Generational Wealth
Read This Week: Luke 3
When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry. He was the son, so it was thought, of Joseph, the son of Heli. – Luke 3:21-23 NIV
One of the most powerful scenes contained in the Gospels is the baptism of Jesus. The day after many people had presented themselves to John for baptism, Jesus approached the Jordan River to be baptized. At first, John did not want to do it because He knew Jesus was the Son of God who did not require repentance. But the Lord wanted to officially start His public ministry by identifying with the sinners that He came to seek and save. He wanted to demonstrate fellowship with God and relate to those who needed his salvation.
When John brought Jesus out of the water, the people saw an amazing display of divine majesty. Father God spoke from heaven and audibly identified Jesus as His beloved Son and even pronounced His favor on Him. Then the Spirit visibly and tangibly came on Jesus in the form of a dove showing the world that He was empowered to do and complete the will of God. Can you imagine being in the crowd that day and witnessing such an incredible moment? It set the tone for the rest of Jesus’ ministry on earth.
Then Luke does an interesting thing on the heels of this awe-inspiring moment. He interjects into the narrative a genealogy of Jesus or a listing of his generational ancestors back to Adam. Verse 23 begins it like this:
Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry. He was the son, so it was thought, of Joseph, the son of Heli.
The Gospel writer was intentional; he knew that by placing the genealogy here, the reader would be instructed and reminded that the Son of God was also the incarnated Savior. Jesus was born into this world and part of a lineage that began with Adam. He was the God-Man who identified with the needs, hurts, struggles, and problems of mankind. Christ came from the line of David and was heir to his throne, signifying his kingship on earth and for all time in eternity.
This understanding of Jesus’ genealogy gives us a greater knowledge and insight into our status as an heir to Christ. It is the true generational wealth that can not be taken from us or lost in a deal or squandered by those who come after us. All believers, both men and women, become God’s children and heirs through faith in Christ. To know who we are in Him can deepen our love and motivate us to seek transformation by the Spirit. Galatians 3:26-29 sums this up best:
In Christ Jesus, you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Luke 3:4 says As it is written and forever remains written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet, John was “THE VOICE OF ONE SHOUTING IN THE WILDERNESS, ‘PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD, MAKE HIS PATHS STRAIGHT.
I see John taking his work for the Lord very serious, warning people, because he see their hearts. He may see their hearts not really desiring to want to have a change in their life. If you have given your life to Jesus your children of Father God. I see Father God just wanting us to want to, to desire having a relationship with Him. But it all starts with your heart first, wanting to grow in the ways of the Lord.
All you have to do is is ask Him to help you when your struggling, Help me Lord to desire good fruit to grow inside my heart, and to be concerned with helping others that desire that too!! We want our loved ones to make it in heaven too! We too need to be a voice in the wilderness, the world. Sometimes we may need to shout out to others like John to get their attention.
For years I have heard a man uptown that walks up and down the streets shouting Jesus saves, what a wonderful ministry he has, I got to meet him one day, a wonderful man of God. We may not have a ministry like that, but we can a have a voice for the Lord in someway all you have to do is ask God how to.
It may feel like you’re the only one trying to do something, but don’t give up, don’t let anyone discourage you, or try to get you to stop and go back into living the way God doesn’t want you too.
Be encouraged today God was with John and He is with you today and always.
Thank you Father God for a new day with you, we can start today, or we can continue in our journey with you, all we got to do is ask, seek and desire to be like Jesus. to desire to seek you with our whole heart. Love you Father God
Great commentary, Heidi. It is really an interesting idea to think about us being a voice in the wilderness of the world. But yet that is what God calls us to do. To tell others about Jesus and the Good News of the Gospel just as John did. the times and culture are different but the message and purpose are the same as John. That is a humbling thought to be used of God in that way.
In reading Luke 3, this was what God was saying to me. John’s message in this chapter was a call to repentance. Repent isn’t a feelings word, it is an action word. It’s a changing of the mind; a change of direction. True repentance will always bear fruit. The fruit it bears is love. You are to share and be fair with each other, and be happy with what you have. I look for your integrity. You don’t have to do impossible things. Be honest.
In baptism you are promised an overflowing of the Holy Spirit in your life. My power is always a transforming and purifying power. Jesus was baptized not because He was a sinner who needed to repent, but to identify Himself with sinful man. He identified with the sinful man on the cross, which includes you. He died so that your sins could be forgiven. In Jesus you can have the power of the Holy Spirit in you.
What this said to me was It’s hard to fathom how much Jesus loved me and He suffered and died on the cross so that I may be forgiven. I have freedom in Him. True repentance is what God wants from me, which means I need that change of direction and not just saying I repent. We need to continue to prepare the way to Jesus.
I appreciated this perspective you gave on Luke 3 and the practical nature of what a life in Christ looks like after repentance and changing direction:
You are to share and be fair with each other and be happy with what you have. I look for your integrity. You don’t have to do impossible things. Be honest.
A life that has changed direction is one that is generous, fair, and content. It is also one of integrity and honesty. Thank you for pointing out the fruit of a repentant life.
This Week in the Life: Luke 3
Sunday Worship: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/2022-0403-Worship1.wav
Sunday Message: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/2022-0403-Message.wav
Sunday Worship: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/2022-0403-Worship2.wav
This week, God gave me a song from Luke chapter 3 called “God’s Way”:
Let me tell you about our God
He never will leave us
Let me tell you about our God
His love is so powerful
He loves us no matter what
All we have to do is ask our God
He forgives us even when we get off track
Our God always makes a way
Our God always makes a way
Our God always makes a way for you and me
We’re trusting, believing with our heart
Our Lord will be leading us
He always makes a way even when we think there’s no way
Let me tell you about our God
He is an awesome God showing us the way, showing us the way. Amen.
Thank you God for never leaving us and helping us through all things. You give us strength when we need it and give us encouragement because you’re an amazing Father.
I love this song, Alma. I am thankful that God loves us no matter what and offers His forgiveness when we get off track or struggle in life. It is a wonderful and encouraging thought.