray and entreat the Lord your God, so that He will remove this [plague of] death from me.”
18 Moses left Pharaoh and entreated the Lord. 19 So the Lord shifted the wind to a violent west wind which lifted up the locusts and drove them into the [d]Red Sea; not one locust remained within the border of Egypt.
20 But the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart [so that it was even more resolved and obstinate], and he did not let the Israelites go.
It’s always about our heart ❤️
Father God loves us and cares about our heart.
We have been learning a lot from Pharaoh. what a stubborn, hardened, resistant heart looks like.
Someone who does not want to listen!
Under pressure he does not make good choices, does not want to change, (repent)
he doesn’t care about anyone else.
When disastrous things happen to him, it seems like he is reconsidering asking Moses to pray and then changes his mind. Pharaoh’s heart had already been hard and it continues to be hard.
But God’s plans and his purpose will happen. God will deliver his people from slavery in Egypt.
God hardening pharaohs heart can be seen as God giving pharaoh over to his own sinful desires and rebellion, his pride and resistance to God‘s will. God was teaching the Israelites important lessons about his power, His faithfulness and commitment to help them and deliver them..
So what can we learn from this?
Do know that God Knows.
He knows who will have a change of heart (repent) and want to be apart of what He is doing! Saving lives
We want to keep our heart soft towards God be open to Him, to be listening to Father God and responding the right way.
God takes care of His own, He is always wanting people to repent and mean it!
Want to live a life with Him. And care for others!
I know for me, that God wants my heart to always be open to helping others and praying for them even when they don’t want to listen and have a change of heart to want to live life that’s not pleasing to God and it’s not good for them either. so be encouraged to keep praying and trusting God because he knows the beginning and the end of every situation don’t give up. Keep praying.
This week in Exodus chapter 10 I got a song
Let’s come together to worship our Lord. Let’s come together to worship our Lord. Be thankful for our loving father being thankful for our loving sharing and protecting father who loves us who loves us so let are hearts be like yours. Lord, let our hearts be like yours bringing others to you bringing others to you standing tall thanking you lord let’s help others to know you Being good servants helping others to know you we want to have a heart like you We want a heart like you changing one heart at a time for you Lord change one heart at a time for you, Lord amen
It’s a privilege to talk to people about you Lord always hoping to change their hearts for you we honor you Thank you God for your heart.❤️
When significant events unfold, do you ever wonder which side you’re on? The good side or the bad side? The right side or the wrong side? Are you aligned with God or with the world?
Remember, God can use circumstances that seem negative or feel dark for a greater good.
Choosing God’s side and committing to His direction, no matter the situation or what others are doing, is always the best course of action. Don’t be drawn to the dark side.
We all grow in our faith over time. Jesus teaches us how to follow Him, guiding us toward a better way of living. We begin to adopt the ways of the Lord and let go of the ways of the world. Our lives become filled with the Holy Spirit, making us bold and courageous with God. As we mature and gain skill in the ways of the Kingdom, we become examples and lights for others. This is a journey and a process for all of God’s people.
I can see the difference in myself and many people around me. I can see the growth and development of spiritual skill. I’ve also recognized that having one foot in the world while professing to serve the Lord is a significant hindrance; it holds us back and leads to loss and failure.
It’s so much better, easier, and more successful to be fully committed to God, abandoning worldly attachments, always choosing the Lord, embracing the things of God, and living a life filled with the Spirit. By doing so, we become an example and a light to others. This is the right side for us, and it is the right way to live.
1. When significant events happen, choose God’s side. He can turn bad into good.
2. Be fully committed to God, not keeping one foot in the world.
3. God will honor your good works and commitment to Him, helping you grow, mature, and live a more fulfilling life.
This Week in the Life: Exodus 10
For the best experience, we suggest you listen to the first song, the message, and then the second song.
1. Sunday Worship – First Song: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/20240901-Worship1.wav
2. Sunday Message: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/20240901-Message.wav
3. Sunday Worship – Second Song: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/20240901-Worship2.wav
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