Deep Water
Read This Week: Luke 5
One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, the people were crowding around him and listening to the word of God. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything, and followed him. – Luke 5:1-11 NIV
A strange and seemingly debilitating contradiction exists within our hearts. We long to be and feel alive and want adventure. We want the release of endorphin and adrenaline and the desire to tempt fate. We want to be purposeful and leave a legacy. But, we can often lack faith and courage and are so averse to the risk that will ultimately allow us to experience it all. We often want to stay in the shallow, safe part of the waters of life when God may be calling us to go into deeper water with and for Him.
Luke 5 captures this kind of scene with the calling of the disciples. Jesus is teaching the people, and in the background are fishermen, some who would be called disciples of Christ. What’s interesting is that fishermen have a lot of the qualities it takes to successfully serve the Lord – courage, patience, determination, and faith. On this day, though, they lacked these things after fishing all night and catching nothing. Jesus stepped in and said to them: Put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch.
The Lord challenges them to a greater vision and understanding of their lives. Even though they knew what they were doing and were adept at their craft, they limited their potential by lacking faith. But Jesus encourages and challenges them to “launch out into the deep.” He says go farther, dig deeper, and do a little more because there is a payoff if you trust Me. The disciples trust the word of God and verse 6 says:
When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.
How much do we miss out on in our lives and mission by not trusting God? Fear and apathy can grip us in life no matter the circumstances, the environment, or what we undergo. Whether it’s huge, or we fear the potential of something being huge, we can be gripped with uncertainty, and not put ourselves out there. The disciples discover what happens when we are obedient to the word of God even when we don’t understand what He is asking us to do. Jesus said in verse 10:
“Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything, and followed him.
God is saying the same thing to us in our generation. This movement into the deep water of life is what He wants; to go further with Him on the mission. Jesus made us a promise that He would be with there even to the end of the age. His promises are real and constant, and we can base our lives on them. We can take them with us and hold them in deep water when tempted to be afraid, relent to unbelief, or give up.
Just as He did for the disciples that day on the shore of the lake, God has great plans and purposes for our lives, and He wants us to risk, place our faith in, and be obedient to Him. The glory of God can often be seen most prominently in the deep water. Our prayer is that God gives us the strength and power to wade into them and be successful with His help.
I love the story because it shows that when you are hanging out with Jesus amazing things happen. And he’s always seeking to inspire you to take it to the next level with him.
Truer words have never been spoken: When you are hanging out with Jesus amazing things happen. He always seems to turn the ordinary into something extraordinary. We see it all throughout the Bible and in our own lives. It is truly the next level doing life with God.
Just an upward look, a glance, will change and save you.
A glimpse, into the life will bring glory.
One peek of his grace, so by faith, God’s love you may embrace.
What that means to me is there can be times in life when you feel like giving up. Personally, when I feel that way I reflect and wear my energy and whether it leads to peace and balance. So when things aren’t right just open up God’s word and see all of God‘s light, His glory, his grace, and his faith. All God wants is a change of heart and mind.
I love this, Jeri. That last line keeps sticking out to me every time I read what you wrote: One peek of his grace, so by faith, God’s love you may embrace. One peek of his grace and receptivity of His love does indeed bring balance and peace to our lives. As you said, it only takes a glimpse into His glory to make all things new.
From Luke 5 verse 11:
I will follow Jesus, wherever he leads me to.
I will go after Him and leave everything behind.
And put all my trust in Him.
What that means to me is that we should always follow Jesus no matter what storms we go through and always be by His side wherever we go.
I love this, Jeri. May we put all of our trust in God and leave everything else behind. Your post made me think of the old song “Where He Leads Me”:
I can hear my Savior calling,
I can hear my Savior calling,
I can hear my Savior calling,
“Take thy cross and follow, follow Me.”
Where He leads me I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow,
I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way.
I’ll go with Him through the waters,
I’ll go with Him through the waters,
I’ll go with Him through the waters,
I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way.
10-11 Jesus said to Simon, “There is nothing to fear. From now on you’ll be fishing for men and women.” They pulled their boats up on the beach, left them, nets and all, and followed him.( message)
I love this verse because Jesus is teaching us to not be afraid, have no fear, Stop and follow Him. He is with us, we can minister everywhere we go.
This is Jesus’ ministry, Fishing for people and it’s ours too! He is teaching us how to fish for people too!
All you have to do is to want to, desire to be like Jesus and when it seems like nothing is happening as you fish for people is when you have to trust God with your whole heart and speak life, think different than how others think, continue to speak as the Holy Spirit helps you to speak, stay committed to your ministry with Jesus, He knows the out come, just continue to listen and do as your led to, and leave the rest for God to do His part!
Our job is to help them get stared!
Than you God that we get to be apart of what Your doing!! Love you
I have always been touched and overwhelmed by the notion that God desires to use us to reach other people for Him. He doesn’t need us, He is not limited in His power to save, but He chooses to use us as vessels to see others know and love Him. This part of your post really stood out to me:
This is Jesus’ ministry, fishing for people and it’s ours too! He is teaching us how to fish for people. All you have to do is to want to, desire to be like Jesus and when it seems like nothing is happening as you fish for people is when you have to trust God with your whole heart and speak life.
You are so right, Heidi. All we have to do is have a willing heart and be available through God’s power to speak life and truth to others as we are equipped by the Holy Spirit to fish for people.
I love this song: https://youtu.be/o0suPTeFjrM This is what it’s all about. Here are some sweet lyrics to the song, “I Will Make You Fishers of Men”:
I Will Make You Fishers Of Men, Fishers Of Men, Fishers Of Men
I Will Make You Fishers Of Men, If You Follow Me
If You Follow Me , I Will Make You Fishers Of Men, If You Follow Me.
Hear Christ Calling Come Unto Me , Come Unto Me, Come Unto Me
Hear Christ Calling Come Unto Me
I Will Give You Rest, I Will Give You Rest
Hear Christ Calling Come Unto Me
I Will Give You Rest
Thank you for posting this, Heidi. That takes me back to my childhood yet the words and message are still so true and profound today. I am thankful that God called to me and the rest that He has provided in my life by His Spirit’s power all these years.
This Week in the Life: Luke 5
Sunday Worship: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/2022-0417-Worship1.wav
Sunday Message: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/2022-0417-Message.wav
Sunday Worship: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/2022-0417-Worship2.wav
This is what I got from Luke 5 from God. It is important for you to do what I ask, because you believe in My son Jesus, not because the circumstances are right. When Jesus directs your work, you will see results, but you will miss out on something great when you make up excuses and don’t follow through. The demands of your life should not keep you from Me. It should push you to pray, and to also worship Me. You need this to be able to recharge and hear from Me.
Jesus withdrew at times to be with Me, and you can receive light and power from Me if you do this. Your faith should be seen by your actions. Only I can solve your sin problem. You must know in your heart, that I have truly forgiven you, because of what Jesus did on the cross for you. Forgiveness is a gift of My grace. There is wonderful healing power in the word of Jesus, in His promises, for those who come to Him in faith. Jesus is the physician of your soul. Come to Him.
You will not get better on your own. He is always available, and He provides a complete cure. You can’t fit your new life into your old ways. You can have a whole new life. Don’t stay in your old ways because they are comfortable. I have much more for you.
What this said to me is that I need to spend more time with God, and not let the world distract me, and take me away from Him. I need to really believe I am forgiven. I need to trust Him. I won’t get better on my own.
This is a wonderful commentary on Luke 5, Kathy with so many important and deep insights about communing with God and finding that place to truly connect with Him, grow in grace, and heal through forgiveness and sanctification. These were the thoughts that stood out to me:
Jesus withdrew at times to be with Me, and you can receive light and power from Me if you do this… You will not get better on your own. He is always available, and He provides a complete cure.
If Jesus did it then it should stand as an example and template for our own lives. If He needed the solitary place and time with the Father, then how much more do we need it in our lives? He is always there as you said and indeed does hold the permanent solution for our sin and every problem we encounter.
I have a song this week from Luke 5 called “Closer to You”:
We worship you, we worship you, oh Lord we worship you
Becoming closer to you, our Lord
He loves when we go to him first
He is our comfort, our teacher, our healer
Our Lord loves when we go to church and do ministry together
We worship you, we worship you, oh Lord we worship you
Bringing your children together. Amen.
Our God is so amazing sometimes when we go through things, we forget to go to him. But praise God at that moment he will help you. Our God is an amazing Father.
I love this song, Alma. This was my favorite part this week:
He loves when we go to him first
He is our comfort, our teacher, our healer
The Lord loves us so much and desires so much for us to seek and pursue Him. He wants us to come to Him first and not after we’ve exhausted all earthly avenues. As you said, he is the one who brings the comfort, truth and healing that we need. May we enter into His presence first and foremost in everything our lives encounter.