The Unfilled Seat
Read This Week: Mark 11
When they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks over it, he sat on it. Many people spread their cloaks on the road, while others spread branches they had cut in the fields. Those who went ahead and those who followed shouted, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!” “Hosanna in the highest heaven!” – Mark 11:7-10 NIV
Jesus Christ is unique. He is unique in all of eternity and human history. When Christ was on earth, his uniqueness was most seen in the hypostatic union of His humanity and divinity coming together in one individual existence. Out of this supernatural reality came another tenant of what made Jesus unique – His claim to be God. The author Thomas Schultz once wrote:
Not one recognized religious leader, not Moses, Paul, Buddha, Mohammed, Confucius, etc., has ever claimed to be God, that is, except for Jesus Christ. Christ is the only leader who has ever claimed to be a deity and the only individual who has ever convinced so many in the world that He is God.
This distinction that makes Jesus stand out among all the rest is also why He was the only one who could ride on that donkey into Jerusalem that day. He was the fulfillment of its prophecy, the Messiah for whom they had been looking. Jesus was the answer for everything, and that was His rightful seat of honor. He was the only one who could fill the unfilled seat. No one else had the power, authority, divinity, and eternal existence for the people to shout the things they did in verses 9-10:
Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father, David! Hosanna in the highest heaven!
These were the distinctions reserved for Jesus. He is the only one who claimed to be God, holds equality with God, raised the dead, forgave sins, died an atoning death, and rose from the dead. He is also the only one who said He is coming back for us. The person of Christ should always sit in that seat of honor.
He still deserves that place in the world and our hearts today. Often, just like the crowds that day who would later call for Him to be crucified, the root of our sin comes from trying to fill the seat Jesus alone can fill. We want to crown another and give them the throne of our lives instead of the one who rightly deserves it. We want to give the seat to a friend, a spouse, a job, a position, money, influence, and even ourselves. But none of these are worthy to sit there above all the others.
Jesus should be the occupant of the unfilled seat in our hearts first and foremost and therefore remain in control of our relationships, families, work, and activities. May we spread our coats on the road of our lives in front of Him. May we cut palm branches to wave in His honor as we shout, Hosanna (Save Us), and quote Scripture in our darkest and brightest moments. May we recognize Christ as supreme and yield to His authority to sit in the unfilled seat for all of our days and not just when we feel like celebrating Him.
I love this song because it goes along with the beginning of Mark 11 verse 9 where it says, Those who went in front and those who were following Jesus were shouting (in joy and peace) Hosanna! Hosanna (Save I pray)! Blessed (praised, glorified) Is He who comes in the Name of the LORD!
Jesus came in peace. All eyes on Jesus, for those who want to see Him, for those who know in their heart who He is! Because when we know Him in our hearts we can find the strength to face the day, I’m sure Jesus was getting strength from our Father too for the day. Like the song says when were praising Father God and Jesus, singing, worshiping in His presence all our fears are washed away, Hosanna Hosanna He is worthy of our praise.
It was a special day for everyone who opened up their hearts that day and was a part of celebrating why Jesus came, He came to save us spiritually. I believe Father God showed me years ago that we don’t have to welcome Him where we are at because He is already here. If you read Psalm 139 it says God is omnipresent and omniscient. We get to enter into His presence. Read it, It’s one of my favorites because it shows we can’t go anywhere where Father God is not.
Praise is rising, eyes are turning to You, we turn to You
Hope is stirring, hearts are yearning for You, we long for You
‘Cause when we see You we find the strength to face the day
In Your presence, all our fears are washed away, washed away
Hosanna, Hosanna
You are the God who saves us
Worthy of all our praises
Hosanna, Hosanna
Come have Your way among us
We welcome You here, Lord Jesus
Hear the sound of hearts returning to You, we turn to You
In Your Kingdom broken lives are made new, You make us new
‘Cause when we see You we find the strength to face the day
In Your presence, all our fears are washed away, washed away
Hosanna, Hosanna
You are the God who saves us
Worthy of all our praises
Hosanna, Hosanna
Come have Your way among us
We welcome You here, Lord Jesus
‘Cause when we see You, we find the strength to face the day
In Your Presence, all our fears are washed away
‘Cause when we see You, we find the strength to face the day
In Your Presence, all our fears are washed away, washed away
Hosanna, Hosanna
You are the God who saves us
Worthy of all our praises
Hosanna, Hosanna
Come have Your way among us
We welcome You here, Lord Jesus
Hosanna, Hosanna
You are the God who saves us
Worthy of all our praises
Hosanna, Hosanna
Come have Your way among us
We welcome You here, Lord Jesus
Hosanna, Hosanna
Hosanna, Hosanna
This is so good, Heidi. This was my favorite part and it is packed full of so much spiritual truth that is hopeful, comforting, joyous, and peaceful:
I believe Father God showed me years ago that we don’t have to welcome Him where we are at because He is already here. If you read Psalm 139 it says God is omnipresent and omniscient. We get to enter into His presence.
He is already there. He’s already there in our hearts, heartaches, challenges, and shortcomings. But also already there in our victories, successes, triumphs, and resilience. It is a privilege to serve a God that is omnipresent and omniscient so that all we have to do is enter into and live in the presence of the Lord everywhere we go. This is summed up in these lyrics of the beautiful song you posted:
In Your Kingdom broken lives are made new, You make us new
‘Cause when we see You we find the strength to face the day
In Your presence, all our fears are washed away, washed away
Hosanna, Hosanna
Yes! Thank you for sharing that. We get to be in His presence 24-7. Thank you, Father God, we love you!
It is such an amazing and comforting truth!
Awesome comments Heidi and Jason! Sorry I was late posting here.
In reading Mark 11, here is what God was saying to me. I am not pleased when My people are all leaves and no fruit. I want you to be fruitful in good works. I don’t approve when you talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk. Your actions speak louder than words. Have faith in Me. You are to trust, confide, and rely on Me. Refusing to give, or holding on to bitterness,, can hinder your prayer. If you have a forgiven heart, then you will forgive others.
What this said to me, is I need others to see I have a forgiven heart. I know my actions speak louder than words. I need my heart to be filled with things of God, because what is in my heart, will be reflected by Me.
Wonderful word, Kathy, and one I really needed to hear. These lines especially:
Refusing to give, or holding on to bitterness, can hinder your prayer. If you have a forgiven heart, then you will forgive others.
I want my forgiven heart to continue to forgive those who have wronged me and continue to do so. I need God’s help in it so much. Thank you for being open and sharing on this subject.