A New Point of View
Read This Week: 2 Corinthians 5
So from now on, we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. – 2 Corinthians 5:16-19 NIV
We are human beings, therefore we have a human point of view. We are also finite, and that makes our point of view limited and bound to the restrictions of our fallibility. Because we judge, critique, and see things from a human standard, we value ourselves and people based on outward appearances and superficial criteria. Our point of view is rooted in our humanity and inherently flawed.
In 2 Corinthians 5, after telling the people of Corinth that Christians should live by faith in God and not by human sight, Paul also says that they need a new point of view. He encourages them to allow the Holy Spirit to work in their lives, to shift their view of Christ, themselves, and their evaluation of other people. He draws a definitive line in the sand and writes, “So from now on, we regard no one from a worldly point of view.”
From this point on, we see Jesus as the Savior who brought grace by his death and life by his resurrection. We see ourselves as new creations in Christ with new life. And we regard others as those whom God loves and seeks to reconcile to himself while not counting their sins against them.
Our relationship with God changes our thoughts. We become His representatives that don’t see things from a worldly point of view anymore. We are new people with new eyes. The way we lead our family, conduct business, treat our friends and co-workers and see the world comes from God’s perspective. Our decisions, activities, words, and life positioning, all have His agenda in mind. The human mindset and angle take a back seat to what the Lord wants to do.
Verse 21 says, “God made him (Jesus) who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” People who have become the righteousness of God in Christ, don’t live like they used to and don’t have the point of view of their old self. They seek reconciliation, not hostility. They express love, not hate or indifference. They fight for unity and don’t contribute to divisiveness. They pursue holiness, not just the bare minimum of human goodness.
God makes his appeal through us to the world, therefore, we should align our thinking and lives with Him. An impactful life for God requires a new point of view, His.
Responding to God and becoming new is a game-changer. You are now a son or a daughter of God, royalty and have access to all the privileges and benefits associated with who is in Christ. I think it’s so sad to see Christians going through life defeated. God says, “I am the lifter of your head,” and it’s so true. Realizing this, and having a transformation in how you view yourself and conduct yourself, is vital to your success in life with God.
I want to encourage you to be all you can be. Be bold and courageous and take each day seriously on your mission with God. God is saying to me and I submit this to you for your judgment: “I made you in my image and I have now empowered you with my Holy Spirit for you to go on a special assignment and mission with me. My plans for you are good, to bless you and give you a future, so be bold and courageous, I am the lifter of your head.”
That’s a great parallel to victorious living, Ken. The new creation that we become in Christ should propel us to live above the constant defeat that we experience before we become a believer. The transforming view of ourselves and others lifts our perspective and line of sight to live on mission with God in an effective way.
This is so powerful Ken, especially in the times we are in. We have God to lift us and uplift us! It is now more than ever that we are to be strong and courageous. I love this.
What God brought my attention to is 2 Corinthians 5:1. He gave me these words: “In light of what is happening in the world it is important to know that you are never alone. It is not wise to be fearful as you know that I am with you, and your heavenly house awaits you. There are many positives to be seen while others focus on the negative. This is what makes you my son, a son of God. You have your earthly shelter, but an immovable heavenly home, no matter what happens here on earth. So take your positivity and share with others, the happiness, the love and the glory my son.”
To me this is God’s way of showing us that there is much to be happy about and even when things seem dire by media fear, public panic, and overall craziness, we can focus our thoughts on and with God and be at peace, knowing we are children of God and ALL will be ok. We are so blessed to have this peace and understanding. Thank you God.
So true Javaid. If we don’t trust God and represent a life secure in God’s hands now, then when? We are meant to be shining examples for the lost and to encourage the family, right in the middle of the storm. God’s peace and provision are for us to enjoy, and to share with others. It’s a wonderful time to be a Christian.
2 Corinthians 5:18 says, “But all things are from God, who through Jesus Christ reconciled us to Himself [received us into favor, brought us into harmony with Himself] and gave to us the ministry of reconciliation [that by word and deed we might aim to bring others into harmony with Him].”
Pleasing God and doing life with God is the main thing in life. He has given everyone a ministry. A ministry of hope, to bring others into harmony with Him and to share Hope with others, not only during these times, but all the time. For Christians, this is the time to tell others about Jesus and share your testimony and your faith out of God’s love.
Ministry is service to God and being a servant to those God has put in our life to reach out to. If you have extra toilet paper you can share it with others. Ask God for scripture to put in there to encourage someone. God is with us, He is going to work out everything for our good. Trust Him and rely on Him.
God is saying to us through this time: “I am your provider, I am the Hope everyone needs, continue to serve and bring Harmony into people’s lives, speak life, Hope, encourage others That I am right there to help, bring life to their situation. What it takes is to do life with Me because I love you! Will you trust Me?”
Thank you for this reminder of what the essence of ministry is, Heidi. It is truly about serving people in the name of Jesus. Your practical advice in these hard times reminded me of Jesus’ words in Mark 9:41, “Anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to the Messiah will certainly not lose their reward.”
I agree it is about trust. Trusting God and trusting His direction and guidance when He calls us to serve other people in any season of life.
I got a poem from 2 Corinthians 5 verse 7:
Sometimes I don’t understand God’s plan or path for me.
So by faith, I will follow.
Trusting Him for what I can’t see.
Sometimes I can’t vision where God wants me to go.
So by faith, I will follow.
Believing the way He will show.
Sometimes I do not hear what God desires me to do.
So by faith, I will follow.
Praying He will give me a clue.
What that means to me is that sometimes I don’t know God’s path or plan for me. I will follow God and seek Him knowing that He will help me see the path and the plan He has for me and my life.
This is so beautiful and profound, Jeri. Thank you for sharing your art and creativity from your heart. I saved this to Evernote and will refer to it from time-to-time in regards to trusting God and his plan for me. It is so good.
What God was saying to me this week fit in with what we are going through now. There is much more to you than just your body. My Son Jesus has been preparing a place for you in Heaven. Resurrection is how I save your body. I want you to earnestly desire Heaven. I am preparing you right now for your eternal destiny. The presence of the Holy Spirit in your life will give you confidence. Right now My presence is a matter of faith. You must walk by faith and not by sight. Make faith part of every daily activity. There are some opportunities for pleasing Me that you will only have while you are present in your body. It is possible to have a saved soul and a wasted life. Your motives for service is important, and you want to serve with a right heart. Persuade others to come to Jesus, so they can be delivered too. What do you glory in? I look at your heart. You should be motivated by the love of My Son Jesus. It will compel you to serve others. This love has power. Jesus gave you new life, not to live for yourself, but to live for Him. Being a new creation is a gift from Me, received by faith. Live your life as a new creation.
What this said to me is as long as I am alive I will serve others. God’s power will give me confidence and strength. In these hard times we are to walk by faith and not what we see. God has our backs and we will get through this.