Stand Firm

Read This Week: Exodus 14

Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” – Exodus 14:13-15 NIV

Exodus 14 is the one everyone knows. It is one of the most famous parts of the entire narrative. There have been countless commentaries on it in spiritual, historical, and even archeological circles by people of faith and those skeptical of God’s existence. This chapter embodies the book’s very name – the Exodus – as it depicts the Israelites’ escape from Egypt and their miraculous crossing of the Red Sea. It highlights the immutable sovereignty and extraordinary power of God, the faith of his people in the face of harrowing uncertainty, and how divine intervention is active in everyday life.

As we have read and studied to this point, the Israelites have been enslaved in Egypt for multiple generations. Their cries for deliverance were answered by God, who called on and raised up Moses to lead them out of the bondage that oppressed them for so long. After a series of plagues that demonstrated the Lord’s might, with the catalyst being the death of his own firstborn son, Pharaoh finally lets them go. However, as the children of Israel approach the Red Sea, Pharaoh reverts to a hardened heart, as he had so many times. He then summons his army to pursue and kill them before their journey goes beyond the desert. As a result, this historic and pivotal moment sets the stage for one of the most incredible displays of faith and divine power.

As the Israelites stand before the Red Sea, with the Egyptian army closing in, they become paralyzed by sudden fear and despair. They cry out to Moses in pain and even express that they should have stayed in Egypt. This reaction is a reminder of our human nature. We tend to forget God’s promises and assurances of who He is when we are anxious, unsure, and confronted with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. When we encounter overwhelming challenges, it’s essential to acknowledge our fears. However, instead of succumbing to despair, we can place our faith in God’s word, focus on His possibilities for our lives, and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit to stay resolved and on the mission.

But Moses, facing intense criticism and fear from the people, displayed remarkable courage and faith. He encouraged the Israelites, saying, Do not be afraid. Stand firm, and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today (v.13). His confidence in God’s plan was a rallying cry for the people and propelled them to keep going when it seemed hopeless. This stand that Moses takes as the Egyptian army bore down on them is what Spirit-led, effective leadership often requires. It is the unwavering faith and ability to inspire others during difficult times because we trust the Lord and what He says He will do. Believers are called to communicate hope and vision, helping those around us to rise above our fears and to engage our faith in the Almighty. A firm stand is sometimes needed to claim all God has for us on the way.

As the Israelites stood strong, God instructed Moses to stretch out his hand over the waters. Then, the sea parts in an awesome, miraculous display of Yahweh’s power, allowing the Israelites to cross on dry ground and defeat the Egyptians in a devastating water event. This moment shows us that while we must have and act in faith, God’s intervention and assistance often come when we least expect it. Taking a stand and trusting in Jesus can lead to extraordinary outcomes. When faced with all the things this fallen world has to offer, we can take steps of faith and move where God works, knowing that we are not alone.

After they experienced the freedom of crossing the Red Sea and understanding that God would make good on His promises to them, the Israelites sang a song of praise to God for their deliverance in a beautiful moment. This act of worship is essential in acknowledging their journey and the miracles they had witnessed. Recognizing God’s goodness and provision as we celebrate victories, big or small is vital for our relationship and emotional and spiritual well-being with the Father and others. This approach of worship and gratitude allows us to take a spiritual stand and helps us remember what the Lord says and what we learned, strengthening our faith for the future and the challenges that may lie ahead.

It is important to remember that Exodus 14 is not just a historical account but a profound spiritual story that resonates with our modern struggles and victories. As we navigate our own Red Seas in life, we should trust Jesus and allow Him to fuel our courage in leadership and unwavering faith in the face of adversity. By doing so, we can trust that our journeys will lead us to a place of freedom and fulfillment, just as the Israelites discovered on their path to the Promised Land.


  1. Trina on September 26, 2024 at 2:14 pm

    Exodus Chapter 14 Verse 13
    Moses told the people, Fear not; standstill, (firm, confident, dismayed) and see the salvation of the Lord which He will work for you today. For the Egyptians you have seen today, you shall never see again.

    Exodus Chapter 14 Verse 14
    The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest.

    ~God’s Provision~

    God Is Saying To Me:
    My child, the Israelites were obedient and followed my lead. They had great faith in me to be still and move forward with me. You too must have complete faith, allowing me to fight for you. So go in complete peace, with clarity and assurance in me even though you may not understand the task at hand.

    What This Means To Me:
    1. Always honor and trust God to move you forward in faith.
    2. Be receptive to the Holy Spirit to quieten the chaos around you, allowing the power of God to deliver you from the confusion.
    3. Let go of worries and anxieties fully trusting in God’s guidance and provision..
    4. God will provide a way when there seems to be no way.

  2. Kathy on September 27, 2024 at 4:03 pm

    This is what I got from God in Exodus 14. Satan seeks to chase after you, and place you back into bondage. He looks at believers as weak and ready to be enslaved again. You must put your faith in Me, in times of distress. The Jews lack of faith, led to their rebellion. They continued to doubt Me. You can’t go back to your old life, even when things feel unbearable. When you cry out to Me for help, I am ready to help you. Trust Me and draw near to Me. Have faith to let Me fight your battles for you. The battle against the enemy always belongs to Me. I always want you to rely on Me. Do you trust Me to forgive the sins behind and fight on for My glory? Trust Me in times of crisis. Do not panic. Fear only Me. You fear Me when you hate evil. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Have the faith to continue on, when faced with trials or attacks. If you think there is nothing special about you, you are in a perfect place for me to use you, if you have faith. I use the ordinary to do the extraordinary. I put you through trials so that you may rely on Me. My testing and discipline are done out of love. When I expose wickedness in you, I expect you to repent of it. Your trials produce perseverance and endurance. I put you through trials, so that you would rely upon Me, and not your own strength. Through faith you are baptized into the eternal life through Jesus. Do you recognize My hand in your blessings? Without faith it is impossible to please Me. You must ask in faith, without any doubting. Just as you were baptized into the living water of Christ, I encourage you to teach others and encourage them to be baptized. I will crush those who seek to harm My people. I want you to share with others what I have freed you from. I will crush My enemies in the end times. You are to warn nonbelievers, what awaits if they reject Jesus’ offer of salvation. Have faith in My power to keep you free from bondage. I can rescue you! Cry out in faith to Me, to free you from whatever controlling you. Give praise for your deliverance.

    What this said to Me is God is My rescuer. Satan continues to try to enslave me again. It is so important I draw near to God, and have faith and trust in him. God is always ready to help me; I just have to call out to Him. I need to let Him fight my battles instead of me trying to fight them on my own. My trials produce perseverance and endurance. I need to continue to bring others to Him, and encourage them to be baptized.

  3. PK Chat on September 29, 2024 at 10:48 am

    Why go through life alone when God can go before you and prepare the way? God can organize things for your good, and when there seems to be no way, He can easily make one. The Lord not only goes before us to guide us, but He also comes behind us to protect us. He covers and surrounds us, making sure we’re going to be okay.

    I love life with God. I remember what it was like not to have Him in my life—always feeling alone, lost, unsure of what to do or say. There seemed to be no truth, and deep down, I was always afraid.

    But now, as I’m learning to listen and follow the Lord, I am never alone. He is always with me, helping me along the way, showing me what is true and what is right. I feel secure, even bold and courageous, because He is with me and we are doing life together.

    1. God leads and provides for us, guiding us and helping us along the way in life.

    2. God protects us, watching over us, guarding us from being blindsided, and always looking out for our well-being.

    3. When we learn to listen and follow the Lord’s lead, life becomes easier and more successful.

  4. reachchurch on September 29, 2024 at 1:37 pm

    This Week in the Life: Exodus 14

    For the best experience, we suggest you listen to the first song, the message, and then the second song.

    1. Sunday Worship – First Song:
    2. Sunday Message:
    3. Sunday Worship – Second Song:

    Join the Party Line Live – Schedule:

  5. Alma on October 1, 2024 at 4:13 pm

    This week in Exodus chapter 14 I got a song

    Let’s come together to worship our Lord let’s come together to worship our Lord lifting our hands praising our Lord, the one who loves us the one who protects teaches and guides through all things. What an awesome father we have, our Lord will help us have peace. He will help us fight our battles. He will help us fight our battles. fear not our Lord is always working always working for you and me we have salvation. Yes, we have salvation from our Lord. Amen.

    God is saying to you on me. I’m here come to me anytime I will help you through all things I will help you with your battles and always remember your never alone because Im with you. Thank you God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit ❤️❤️

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