Don’t Give Up
Read This Week: Luke 18
Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. And will not God bring justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? – Luke 18:1, 7 NIV
Singer and songwriter Mike Adkins once penned these words that capture the essence of Christ-centered perseverance and trust in the sustaining nature of God when all human hope seems lost:
Don’t give up on the brink of a miracle
Don’t give in; God is still on the throne
Don’t give up on the brink of a miracle
Don’t give up; remember you’re not alone
The message of this song was conveyed centuries earlier by Jesus to his disciples in Luke 18 and should be a rallying cry for all Christians, no matter the era in which they live. It should be as Christ intended in verse 1 of this chapter to show us that we should always pray and not give up. To show us that our faith in God and His mighty provision is never vain, futile, or not worth it to our lives. To remind us that because of the power of God, we never have to give up on any circumstance or challenge we face on this journey.
The Bible is fraught with examples of those who refused to give up or quit in the face of long odds or seemingly insurmountable circumstances. In this passage, Jesus uses a widow and her pursuit of justice despite a godless, obstinate judge to illustrate the same point. Verse 3 says: And a widow in that town kept coming to him [the judge] with the plea, “Grant me justice against my adversary.”
This story takes place in a time when a woman did not have rights before the court, and this particular woman did not have a husband to stand with her. Furthermore, she had little money, so she could not sway the judge with wealth or means as was typical of those days. Still, despite these formidable obstacles, she kept coming to him with her plea.
The parable teaches us three things that apply to our lives today. One, the widow prayed and did not lose heart or get discouraged. Her requests and faith in the Lord kept her eyes on Him instead of the issues themselves. Two, she understood that her access to God and His abundant provision superseded that of the selfish judge. The law could not block her from receiving what the Lord could give her. Three, she acted like a child of God and not a hopeful stranger. She knew that God is a good Father and that He is attentive to the cries of His children, concerned about our needs, open-handed with His gifts, and ready to respond.
We would do well to emulate the widow because verse 7 tells us that God will bring justice to his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night; He will see that they get justice quickly. Knowing this truth, promise, and the heart of God should empower us with spiritual confidence. The widow did not quit or give in on the brink of what was in store for her faithfulness. She was steadfast in her belief that God was still sovereign, and despite losing her husband, she was far from alone. These beliefs enabled her to secure justice, find success, and experience a miracle. It can be for us as well if we don’t give up.
This week, God gave me a song from Luke 28 called “Faith”:
Let’s come together, singing to the Lord
Let’s come together, singing to our Lord.
We are trusting in you that all things are possible
We never have to be alone or worry.
Lay your troubles upon the Lord and be positive.
He is always with us.
Let’s come together, singing to the Lord
Let’s come together, singing to our Lord
Every moment, every minute of every day. Amen.
Our Lord wants nothing but the best for us. He is always working things out, even when we’re sleeping. Thank you, Lord.
This Week in the Life: Luke 18
For the best experience, we suggest that you listen to the first song, then the message, and then the second song.
1. Sunday Worship: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/2022-0717-Worship1.wav
2. Sunday Message: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/2022-0717-Message.wav
3. Sunday Worship: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/2022-0717-Worship2.wav
Join the Party Line Live – Schedule: https://reachchurch.org/connect
Luke 18:1 18 Now Jesus was telling the disciples a parable to make the point that at all times they ought to pray and not give up and lose heart,
I see Jesus encouraging His disciples through a parable how important it is to pray. meaning talk to God, to never give up and lose heart, because Father God is with us even if it feels like He is not, he is. He is listening, but we need to be listening too, because He is leading us, always helping us because He loves us.
I saw the word somewhere, P.U.S.H. Push until something happens, so wonderful!
so keep praying, talking to God and be listening because He can bring people into our life who can help us, or maybe God wants you to help someone. it’s so important that we keep seeking and listening.
So Keep praying meaning keep talking to Father God and keep trusting God through the process.
When you feel like giving up, push through with seeking, singing, reading your bible, ask people for help that’s what it’s all about, if they can’t help keep asking.
oh how Father God blessed us with this song for ladies bible study
Thank you Father God Your so faithful
Keep Praying
Song by Maverick City Music
Ah, eeh
Oh, ah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I can hear my daddy praying (mhm)
I can hear my mama singing, oh
It’s the only reason why I’m
Standing here, oh (ah)
They said prayer was a master key
If I pray then God would answer me, oh
He really did (He really did)
He showed me His care
Oh, His care, yeah
Every prayer today is a seed for tomorrow
Keep praying, keep praying
Oh, hold on to the faith and the blessing will follow
(Keep) keep praying, (keep praying) keep praying
Oh, we are living proof (oh)
Of what holding on can do (yeah)
(We are, we are) we are living proof
Of what holding on can do
And He sees every tear that’s falling, oh yeah
And He can feel the pain and burdens
And He hears every cry to Heaven
So let it rise, oh
Every prayer today is a seed for tomorrow
Keep praying (oh), keep praying
(Hold on to the faith) Hold on to the faith and the blessings will follow
(Keep praying) keep praying, (yeah, don’t you ever stop praying) keep praying (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Every prayer today is a seed for tomorrow
(Keep praying) keep praying, (don’t you ever stop praying) keep praying
(Hold on to the faith) hold on to the faith and the blessings will follow (Yeah)
Keep praying, keep praying
Oh, the prayers of the righteous, prayers
The affection will burn in prayers
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Don’t grow weary, keep believing
For in due season you’re gonna see it
Don’t give up (hey)
Don’t you ever give up
(There’s no way) there’s no way He could let you down
So keep your head up, knees to the ground
Don’t give up (oh)
Don’t you ever give up
(Don’t grow weary) don’t grow weary, keep believing
For in due season you’re gonna see it
Don’t give up
Don’t you ever give up
(Hey, there’s no way) there’s no way He could let you down
So keep your head up, knees to the ground
Don’t give up (hey)
Don’t you ever give up
(Don’t grow weary) don’t grow weary, keep believing
‘Cause in due season you’re gonna see it
Don’t give up
(Don’t you ever) don’t you ever give up
(And there’s no way) and there’s no way He could let you down
So keep your head up, knees to the ground
Don’t give up
(Don’t you ever give up) don’t you ever give up
Sing don’t give up (don’t give up)
Don’t you ever give up (don’t you ever give up)
Don’t give up (don’t give up)
He hears every cry (don’t you ever give up)
He sees every tear (don’t give up)
(?) (don’t you ever give up)
Prayer, let it rise (don’t give up)
Oh (don’t you ever give up)
And we are living proof (yes, we are, yes, we are)
Of what holding on can do (we’ve come too far, oh, to turn back)
We are living proof (yeah, yeah, ooh)
Of what holding on can do, oh
Say a prayer for your brother (mhm)
Say a prayer for your friend (corporately)
Say a prayer for someone who really needs it
And see the proof
Of what God can do
Say a prayer for your brother
Say a prayer for your friend
Say a prayer for someone who really needs it
And see the proof
(And see) and see the proof
(With our own two eyes) I see the proof
(We’ll see the proof) we’ll see the proof
(Not today, not today, but) we’ll see the proof
(Even if it tarries, we’ll see the proof) we’ll see the proof
(We’ll see the proof) we’ll see the proof
Of what God can do
Every prayer today is a seed for tomorrow
Keep praying, keep praying
Hold on to the faith and the blessings will follow
Keep praying, keep praying
Keep praying (keep praying)
Keep praying (Keep on praying)
Keep praying (keep on praying)
Keep praying (we all)
Keep praying (yeah)
Keep praying
Keep praying
I just recently heard this song, Heidi and it is powerful. Thank you for posting it here and blessing us with it. This is my favorite part and I relate to it so much in my life:
Oh, we are living proof (oh)
Of what holding on can do (yeah)
(We are, we are) we are living proof
Of what holding on can do
And He sees every tear that’s falling, oh yeah
And He can feel the pain and burdens
And He hears every cry to Heaven
I am so thankful that He sees me and hears me and in His sovereignty and mercy, felt my pain and responded to my cries. I am certainly living proof of His love and grace.
Thank you, Pastor Jason, for sharing that. It was awesome as always! I love to hear God through you. We’re all so thankful for you. I hope you feel extra blessed this week!
Thank you so much, Heidi! I am beyond blessed and humbled as I am every time I get to share and interact with you all. You are such a blessing to me and I pray for you all regularly and hope for God’s very best in your lives, families, and ministries.
Luke 18 verse 27
For Jesus is God in human flesh displaying the works of God to all around the Lord encourages us all to pray for He’s able to answer his certain sound. In all our struggles of life abound we know God knows our every thought his promises are sure in certain for in his word we are taught.
What that means to me!!
Always remember what’s impossible to man is possible to God. He knows all things are in His Holy Hands forever he will defeat all our foes!! Thank you God!! ❤️❤️
Hey All. God drew my attention to verses 9-14 in Luke 18. (AMPC)
“9 He also told this parable to some people who trusted in themselves and were confident that they were righteous [that they were upright and in right standing with God] and scorned and made nothing of all the rest of men:
10 Two men went up into the temple [[i]enclosure] to pray, the one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.
11 The Pharisee [j]took his stand ostentatiously and began to pray thus before and with himself: God, I thank You that I am not like the rest of men—extortioners (robbers), swindlers [unrighteous in heart and life], adulterers—or even like this tax collector here.
12 I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I gain.
13 But the tax collector, [merely] standing at a distance, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but kept striking his breast, saying, O God, be favorable (be gracious, be merciful) to me, the [k]especially wicked sinner that I am!
14 I tell you, this man went down to his home justified (forgiven and made upright and in right standing with God), rather than the other man; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
What God said to me about this is:
“Self assurance is still based on self rather than with Me. Self righteousness falls into a troubled area of believing the worldly ways and forgetting any blessings. The pharisee prayed to himself and essentially thanked himself. It is important to understand that nobody is perfect, but those who strive to be the best they can be with Me are perfect in my eyes.”
What it means to me is that it is up to us to be humble, to help those stand who are on their knees, realize that we are not perfect and always need to keep an open heart to learning what lessons God teaches.
In reading Luke 18, this s what I got from God. You should always be in the Spirit of prayer. Pray without ceasing. Pray throughout the day thanking Me. Don’t lose heart. Don’t let your prayer be a last resource instead of it being a first resource. I love to answer your prayers. I am on your side, when you pray. If it seems like I am delaying a response, I am changing you.. Guard against a persistence of unbelief. You don’t have to pray for the same thing over and over, as if I am not hearing you. I love to care for My children. Have faith. Don’t pray to yourself. That means that your focus is more on you, than me. Relay on My mercy and compassion. Pray for Me to be merciful to you as a sinner. Approach Me in humility and with true humbleness.. My Son Jesus knows how to communicate in the way that you need. Children receive blessings from Jesus with out trying to make themselves worthy of it. You need to receive My blessings the same way.
What this said to me is that I should pray constantly. I need to thank God throughout he day. I should pray before I do something, rather than after. I need to trust Him and have faith. God answers prayer in His timing,, not mine.