Walk Faithfully

Read This Week: Exodus 23

Do not spread false reports. Do not help a guilty person by being a malicious witness. “Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong. When you give testimony in a lawsuit, do not pervert justice by siding with the crowd, and do not show favoritism to a poor person in a lawsuit. – Exodus 23:1-3 NIV

Exodus 23 begins by addressing truth-telling and justice. The text warns against spreading false rumors, following the crowd in doing wrong things, and showing favoritism in disputes, whether to the rich or the poor. It delves into the issues of impartiality and honesty as the bedrock of justice and a way to live as a society.

In a world where national and social media propagates and amplifies misinformation and peer pressure often sway decisions, this passage reminds us to seek truth and act with integrity no matter the outside influence. Justice is not about popularity or convenience but about fairness and accountability. Before sharing news or opinions, the principles of the OT law and the teachings of Jesus and Paul call us to pause and verify their accuracy. We should commit to advocating for fairness, even when it’s unpopular or difficult.

Verses 4-5 provide an unexpected directive: if you encounter your enemy’s ox or donkey wandering, you must return it. If the animal is struggling under a heavy load, you must help, regardless of personal grievances. This teaching rises above mere legality; it calls for compassion that transcends enmity. It challenges our instinct for revenge or indifference toward those we dislike. By fostering goodwill even toward enemies, we build bridges rather than barriers. Next time we’re faced with an opportunity to help someone we dislike or disagree with, act on it. Unexpected kindness can heal relationships and transform hearts.

Verses 10-12 reiterates the importance of the Sabbath, extending rest not just to people but also to animals and the land. Every seventh year, the land was to lie fallow so the poor could glean its produce, and the Sabbath day ensured rest for all, including servants and foreigners. These practices reveal God’s care for creation and commitment to equitable provision. They remind us that rest is not a luxury but a necessity—for people, communities, and the environment. In our fast-paced, productivity-driven culture, embrace rhythms of rest. Take intentional breaks to rejuvenate your body, soul, and relationships.

Verses 13-19 take us to laws concerning worship that emphasize devotion to God, keeping the festivals, and offering the best of what we have. Worship was an act of reverence, gratitude, and commitment to the Lord. This section challenges us to prioritize God and give Him our best—not just in material offerings but in our time, energy, and focus. These passages challenge us today and ask us to consider how we structure our time and resources. Are we offering God the first fruits of our lives, or merely what’s left over after everything else?

Verses 20-33 bring the chapter to its conclusion with a promise: God would send an angel to guide and protect the Israelites on their journey. Their success, however, depended on obedience and faithfulness. They were warned against adopting the practices of the nations they would encounter and were promised blessings if they remained faithful. This section highlights the interplay of divine provision and human responsibility. God provides guidance, but we must choose to follow. We can trust God’s timing and direction, even when the path seems uncertain. Obedience may require letting go of practices or habits that conflict with our faith.

This chapter of Exodus calls us to live lives marked by justice, compassion, integrity, and faithfulness. Whether in our interactions with others, our care for creation, or our relationship with God, this chapter challenges us to align our lives with God’s word and His principles. As we navigate a complex and often unjust world, may we embody this timeless wisdom, becoming people who stand for truth, extend compassion, practice rest, and walk faithfully with Father God. In doing so, we honor Christ and contribute to a more just and merciful world.


  1. Trina on November 30, 2024 at 12:58 pm

    Exodus Chapter 23 Verse 20
    Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep and guard you on the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.

    Exodus Chapter 23 Verse 21
    Give heed to hHm, listen to and obey His voice; be not rebellious before Him or provoke Him, for He will not pardon your transgression; for My Name is in Him.

    ~I Am The Angel Of The Lord Who Brought You Out
    Of Sin~

    God Is Saying To Me:
    My child, I am the same yesterday, today and tomorrow! I am always with you in your presence and in you. I am the Lord and have judgment over you. My name reveals who you are in me.

    What This Means To Me:
    1. The Angel of the Lord is Jesus. He is spiritual and of divine nature.
    2. This Angel has the authority and prestige of God’s name.
    3. The Angel will bring the Israelites into the promised land, preparing a place that God has spiritually touched.
    4. Our lives are destined for an eternal resting place. Father God through Jesus will walk before us and with us going forward. God’s power provides for us salvation by faith in Christ and leads us to a promised land Heaven) when we are obedient to His words and directions.
    5. Forever be careful when presenting the message of salvation. We must not just talk the talk; God expects us to walk the walk!

  2. Heidi on December 1, 2024 at 9:44 am

    Exodus 23: 20 “Behold, I am going to send an [d]Angel before you to keep and guard you on the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared. 21 Be on your guard before Him, listen to and obey His voice; do not be rebellious toward Him or provoke Him, for He will not pardon your transgression, since My Name (authority) is in Him. 22 But if you will indeed listen to and truly obey His voice and do everything that I say, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries.

    Walking in Faith in our journey with our Father God
    Who is leading us if we will listen and obey to do great things with Him

    Father God has a plan for our life. It’s a wonderful journey.
    We do have to trust his guidance, even when the path looks unclear. Before the Israelites even stepped forward, we see God assuring them that he has gone ahead of them.
    That Angel in verse 20 it’s capitalized because it’s Jesus.
    Jesus was in the beginning in Genesis. Jesus is in revelations so He is with us always. the Angel
    foreshadows Jesus Christ. Jesus is our ultimate mediator between God and us.
    God has blessed us us with His Holy Spirit to help us and guide us.
    If we’re listening, we can hear him so like in verse 21 you want to pay careful attention to him and obey his voice.
    When you do, you can feel his peace in your heart. God loves us. He wants to bless us..
    God gives us wonderful promises, but often they do come with conditions that requires us to participate.
    It says to be on your guard before him listen to and obey his voice do not be rebellious towards him or provoke him.
    Rebellion leads to consequences. We don’t want to ignore God‘s directions because it can result in unnecessary struggles. God‘s commands are not burden some They are meant to protect you to help you so you want to be sensitive to God‘s leading. When you do that it turns out good.
    As we read scriptures in the Bible, they are to help us. We can see where the people were either listening or they were not, and we can see what happens when they don’t. So we don’t want to turn away from God‘s clear instructions over choosing our own way.
    Like choosing doubt or having strife in your heart, complaining, wanting to go back to places that were not good for you, or having lack of faith can cause unnecessary suffering and delays. God does have a plan for your life, but you can cause delays in his plan. You can turn away From the plans that God has for you rebellion often comes from a lack of faith so to avoid this, you must trust in God‘s plans even when they don’t make sense. One way is for you to be thankful today for what God has blessed you with and remember how faithful God has been to you. Seek God with your whole heart, when you start doubting worship Jesus and go to the throne instead of the phone. Seek God first don’t go around telling everyone, why because God is the one who can help you through whatever you’re going through.. Ask Him, listen to His voice first .
    It’s OK to go to someone who loves the Lord with all their heart ,is seeking and faithful to Jesus
    Someone who is going to tell you the truth and pray with you. And help you to do your part. and the right thing.
    I hear God saying
    Your obedience shows that you’re trusting in Me and it opens doors to blessings.
    Rebellion leads to harm, but obedience leads to life and victory. You do not have to do life alone because I am with you. I go before you. I’m all around you. I’m omnipresent. Trust in my power and timing. I am patient but do not test my grace. I love you so turn to me for what you need because what I desire for you is to be faithful ,to trust me and I want your whole heart
    And you’re soul and you will experience my peace and my love. Love you. ❤️

  3. PK Chat on December 1, 2024 at 11:03 am

    Do you take time to reflect on what God has done for you in the past—how He guided, helped, and blessed you along the way?

    Taking time to remember God’s faithfulness is vital for continuing your journey and moving forward with confidence. Reflecting on His past help and guidance strengthens your faith and prepares you for the next step in your life.

    I can recall countless times when the Lord stepped in and provided for me. Those moments fill me with confidence that He will do it again and again. Through these experiences, I’ve learned to trust in Him, His leadership, and His provision. I know He will guide me and supply what I need to navigate life’s challenges.

    1. Remember and Acknowledge God’s Blessings: Take time to reflect on all that He has done for you. Gratitude strengthens your faith.

    2. Trust in God’s Guidance: When you follow His lead, He will show you the way and equip you to persevere.

    3. Journey with God into a Bright Future: As you learn His ways and walk closely with Him, you will experience His blessings and discover a fulfilling path forward.

  4. reachchurch on December 1, 2024 at 12:46 pm

    This Week in the Life: Exodus 23

    For the best experience, we suggest you listen to the first song, the message, and then the second song.

    1. Sunday Worship – First Song: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/20241201-Worship1.wav
    2. Sunday Message: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/20241201-Message.wav
    3. Sunday Worship – Second Song: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/20241201-Worship2.wav

    Join the Party Line Live – Schedule: https://reachchurch.org/connect

  5. Alma on December 4, 2024 at 3:07 pm

    This week in Exodus chapter 23I got a song

    Let’s come together to worship our Lord. Let’s come together to worship our Lord being thankful for your angels helping and guiding us through our journey. We are trusting in you, Lord each and every day you live in our hearts we want to serve you faithfully walking in our journey every day is a new day. Every day is a new day with you, Lord. We are blessed, you are the love of our life our protector our healer our comforter we thank you thank you for guiding us loving us today and every day amen

    Dad loves us when we walk and I am trusting in him through all things. Amen.

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