Compound Strength
Read This Week: Matthew 7
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, yet it did not fall because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”
– Matthew 7:24-27 NIV
A house, building, or structure of any kind is only as good as its foundation. Casual knowledge of construction may lead one to believe that the foundation is just another element of the overall process. But it is the most important part of building anything. Mistakes made in the foundation will only get worse as the rest of the project goes up. This progressive worsening is known as compounding defect, and it means that these flaws only grow and impact the entire structure. However, a solid, stable foundation results in compounding strength, and it ensures that the whole house will be formidable and stand the test of time no matter what comes.
Compound strength is what Jesus was teaching about in Matthew 7. He addressed the judgment of others, the boldness of faith to seek God and ask Him for things, the narrow path to salvation, and discerning the difference between true and false teachers and disciples. Then, in a capitulation of addressing all this, Jesus reveals the key to it all – a solid foundation built on the Word of God. He says in verses 24-25:
Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.
Building the proper foundation is of vital importance in life. Jesus taught extensively about that which underwrites our morals, values, and principles can ultimately determine our outcome. We see in His teachings that earthly distractions, flawed subjectivity, discontentment, sin, and poor judgment can lead to restlessness and dissatisfaction with the process of building the right foundation. Yet, every foundation has a result for better or worse, and we ultimately want one of compound strength, not one of defect.
Jesus encourages us to take an intentional approach to what we build our lives on. The best foundation may be taking too long for our desires. Instant gratification can lead us to a false conclusion that the shortest process is the one we should be taking. But the best isn’t always the quickest. Right does not equal fast. The longer foundational process may be the best one for us. Our lives will benefit from the development of patience, endurance, and character while our goals and dreams marinate and gain experience.
The best foundation might be a little too difficult for our liking. Insecurity and discomfort with our surroundings become our building blocks and affect the entire framework of our lives. But the best isn’t always the safest. Right does not equal easy. The risky process may be the best one for us. Our lives will benefit from the development of resolve, obedience, and courage while our faith and hope materialize in the face of uncertainty.
The Word of God holds the wisdom, credibility, and sovereign power to help us build the best foundation that will lead to compound strength in our lives. This holistic strength will help us withstand the struggles and challenges of the journey, stand up to the storms and shifting sands of life, and keep us grounded when we have success. We must be wise builders of our lives and base them on the eternal foundation of the Lord’s objective truth and perfect words. He is the rock-solid base that will not allow us to fall.
Happy Father’s day to God. He is a good, good Father. I’m so thankful to Father God for blessing us with Jesus, He is a good, good Son. He is a great example and a great servant to follow, and learn from. I desire to be just like Him.
Matthew 7:24 says, “So everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts upon them [obeying them] will be like a [p]sensible (prudent, practical, wise) man who built his house upon the rock.”
It says in 1 Peter 2:5, “[Come] and, like living stones, be yourselves built [into] a spiritual house, for a holy (dedicated, consecrated) priesthood, to offer up [those] spiritual sacrifices [that are] acceptable and pleasing to God through Jesus Christ.”
If you gave your life to Jesus you are the house, your body, your mind, your heart belongs to Jesus, we are a temple for the Holy Spirit to live in, He is with us everywhere we go. Every day we can get closer and closer to Father God, as you desire, who hears God’s voice, listens and then obey, responds, follows Father God’s ways, not the world’s ways.
Father God puts other brothers and sisters in our life to help us too. All it takes is to believe, seek continually, (pray) – Talk to Father God, ask Questions, seek, write down what’s in your heart and then do it with Father God, He will never tell you to do something that will not be good for you.
Thank you for all of this wonderful commentary, Heidi. I especially appreciated the encouragement to lean into God and the people He places in our lives to solidify our foundations and compound our strength. This section stood out:
Father God puts other brothers and sisters in our life to help us too. All it takes is to believe, seek continually, (pray) – Talk to Father God, ask Questions, seek, write down what’s in your heart and then do it with Father God, He will never tell you to do something that will not be good for you.
All of these lead to both a solid foundation and trajectory to living the Christian life.
Thank you, Jason, and thank you for sharing. I loved the part where you said: The Word of God holds the wisdom, credibility, and sovereign power to help us build the best foundation that will lead to compound strength in our lives. Reading the Bible helps us so much to build the best foundation for Father God for sure.
I’m so glad it touched you, Heidi. Thank you for sharing that. I completely agree that the objective truth of the Bible gives us the greatest chance to build a good foundation spiritually and emotionally in life.
Happy Father’s Day, Father God. Thank you for teaching us your ways, through your Son, Jesus. I know you all are celebrating with the Fathers. Please tell ours, we love and miss them.
Thank you for this reflection, Ken. I am so thankful for the way God relates to us as Father. There is none like Him and the way He loves and shepherds us.
In reading Matthew 7, this was what God was saying to me. Do not judge others, because if you do, you will be judged in the same manner. I am the judge, not you. You as a Christian are called to show unconditional love, but you are not called to unconditional approval. You break this commandment if you think the worse of others, and if you only speak to others about their faults. You are to build others up, and not tear them down. You are to be generous with love, forgiveness and goodness to others, if you want more of these things from Me. Prayer is asking in that you make your requests known to Me. Receiving is the reward of asking. Finding is the reward for seeking. You come to My door and knock. My son Jesus will greet you with open arms. If you ask, it will be given to you, but it might not be the answer you seek. What are your motives when you pray? Also if it seems like I am saying no, it may mean not yet. I see your future and you need to trust Me. I want to give you more than you ask for. Your spiritual life should match your daily life. Salvation is knowing Jesus and being known by Him. Time and the storms of life will prove the strength of your foundation. Hearing My word isn’t enough to provide a secure foundation; you must also be a doer of My word.
What this says to me is I need to have a strong foundation with Jesus and the word of God. Everything else is built on that. I need my roots to go deep. God knows what is best for me and I need to trust Him. As a believer I need to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.
This is a wonderful commentary on Matthew 7, Kathy. There was so much wisdom and insight in this short thought:
Receiving is the reward of asking. Finding is the reward for seeking. You come to My door and knock. My son Jesus will greet you with open arms.
Receiving is the reward of asking. That is good and such a tremendous reminder to seek God because the reward of seeking Him is receiving Him and all He has to offer us. Beautiful and true.