Prepare the Way
Read This Week: Matthew 3
In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah: “A voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’” – Matthew 3:1-3 NIV
We live in an information age. At no time in human history has access to information that we can use in our lives, careers, relationships, and spiritual journeys been more readily available. We can tap a button on our phone or make a click on a computer, and we can engage with a plethora of data, information, and knowledge. This access also allows us to share the message of Jesus Christ to the world like never before.
Modern technology, the internet, and a vast amount of communication mediums were not available in ancient times. Information and messages about the world and God were not readily available. People got their messages through the decrees of their rulers, word of mouth, and by those proclaiming it to them. They had to hear about them (remember when that was a thing in our lives?). When something important was to be told or accomplished, the ancient custom was to send people ahead and prepare them for the message.
John the Baptist was that person called to go before Jesus and prepare the way for him and his message. He went out to where the people were and preached the coming of the kingdom of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ that everyone would soon witness. Verses 1-2 says:
In those days, John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”
John’s role was to prepare the way for the Lord. The word prepare means “to make ready” and in this context, also means “to prepare the minds of men to give the Messiah a fit reception and secure his blessings.” This indicates that the purpose of John’s message was to get the people ready to hear the good news of salvation so that they would be willing and able to receive it when Jesus came along. The preaching of John was clearing the path for people to walk to find Jesus.
The modern-day believer and follower of Jesus have the same mission as John the Baptist in ancient times (outside of baptizing Jesus). We are to go out where the people are and where we find ourselves living, working, and doing life, and prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him. We are to express love, gratitude, kindness, and goodness to people as we share and help them be ready to receive the message when the Holy Spirit draws them in. With our words and actions, we should prepare the way for others to know Christ. We should show them the eternal blessing it is to be in a relationship with and do life with God.
Times and access to information have changed, but the mission remains the same. Christians are to set the table for the main course. We are to live as Jesus did, preach as John did, and clear the path for people to see the validity and power of the gospel message. Our lives should not be a hindrance to others experiencing the salvation, grace, and love of God through Christ. May we take our role as preparers of the way very seriously. In the manner in which we talk, treat others, and engage in activities. All of these things, if guided by the Holy Spirit, can make paths straight for others to have a life in God.
John is a great example of a person on mission and totally committed to the good work of God.
If you remember, his conception was a miracle, he was full of the Hold Spirit while in the womb, and as a man he worked diligently for The Lord as a special messenger, preparing the way with the message of repentance, for people to turn their lives around, be baptised, and follow God. Truly producing good fruit, a life for God and others. Can you imagine the honour of baptising Jesus?
When you live a life with God, wonderful things happen. A life of miracles, honor and opportunity.
May we all be more like John.
Thank you for this word, Ken. It is so good to remember the miracles of God and all He did to prepare the way for us to know Him, love Him, and have a relationship with Him. It is remarkable when you step back and think about it all.
I am especially thankful for this encouraging and hopeful message: When you live a life with God, wonderful things happen. A life of miracles, honor, and opportunity. May we all be more like John. May we be like John and Jesus indeed.
Matthew 3:11 says, I indeed baptize you [c]in (with) water [d]because of repentance [that is, because of your [e]changing your minds for the better, heartily amending your ways, with abhorrence of your past sins]. But He Who is coming after me is mightier than I, Whose sandals I am not worthy or fit to take off or carry; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
What touched my heart is our Father God blessed us with His Holy Spirit. His Holy Spirit lives inside of me, and like King David said in Psalm 139:7 Where could I go from Your Spirit? Or where could I flee from Your presence? you can’t because Father God is omnipresent.
So when you Gave your life to Jesus, you became a child of Father God, so because He loves you so much, He gave you His Holy Spirit to help you, guide you, comfort you, teach you, equips you for ministry. As you respond to Him, He changes you inside your heart to get better at loving, serving, sharing Jesus, and forgiving others.
I’m going to share a song with you, it’s about keeping your heart on fire for God. In life your heart can start to turn away from what’s really important to God and the family of God and you start to not share Jesus as much. I want to encourage you to keep your heart, mind, and eyes on what your purpose here on earth is, it’s to help people to be saved and then turn from the old life and start living the way the bible teaches you to which is from Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
So keep listening to the Holy Spirit that is in you and all around you. He will always lead you in the right direction. I heard God saying from this, “I am always with you, I love you, I hope you chose today to learn how to hear My voice more and more and to follow Jesus, because it’s good.”
Wonderful stuff, Heidi from Matthew 3. I loved how you encouraged and reminded us that we don’t have to prepare the way for God by ourselves. God sent His Helper to prepare not only the way for people to know Jesus but to draw them to Himself. This part was a great exhortation:
He gave you His Holy Spirit to help you, guide you, comfort you, teach you, equip you for ministry. As you respond to Him, He changes you inside your heart to get better at loving, serving, sharing Jesus, and forgiving others.
It is promising and hopeful to know that today the Spirit of God will not only help and equip me for the calling He has placed on my life but that He will give me the love, humility, sacrifice, and forgiveness that I need to be on mission and relate to others no matter where I am.
“Start a Fire Down In My Soul”
This world can be cold and bitter
Feels like we’re in the dead of winter
Waiting on something better
But am I really gonna hide forever?
Over and over again
I hear Your voice in my head
Let Your light shine, let Your light shine for all to see
Start a fire in my soul
Fan the flame and make it grow
So there’s no doubt or denying
Let it burn so brightly
That everyone around can see
That it’s You, that it’s You that we need
Start a fire in me
You only need a spark to start a whole blaze
It only takes a little faith
Let it start right here in this city
So these old walls will never be the same
Over and over again
I hear Your voice in my head
They need to know
I need to go
Spirit won’t You fall on my heart now
Start a fire in my soul
Fan the flame and make it grow
So there’s no doubt or denying
Let it burn so brightly
That everyone around can see
That it’s You, that it’s You that we need
Start a fire in me
You are the fire, You are the flame
You are the light on the darkest day
We have the hope, we bear Your name
We carry the news that You have come to save
Only You can save
Start a fire in my soul
Fan the flame and make it grow
So there’s no doubt or denying
Let it burn so brightly
That everyone around can see
That it’s You, that it’s You that we need
Start a fire in me
You are the fire, You are the flame
You are the light on the darkest day
Start a fire in me
This is a great song. This part and these lyrics really hit differently for me this time:
Start a fire in me
You are the fire, You are the flame
You are the light on the darkest day
We have the hope, we bear Your name
We carry the news that You have come to save
Only You can save
This is what I got from God in Matthew Chapter 3. John’s message in this chapter was a call to repentance. Repent is not a “feelings word”. It is an “action word.” Repentance speaks of a change of direction, not just sorrow in the heart. Repentance is not something you do before you come to Me; it describes what coming to Me is like. You can’t come to the kingdom of Heaven unless you leave your sin and the self-life.
Repentance is the first word of sharing the gospel. The kingdom of Heaven is at hand, so you must get ready now. In order to prepare for the way of the Lord, real preparation must take place in your heart. Real repentance has to be a matter of living repentance, not just talking repentance.
What this said to me was in order to prepare for the way of the Lord, real preparation must take place in my heart. It means leaving a life of sin and self behind me and stepping out in faith, and trusting in my Lord with all of my heart.
Such good stuff this week from Matthew 3, Kathy. I really appreciated the way you put an emphasis on the preparation of the heart in sharing the gospel. Before we ask people to look at themselves and their sin in order to receive the gospel, we must first do the same in light of God’s grace and forgiveness. I thought this line was really impactful:
In order to prepare for the way of the Lord, real preparation must take place in your heart. Real repentance has to be a matter of living repentance, not just talking repentance.
Living repentance, not just talking repentance. That is so powerful and something we need to embrace as believers on a daily basis so we can prepare the way for people to embrace the Good News of Jesus and cross the line of faith.