God Will
Read This Week: Exodus 6
“Therefore, say to the Israelites: ‘I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment. I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians.” – Exodus 6:6-7 NIV
By reflecting on the themes of Exodus 6, we gain a deeper understanding of God’s character and the importance of faith and perseverance. Whether facing personal challenges or seeking to lead others, the timeless truths in this chapter offer encouragement and hope. Chapter 6 is pivotal, providing a profound shift in the narrative and God’s reassurance to a despondent Moses.
The chapter opens with God reaffirming His covenant with the patriarchs of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He introduces Himself as the LORD (Yahweh), emphasizing His eternal and unchanging nature. God recalls His promise to give the Israelites the land of Canaan and reassures Moses that he has heard the cries of His people. Yahweh maintains his faithfulness as he always does. Despite the Israelites’ dire circumstances, God keeps His promises. He is aware of their suffering and committed to their deliverance. His divine will remains perfect, and He tells Moses that He will act with a mighty hand (v. 1), indicating that the forthcoming events will unfold according to His impeccable timing and power.
The next section reveals what has been referred to as God’s “I Will” promises to Moses and, therefore, to the Israelites. In verses 6-8, the Lord says in seven statements:
• I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians.
• I will free you from being slaves to them.
• I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment.
• I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God.
• I will bring you to the land I swore with uplifted hand to give to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
• I will give it to you as a possession.
• I will be your God.
These promises encapsulate the foundation of God’s covenant and plan for Israel, moving from being freed to relationship and inheritance. They address the physical reality of oppression and establish a spiritual bond between God and His people.
But despite the profound “I Will” promises, the Israelites’ initial response is one of disbelief. Their harsh conditions and broken spirits prevent them from accepting the good news. Moses himself expresses doubt, citing his faltering lips (v. 12), which can be interpreted as a lack of continued eloquence or confidence in his ability to lead. This moment emphasizes a common human experience: the difficulty of trusting in a hopeful future when circumstances are dark and troubled. It also shows the challenges leaders face in inspiring faith and action among those they lead. Moses’ repeated objections and God’s persistent instructions teach that leadership often requires perseverance and courage in the face of doubt and hard times. God’s reassurance to Moses reminds us that divine calling is accompanied by divine support.
Like the Israelites, we may struggle to trust God’s promises during difficult times. However, we must read and listen to the Scriptures, follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, and hold on to faith, knowing that God’s plans are eternal and unwavering. His covenant and promises serve as a powerful reassurance for us in our daily lives. Remembering how God has been faithful to us in the past can strengthen our trust and give us hope in His future actions.
We often face disbelief and despair, both within ourselves and among those we do life with and even lead. Courage, obedience, and reliance on Christ and His guidance are essential. God’s timing may not align with our expectations or control, but His plans are always perfect and He always will. Patience and trust in His sovereignty are crucial during periods of waiting, which is why we must never forget that what God says He will do, He will. He is deeply committed to His people, even when we are at our lowest. We can trust in God’s promises, remember His faithfulness, and step into our everyday lives with confidence and obedience. God will, and we can.
Exodus Chapter 6 Verse 12
Moses said to the Lord, Behold, [my own people] the Israelites have not listened to me; how then shall Pharaoh give heed to me, who am of deficient and impeded speech?
Exodus Chapter 6 Verse 28
On the day when the Lord spoke to Moses in Egypt,
Exodus Chapter 6 Verse 29
The Lord said to Moses, I am the Lord; tell Pharaoh king of Egypt all that I say to you.
Exodus Chapter 6 Verse 30
But Moses said to the Lord, Behold, I am of deficient and impeded speech; how then she’ll Pharaoh listen to me?
~Refinement Produces Endurance~
God Is Saying To Me:
My child, I will tell you again as a reminder, I Am The Lord! When I directly speak to you, are you really listening to my voice? I desire for you to be bold and courageous for me. Stand strong, displacing inadequacies from your thoughts. I Am The Lord and am refining and strengthening you to do great work with me and I need you to stay the course and endure the race. I am here for you no matter the tasks at hand and I will not allow you to be hindered by unbelieving persons that I have not called yet to be my own. You are mine because I have chosen you to do great things with me!
What This Means To Me:
1. We are called according to God’s plan for us.
2. He has specific instructions for us just like He has for Moses. We must obey, listen to His voice and follow His orders. He keeps His promises and we will see and experience His miracles and wonderment in due time.
3. We play a vital role in God’s Divine Appointments. We can’t become discouraged when others reject God’s timing or better yet, God’s voice And His immense love for them.
4. We are entrusted and are qualified through the blood of Christ to do God’s work! DO NOT EVER FEEL WEAK WHEN IT COMES TO THE MINISTRY OF GOD! ❤️
Does anyone here struggle with patience? Do you find yourself easily losing patience with others, feeling frustrated and irritated quickly?
I want to assure you that this is a very common experience. Often, it stems from unmet expectations. We tend to feel that people should behave or speak in ways that align with our expectations and convenience.
When people and situations fall short of these expectations, consider how patient God is with us. Think about how He waits for us, how He repeatedly explains things. Despite our mistakes, He continues to wait patiently, guiding us toward improvement.
I am on a journey to become more patient, drawing inspiration from the Lord and striving to emulate His qualities—patience, kindness, helpfulness, and consideration.
This is something we can all work on, offering grace and mercy to one another, and patiently supporting each other along the way.
1. God is patient; God is kind.
2. God takes the time to explain things repeatedly.
3. God shares His vision with others, inspiring, encouraging, and empowering us to achieve great things together.
This week in Exodus chapter 6 I got a song
Let’s come together to worship our Lord let’s come together to worship our Lord praising lifting our hands, singing, glory, glory hallelujah. We are blessed we are blessed because our Lord promises yes our Lord promises and his promises are real because he loves us he will Help us do all things when we feel helpless, hopeless, or sadness we wanna seek our father we wanna seek our father more Seek our father more his love is so amazing He will help us through it all We are blessed. Yes we are blessed because he loves us all the time. Yes, all the time. Amen.
we are blessed because God is so faithful. He loves us through our emotions. He wants the best for all of us. Our Lord loves us when we talk and have that special close relationship with him.
Exodus 6:10 The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 11 “Go, tell Pharaoh king of Egypt to let the children of Israel go out of his land.” 12 But Moses said to the Lord, “Look, [my own people] the Israelites have not listened to me; so how then will Pharaoh listen to me, for I am [f]unskilled and inept in speech?”
13 Then the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, and gave them a command concerning the Israelites and Pharaoh king of Egypt, to bring the Israelites out of the land of Egypt.
Moses is on journey with God.
God has given him a mission, He has given him instructions what to do and say to help the Israelites to be set free.
He tells Moses that He is with him. He gives him promises, what He is going to do.
Moses is telling God the Israelites, wouldn’t listen,
So now he is concerned that pharaoh won’t either.
God is faithful to us and His promises!
Because He cares.
God is aware of our weaknesses and I know that if He asks me to do something or say something, even if I feel like I can’t do it, all I have to do is keep asking Him to help me.
I have learned that Father God will help me. And give me the strength to do it. He blesses me with people to help me when I need it too. thank you God❤️
Father God is saying to us
I have called you to do work with Me every where you go.
Sometimes it can feel like you can’t do it.
As you seek Me I will tell you what to do and say.
Don’t worry about the people that don’t listen it’s now between Me and them, you just do your part.
What that means to me is I don’t have to be afraid that people will not listen or reject me.
They are rejecting God, not listening to Him through me.
So I’ll keep praying for them and if God wants me to say something, I’m going to listen and do it and say what He wants me to say with Him and He will help me.
and I hope they will feel blessed that God cares about them and will listen because it’s for good.
Thank you Father God that you’re with us and You help us all in everything we do because You love us and You care❤️️
This Week in the Life: Exodus 6
For the best experience, we suggest you listen to the first song, the message, and then the second song.
1. Sunday Worship – First Song: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/20240801-Worship1.wav
2. Sunday Message: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/20240804-Message.wav
3. Sunday Worship – Second Song: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/20240804-Worship2.wav
Join the Party Line Live – Schedule: https://reachchurch.org/connect
This is what I got from God in Exodus 6. In this chapter Moses was feeling defeated and questioning My decision to use him. It is easier to profess faith in Me when things are going well. It is harder to process that I am in control when everything around you feels like it is falling apart. I want you to find hope in My word and you can trust in My word. Find hope in My revelation in your life. I also speak to you through the Holy Spirit, and through My word. Draw close to Me and I will rescue you from your bondage. I will redeem you and I will be your God. Trust Me and believe I am for you. I desire a covenant relationship with you. Through faith in My Son Jesus Christ, He can free you of your burdens or sorrows if you give them to Him. Through faith in Him, He can also free you from any addiction. Jesus paid the redemption price, for you at the cross. You are to be Holy for Him so you can stay in fellowship with Him. Find hope in My promises to bring you to the eternal Promised Land. I want you to find faith in My faithfulness. I am faithful even if your not. I see you for what you will become, not for who you are. I will never leave you or forsake you. I want you to take hope that I can use you, no matter your background. Don’t make your self too busy to hear Me. I am faithful to not forget My promises or leave My people in bondage. Jesus is ready to cleanse your heart, if you repent and accept Him as your Lord and Savior. I want to use you to spread hope in Him.
What this said to me is I need to always trust God is in control, no matter what I am going through. Even when I can’t see Him working, He is, and He has a plan for me. I need to stay in His word and draw nearer to Him. I am His daughter and He is my Papa. I love that He doesn’t see me for who I am, but He sees me for what I will become through Him. I want Him to create in me a clean heart. I need to spread His love and hope to others, so they can experience the fullness of His joy.