An Intentional Life
Read This Week: John 4
Now Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that he was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John— although it was not Jesus who baptized but his disciples. So he left Judea and went back once more to Galilee. Now he had to go through Samaria. – John 4:1-4 NIV
It is more than evident throughout the whole of the Gospels and the NT witness that Jesus was constantly and intentionally on mission. Everything he did was for a kingdom and spiritual purpose. This evidence of an intentional life is clear in John 4 within the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman. A close look at the context of this decisive moment in Jesus’ ministry shows us what it looks like to be on mission versus living for a cause. It also shows us that being intentional can lead to life-changing moments.
An intentional life is a proactive life full of strength and power that is not dictated by or reactionary to events, circumstances, and people. At first glance, the beginning of the chapter could lead one to believe that Jesus left Judea because the Pharisees were noticing him and starting to get suspicious. But we discover in verses 3-4 the real reason for his departure. It says: So he left Judea and returned to Galilee once more. Now he had to go through Samaria. He had to go to Samaria. Jason wasn’t running from or reacting to the Pharisees; He had a divine appointment with the woman at the well.
Jesus’ intention and desire to go to Samaria is more impactful because the Jews frequently avoided Samaria when traveling from Judea to Galilee because of their hatred for the Samaritans. They would go miles and miles out of their way to avoid having to pass through the area. But Jesus had to go there. He had to go to have a conversation with a broken, confused woman dealing with chaotic life choices.
The Savior had to go to the Samaritan woman to show her love, grace, and mercy and share truth with her in a way that would lead to redemption. He had to go to get drinking water from her at the well while giving her living water for all eternity. He had to go so that an entire town would believe in the Lord Jesus Christ from her experience and be saved. Verse 39 says:
Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony.
We can live with the same intentionality and purpose that Jesus did. The Holy Spirit can empower us daily with a heightened awareness of His mission and what He’s called us to do in the world. God can give us the wisdom and strength to go to the places and to the people who need a touch from Him and to see His light.
An intentional life is one of success and one that has the potential to have an eternal impact on not just one person but a whole community. We don’t have to be swayed or influenced by the culture, outside voices, and circumstances. We can have an intentional life on mission propelled by an inward experience of Jesus continually changing and guiding us.
This week in John chapter 4 I got a song
We believe
We believe in you we believe in you we believe in you our Lord trusting our Lord above all things you are our counselor our healer our provider thanking you thanking you for all you do we are treasures of the Lord as we give our lives to the Lord we have his spirit in our hearts his spirits living in our hearts trusting you our Lord trusting you we have a spirit of the Lord the spirit of the lord we have the spirit of the Lord amen
Our Lord is so Amazing He will never leave you. When we believe and trust in him we never will be thirsty. Everytime I’m with others in the spirit he fills me up. Thank you my family of God
This Week in the Life: John 4
For the best experience, we suggest you listen to the first song, then the message, and then the second song.
1. Sunday Worship: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/2022-0925-Worship1.wav
2. Sunday Message: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/2022-0925-Message.wav
3. Sunday Worship: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/2022-0925-Worship2.wav
Join the Party Line Live – Schedule: https://reachchurch.org/connect
Thank you, Father, for divine appointments. It is incredible to do things with you and see your miracles in my life and the lives of the people you connect with me. It is such a privilege and honor. Thank you, Jesus, for being such an excellent example for me.
I love this song
because Jesus didn’t wait for this woman at the well to call out to Him. It was a divine appointment for sure.
I know she was so grateful because she ran into town to share the good news what Jesus had given her, it was the best gift of all, He set her free. I remember my divine appointment when I heard His voice calling me through my friend I am so grateful that I get to be apart God’s family too!
You to can be apart of divine appointments with Father God every where you go, you can be excited and share the good news with someone.
Just like the woman at the well had made wrong choices but God blessed her with salvation because He loves her too. She got a new start on life, a second chance to learn how to live life with Father God and He will help her to make better choices for herself.
You too can have a new start on life, if you haven’t given your life to Him yet do it today you can call someone here the phone number is 704-703-5069.
If you have you can be apart of divine appointments everywhere you go with Father God, ask Him He will connect you with someone. Have fun it’s exciting!!
Thank you Father God that we can have a better life with You forever and ever.
I’m so grateful to You Jesus for saving me it’s the best gift I have ever received. I love you so much
Heart of Worship – I’m Forever Grateful
You did not wait for me
to draw near to You
But You clothed Yourself
with frail humanity
You did not wait for me
to cry out to You
But You let me hear Your Voice
calling me
And I’m Forever Grateful to You
I’m Forever Grateful for The Cross
I’m Forever Grateful to You
That You came to seek and save the lost
You did not wait for me
to draw near to You
But You clothed Yourself
with frail humanity
You did not wait for me
to cry out to You
But You let me hear Your Voice
calling me
And I’m Forever Grateful to You
I’m Forever Grateful for The Cross
I’m Forever Grateful to You
That You came to seek and save the lost
I’m Forever Grateful to You
I’m Forever Grateful for The Cross
I’m Forever Grateful to You
That You came to seek and save the lost
And I’m Forever Grateful to You
I’m Forever Grateful for The Cross
I’m Forever Grateful to You
That You came to seek and save the lost
And I’m Forever Grateful to You
I’m Forever Grateful for The Cross
I’m Forever Grateful to You
That You came to seek and save the lost
This is what I got from John 4. When Jesus met with the woman at the well, I and My Son were most glorified in this display of love and goodness to the woman. This woman would have been despised by most of the religious leaders, in that time. Jesus made her curious about the things of God, and also He made her curious about who He was, and about what He could give her. The more you study My word, and worship Me, then you will pray more because you know Me more. Living water means the spiritual water, that quenches spiritual thirst, and gives life. This thirst represents the spiritual need and longing that everyone has. This water gives lasting satisfaction. I want you to drink of the water that Jesus gives. You are thirsty for other things, but only what Jesus gives, satisfies the deepest level pf your soul and spirit. If you drink of what Jesus offers, and later feel thirsty and empty again, drink again. This water flows continuously. The continual connection with Jesus is what truly satisfies you. This water creates something life giving in your heart. Like the woman at the well, your sins need to be confronted. You have to decide what you love more; your sin or the Messiah. True worship is found in Spirit and truth. I want you to come to Me in truth, not to pretend or display spirituality. Bring others to Me, by telling them about what Jesus is, and how He has impacted your life. Focus on doing My will.
What this said to me as shown by the whole experience of the woman at the well, Jesus wants me to come to Him, confess my sin, repent, and to put my trust in Him. He won’t show me anger, or nonacceptance. He will show me His love, mercy, and his goodness.