Nothing Is Too Hard

Read This Week: Genesis 18

Now Sarah was listening at the entrance to the tent, which was behind him. Abraham and Sarah were already very old, and Sarah was past the age of childbearing. So Sarah laughed to herself as she thought, “After I am worn out and my lord is old, will I now have this pleasure?” Then the Lord said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Will I really have a child, now that I am old?’ Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son.” – Genesis 18:10-14 NIV

Genesis 18 is packed with intrigue and two distinct accounts that are significant moments in Abraham’s life. One is filled with joy and anticipation of a miraculous and inconceivable promise of his son, Isaac, and the other is a solemn foreshadowing of judgment and destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. As we read, one can’t help but notice the juxtaposition of events and the swing of emotions that Abraham goes through. It is not unlike our lives where, within the same day, week, or month, we can experience the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. But we rely on the same God amid the subtle and drastic changes in our circumstances or outlooks. His promises are true regardless of what happens along the way and nothing is too hard for Him.

The section opens with Abraham sitting at the entrance of his tent. Suddenly, three men appear before him, and though we don’t know if Abraham immediately understands the identity of these visitors, he does recognize their divine nature because he falls on his face in a posture of deference and honor. He then gets up and offers the comfort of his house. He welcomes the guests with humility and respect, offering them water, food, and rest. In a time when hospitality was a deeply ingrained cultural value, Abraham’s actions demonstrate his reverence for God and his willingness to care for the needs of others. His actions serve as a model of Christian love and kindness, emphasizing the principle of treating strangers with kindness and respect.

After Abraham had served his guests, they delivered a promise to him that God had already made – he would have a son and an heir with his wife, Sarah. It seems that the Lord repeated this promise to Abraham in a relatively short time since He had just done so in chapter 17, but we need to hear God’s promises over and over. It encourages our hearts and develops our faith. It builds our confidence in His provision and keeps us close to the truth and effectiveness of His word. It also helps us in our weakest moments of unbelief. A child of their own is what Sarah (and Abraham) wanted the most of their lives, yet they found it hard to believe God’s word when He said it again. So being the good Father that He is, God reassures them of His pledge.

The foretelling of Isaac’s birth has profound implications and signifies the awesome power of God to bring life from barrenness, reinforcing the themes of redemption and salvation that we see throughout this narrative and the whole of Scripture. Isaac’s birth becomes a symbol of God’s sovereignty and faithfulness, reminding believers like us of the limitless possibilities when we put our trust in Him. In verse 14, God says is anything too hard for the Lord? He then proceeds to declare that He will return to Abraham in the next year, and Sarah will have a son, thus proving what is obvious that, in fact, nothing is ever too hard for Him, not in their day or ours.

Chapter 18 is a testament to the enduring significance of God’s covenant and the belief that nothing is too difficult for our Father. After reading this, we should be inspired and emboldened to continue to be committed to our journey of faith, as we trust in the everlasting promises and always remember that we serve a risen Savior who overcame sin and death and nothing can be presented to Him that He cannot overcome.


  1. Heidi on November 10, 2023 at 8:28 am

    With God nothing is impossible
    Like the Lord said to Sarah in Genesis 18:14
    Is anything too hard for the Lord?
    When It’s God will, He makes it happen!
    When God is with you. He helps you through it!
    God knows your heart when your His even if you doubted for a minute, He knows your heart and He loves to bless you!
    Thank You Father God that You love to bless us!
    I love you very much

    Nothing Is Impossible

    Through You I can do anything
    I can do all things
    ‘Cause it’s You who gives me strength
    Nothing is impossible
    Through You, blind eyes are opened
    Strongholds are broken
    I am living by faith
    Nothing is impossible
    Nothing is impossible
    I’m not gonna live by what I see
    I’m not gonna live by what I feel
    Deep down I, know that You’re here with me (here with me)
    I know that, You can do anything
    Through You, I can do anything
    I can do all things
    ‘Cause it’s You who gives me strength
    Nothing is impossible
    Through You, blind eyes are opened
    Strongholds are broken
    I am living by faith
    Nothing is impossible
    Nothing is impossible
    I’m not gonna live by what I see
    No, I’m not gonna live by what I feel
    Deep down I, know that You’re here with me (here with me)
    I know that You can do anything
    Through You I can do anything
    I can do all things
    ‘Cause it’s You who gives me strength
    Nothing is impossible
    Through You, blind eyes are opened
    Strongholds are broken
    I am living by faith
    Nothing is impossible
    Nothing is impossible
    I believe, I believe, oh
    I believe, I believe in You
    I believe, I believe, yeah
    I believe, I believe in You
    I believe, I believe (yeah)
    I believe, I believe in You (I believe in You)
    I believe, I believe (oh)
    I believe, I believe in You
    Through You I can do anything
    I can do all things
    ‘Cause it’s You who gives me strength
    Nothing is impossible
    Through You, blind eyes are opened
    Strongholds are broken
    I am living by faith
    Nothing is impossible
    I believe, I believe
    (I believe, I believe)
    I believe, I believe in You (whoa)
    I believe, I believe, oh
    I believe, I believe in You

  2. reachchurch on November 12, 2023 at 12:34 pm

    This Week in the Life: Genesis 18

    For the best experience, we suggest you listen to the first song, the message, and the second song.

    1. Sunday Worship – First Song:
    2. Sunday Message:
    3. Sunday Worship – Second Song:

    Join the Party Line Live – Schedule:

  3. Trina on November 13, 2023 at 3:58 pm

    Genesis Chapter 18 Verse 27
    Abraham answered, Behold now, I who am but dust and ashes have taken upon myself to speak to the Lord.

    ~Inquisitive and Serving Hearts~

    God Is Saying To Me:
    Always remember. I am almighty God! You my child are made in my image and likeness. The Lord is always with you so fear not concerning the plans I have in store for you. You are my child and children ask questions. There will never be a wrong question asked because I look at your heart and the motive behind the question. So keep asking and seeking me for guidance from your heart and I will always answer you from my heart. From my heart to your heart, I love you my child! I always will! ❤️❤️❤️

    What This Means To Me:
    It’s okay to ask questions to Father God, but we must always be honest and transparent in our questions. God is transparent with us because he knows best. Always be in prayer and worship seeking God’s heart and mindset, laying all our questions and emotions at his feet. Seek His guidance with thanksgiving and hope and serve Him because He is Lord! Thank you God for inquisitive minds, seeking answers from your heart and assurance that you will always respond from yours so that we can serve you and serve others for the kingdom! ❤️

  4. Alma on November 14, 2023 at 4:45 pm

    This week in Genesis 18 I have a song

    We are blessed, blessed, blessed because of our Lord‘s promises His love is overwhelming-his love is overwhelming he never forgets never leaves us His promises are true through all things in life our Lord never changes he’s working working things out, especially our storms and trials so let’s come together to worship our Lord, singing, we believe we believe we believe in your promises

    We all have challenges obstacles, but with our Lord’s help, we can do all things. He’s always working and always working things out. Thank you, Lord.

  5. Javaid Ahmed on November 15, 2023 at 12:49 pm

    God wanted me to focus my thoughts on Genesis 18 Verses 24-25

    24 What if there are fifty righteous people in the city? Will you really sweep it away and not spare[e] the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it? 25 Far be it from you to do such a thing—to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?”

    God said to me about this
    “Every layer of faith that you gain helps you grow closer to Me. If you know in your heart of hearts that I will always do what is right for you, then it is important you explore that. I am here for you to talk with, to converse with and to ask for guidance.”

    Even when we think we are being overly clever, God knows all. He loves us and will entertain us when we need these confirmations of faith but it is up to us to internalize that He will always do what is right by us. We simply need to hear Him.

  6. Kathy on November 18, 2023 at 1:46 pm

    This is what I got from God in Genesis 18. I repeated my promise to Abraham that Sarah would have a son. Like Abraham, you need to hear My promises over and over again. This is a way that I use to encourage and develop your faith. This is what Sarah and Abraham most wanted all of their lives- to have a child of their own. They found it hard to believe My promise to them, when I said I would grant it to them. You should be grateful that I am greater than all your doubts. You might live very differently if you remember that I hear and know everything you think or say. I would demonstrate through Abraham and Sarah that there is nothing too hard for Me. It also shows that I can even triumph over the weak faith of My people. I wanted to do something in Abraham through what I would reveal to him. I told Abraham I wanted to see if Sodom and Gomorrah were worthy of judgement? For intercession to be effective, you must draw nearer to Me so that we can pray together with My heart. Often your prayers are ineffective, because you don’t really ask Me to do anything. Abrahams intercession was effective because it was specific. I want you to be specific when you pray to Me.

    What this said to me was God wants me to be specific when I pray to Him. There is nothing too hard for Him to do. When I am waiting for an answer, I just need to draw close to Him and trust Him. God is greater than any of my doubts.

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