Keep It Burning
Read This Week: Exodus 27
Command the Israelites to bring you clear oil of pressed olives for the light so that the lamps may be kept burning. In the tent of meeting, outside the curtain that shields the ark of the covenant law, Aaron and his sons are to keep the lamps burning before the Lord from evening till morning. This is to be a lasting ordinance among the Israelites for the generations to come. – Exodus 27:20-21 NIV
Exodus 27 might not be the first place people consider for personal growth or spiritual guidance in the Bible. But, it offers profound insights when we take the time to look at and study it. This section outlines God’s instructions to Moses for constructing the altar of burnt offerings, the courtyard of the Tabernacle, and the care of the lampstand. At first glance, it may seem like a collection of ancient building codes, but a deeper look reveals timeless lessons about worship, community, and the nature of God.
The chapter begins with the construction of the altar of burnt offerings (vv. 1-8). Made of acacia wood and overlaid with bronze, the altar was the central place where sacrifices were made. Its design, including horns on each corner and rings for portability, symbolizes several key principles. It shows us that sacrifice is an act of worship. Worship of God involves sacrifice, and while we no longer bring animal offerings, we are called to offer our time, resources, and hearts as acts of devotion to the Lord (Romans 12:1).
The rings and poles for carrying the altar suggest that worship and connection with God are not confined to a single location. This imagery echoes the New Testament truth that God’s presence dwells within us as believers (1 Corinthians 3:16). The altar’s horns are a recurring symbol in Scripture, often associated with refuge and salvation (Psalm 18:2). This reminds us of God’s provision of safety and redemption.
Verses 9-19 describe the construction of the courtyard, a space that surrounded the Tabernacle. Enclosed by linen curtains and bronze bases, the courtyard was a community area where people gathered to worship. The courtyard’s design balanced openness and a sacred space. While it welcomed the Israelites, it also had clear boundaries, teaching us that while God is approachable, He is also holy. We’re invited to embrace God’s presence through the Holy Spirit while also respecting His holiness and eternality. The courtyard was a shared space, emphasizing the importance of communal worship. In our modern context, this highlights the need for fellowship and encouragement from gathering with other Christians (Hebrews 10:24-25).
The chapter concludes with instructions for the care of the lampstand (vv. 20-21). Aaron and his sons were tasked with continually burning the lamp, using pure olive oil. The perpetual flame represents God’s presence and guidance. Just as the lampstand required constant tending, our relationship with God requires ongoing care through prayer, Scripture reading, and obedience. The use of pure olive oil points to the Holy Spirit, who empowers and sustains us. This reminds us to rely on the Spirit’s guidance in our daily lives.
This passage encourages us to be intentional in our worship and is a great reminder to start a new year. Just as the altar and courtyard were constructed with care and purpose, our worship should be thoughtful and intentional. This approach includes setting aside time for prayer, studying Scripture, serving others, and being with the family of God. The design of the Tabernacle’s courtyard also shows that worship is not just an individual act but a communal experience. Seek out opportunities to connect with others in faith, whether through a church, small group, or acts of service.
God’s instructions balance His holiness with His desire to dwell among His people. Approach Him with reverence and confidence, knowing that Christ has made way for us to enter His presence (Hebrews 4:16). Because of this, we should keep the flame burning in our hearts continuously – the responsibility to keep the lampstand lit challenges us to maintain our spiritual disciplines. Just as Aaron and his sons tended the flame, we are called to nurture our faith daily and keep it burning throughout our lives.
Exodus 27:20 “You shall command the Israelites to provide you with clear oil of beaten olives for the light, to make a lamp burn continually [every night].
And in the end of 21 it says that Erin, the high priest and his son shall keep the lamp burning from evening to morning before the Lord
I hear Father God saying to me through this is
I instructed My people to bring pure oil to keep the lamp burning continually, from evening to morning, before Me. Just as the lamp was to burn without ceasing, so too should your worship and devotion to Me. Your heart is My lampstand, and your worship should reflect a flame that never dies—a light that shines continually in My presence.
Worship involves offering your life to Me daily—it is a living sacrifice. It’s not about rituals; it’s about your heart seeking Me. True worship is reflected in your time, your thoughts, your actions, and how you serve Me. It’s how you draw others to worship Me alongside you.
You are My lamp , and you are called to be a light, shinning continually with My love.
You are to reflect Jesus, the Light of the world.
To keep your light burning, you must stay close to Me,
My Holy Spirit will help guide you.
I want you to Know that I am always with you and watching over you.
Continue to be encourager my servant. Wherever you go, be a blessing. I love it when you rest in My presence and ask for My help. I love to fill your heart with My peace.
Let My light shine through you in every situation. Remember, I know where you’re at and I have you there for a reason so keep seeking Me and asking Me what to do and say!
keep your light burning to help others to see the way to go.
Keep growing, keep trusting, and never forget that I am with you. I love you deeply, and I delight in seeing you shine for Me.
So what this means to me is it’s important to keep your light burning continually in your daily worship and devotion, making every opportunity that Father God gives me, where ever I am to be close to My Father so I can hear him how to be a light in every situation!
Thank you Father for your love and giving me Jesus and Your Holy Spirit to be a light
Love you❤️
You don’t have the Holy Spirit within you—you’re not truly a Christian. Did you know that?
We are born-again believers, meaning we’ve experienced not only a natural birth but also a spiritual birth through the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit dwells within us.
Through the Holy Spirit, God provides everything we need to sustain us as believers and to connect us intimately with Him.
God continuously fills us with His Spirit, over and over again, because we need that constant refilling and refreshing. It is through the Holy Spirit that we are empowered to fulfill God’s purposes. The Spirit comforts us, grants us wisdom, and offers countless other wonderful blessings from the Lord.
Living a Spirit-filled life means God permeates every aspect of your being. Such a life is evident to others because, as God says, “You will know them by their fruit.”
The Holy Spirit equips us with gifts for ministry and cultivates the fruit of the Spirit in our lives, enabling others to recognize us by our character and demeanor.
Drawing close to the Holy Spirit is drawing close to God. Living a Spirit-filled life is living a life full of God.
Key Points:
1. Worship is Essential
Worship is how we receive from God.
2. True Worship Matters
Being a true worshiper means worshiping God in the way He desires.
3. Worship Renews Us
When we worship, we are refilled and refreshed with the Holy Spirit, granting us direct access to the Father and everything we need to live as Christians.
Exodus 27 verse 1
The detail instruction highlight the need for people to trust God’s design and to follow God‘s command. God is teaching his people that obedient to his word, even in the smallest details of life. This act of building the altar offering sacrifices is an expression of faith and trust in God‘s plan.
What that means to me.
It teaches us about worship, sacrifice, obedience, in the need for God. It caused us to approach God in reverence and faith, acknowledging the seriousness of sin and the necessity of sacrifice for atonement.
This Week in the Life: Exodus 27
For the best experience, we suggest you listen to the first song, the message, and then the second song.
1. Sunday Worship – First Song: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/20250105-Worship1.wav
2. Sunday Message: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/20250105-Message.wav
3. Sunday Worship – Second Song: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/20250105-Worship2.wav
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