Criminal Minds
Read This Week: Luke 23
One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!” But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” – Luke 23:39-43 NIV
So many times in life, we play armchair quarterback in various situations. We take the gift of objectivity and hindsight on things that did not happen to us or circumstances that happened to someone else, and we talk about what we would do or would have done. Often the events that we review, discuss, and commentate on are ones of a dire or emergent nature. We are prone to critiquing the behavior and reaction of others involved in moments where human resolve, resilience, and mortality are tested and in jeopardy. Consequently, it is easy to say what we would do in a situation when we are not in it.
One such scenario exists in Luke 23. In fulfillment of prophecy, Jesus was crucified among the transgressors (Isaiah 53:12). He was put to death by the Roman government with two criminals, robbers who were rightly punished for their crimes. These were two violent men guilty and convicted of an armed robbery involving murder. They were criminals of the highest order and, in every sense, criminal minds.
Jesus was different. He was innocent of the accusations against him, and his mind was on more redemptive, eternal things. We see in verse 34 what was on his mind as he was suffering on the cross, where he says about those who were putting him to death, mocking, and beating him: Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.
However, one of the criminal minds next to Jesus changes his thinking. The one robber followed the crowd and religious leaders by mocking Jesus’ power and told him to rescue himself if he was indeed the “King of the Jews”. He chose to jeer at and ridicule the One who could ultimately set him free. But his partner in crime had a different approach. He heard his counterpart insulting Jesus and said in verses 40-41:
Don’t you fear God, he said since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.
It took resolve, courage, and humility for this man to defy his friend and not go along with everyone else, especially in times of great need and desperation. It took amazing faith for Him to trust in Jesus, who was there dying right along with him. It took trusting in the truth to override his criminal mind and faulty thinking. He chose to have a compliant and submissive mind, and it led to his salvation.
The robber was saved by the grace of God, just like the rest of us. It was not his words or the defense of Jesus. He did not deserve it, and he did not earn it by his actions. Forgiveness was given to him as a gift through faith and by the word of Jesus Christ. It was as simple as what the Lord said in verse 43 in response to the robber’s plea for spiritual pardon: Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise. For by grace through faith, the man was saved as all can be if they turn to God as the robber did.
The Holy Spirit can control us and help deny the criminal mind or the sinful tendencies our nature brings. May we allow the Lord to guide us toward truth in our moments of need and in the activities of everyday life. May we also be as gracious and loving as Jesus was toward the robber so that the charity and kindness shown toward others can lead them away from the criminal mind and embrace the mind of Christ.
This is a perfect song because of all Jesus did for us and continues to do for!
Thank you Jesus for all your love all that you went through to bless us with Salvation so we could be with You forever and ever❤️
Love you❤️❤️
Thank you God for saving me
What can I give to you
What can I offer to the king
For all the love you’ve shown
For all your mercy over me
I called your name, you heard my cry
Out of the grave, and into life
My heart is yours, my soul is free
Thank you God for saving me
Thank you God for saving me
The rock of salvation
My hope is built on nothing less
Morning by morning
How great is your faithfulness
I called your name, you heard my cry
Out of the grave, and into life
My heart is yours, my soul is free
Thank you God for saving me
Thank you God for saving me
Thank you God for saving me
You gave your life upon the cross
You suffered once for all
You made a way
Jesus in victory you rose
You made us all your own
Now we are saved
You gave your life upon the cross
You suffered once for all
You made a way
Jesus in victory you rose
You made us all your own
Now we are saved
Thank you God for saving me
Thank you God
Thank you God for saving me
Thank you God for the cross
Thank you God for saving me, for saving me
I called your name, you heard my cry
Out of the grave, and into life
My heart is yours, my soul is free
Thank you God for saving me
Thank you God for saving me
Thank you God for saving me
From Luke 23 God drew my attention to Verse 47
Now the centurion, having seen what had taken place, [q]recognized God and thanked and praised Him, and said, Indeed, without question, this Man was upright (just and innocent)!
God said to me “Paths have been laid before you from those that have walked it, however, the path that is correct is the one that is most important. The path that is not wide, but that is straight. Others have taken juncture that have not been healthy. You will feel when you are on your path as long as you keep your heart open to Me.”
What this means to me is that it is so easy to fall into a path that is worn down with traffic and easier to not look up by taking it. What really helps us get closer to God is to look at the path that is pointed out by God, even if that path is thin and walked less, not conforming to worldly familiarity. God guides us and helps us choose correctly and always has our best interest in mind as we are all his children. Always remember God WANTS us to succeed.
In reading Luke 23 this is what I got from God. You should weep because your sins made it necessary that Jesus had to die. Weep over your transgressions, for your sins nailed the Redeemer to the cross. At Calvary Jesus died for your sins, and your salvation was accomplished. It was terrible for Him to endure such torture, but He freely chose to do it out of love for you. His love never fails. .Jesus prayed for His enemies, all throughout His ministry. You are also to love and pray for all your enemies. Love kept Jesus on the cross. One of the criminals on the cross, knew his own sin and knew Jesus had done nothing wrong. He believed Jesus was Lord, and he believed Jesus was who He said He was. Don’t wait until the last minute to trust Jesus. Place your trust in Him now, before it’s too late. Jesus promises you paradise. Jesus gave His life up when His work was finished. Go and serve Me in whatever way you can.
What this said to me was Jesus loved me enough to go to the cross. and die for me, and He died for me so my sins would be forgiven. I am not to take this for granted. I am to love and pray for all my enemies. I need to trust in Him now, before it is too late.