Do It For Him
Read This Week: Matthew 25
For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger, and you invited me in, I needed clothes, and you clothed me, I was sick, and you looked after me, I was in prison, and you came to visit me. Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. – Matthew 25:35-36, 40 NIV
Inherent to the Christian life is the service of other people. It is one of the indications and outward expressions of our faith. As we have already seen in the gospel of Matthew loving and serving others is directly correlated to the love and passion we have for Jesus. Doing unto others as we would have them do unto us is an earmark of the presence of God in our lives. Chapter 25 once again reinforces the truth and teaching of being a good steward of God’s resources, truth, and love.
We see here that the treatment of people and especially other Christians is the basis of determining the relationship an individual or group has to Christ. Jesus makes it clear in these parables within the chapter what we do to His followers and the world at large is done to him. The words of Jesus in these passages communicate to us that Christianity cannot merely be just a social connection, a spiritual construct, or a way to do charity. It is the transference of the love of Christ through the follower of Jesus to other believers, our neighbors, and those in the margin who are less fortunate. Jesus says in verse 40:
Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.
In the stewardship of our lifestyles, activities, words, and freedoms, we often fail to be mindful of, regard and love others, especially those suffering. But when we love others as if we are doing it for Jesus, we will humble ourselves and serve for the sake of other people and their wellness. Doing life with God will change our understanding and make us aware of needs, injustice, and the responsibility we have to fight for the least of these. The strong should look out for the weak. The privileged should advocate for the less fortunate. The safe should stand in the gap for the endangered. We cannot do what we want as Christians without stopping to consider others. That approach can expressly lead to marginalization and, even worse, painful indifference.
Jesus directly addresses indifference in this chapter. The charges against the lost ones (vv.41-43) do not concern obvious moral issues but are focused on their indifferent attitude toward Jesus and His people. Their indifference is what led to their fate, not their direct violations. Holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel once said, “The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.” Christ taught this first, and verses, 35-36 shows what the opposite of indifference looks like:
For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger, and you invited me in, I needed clothes, and you clothed me, I was sick, and you looked after me, I was in prison, and you came to visit me.
God’s love is the opposite of indifference, and the things done in His name will emulate that. Followers of Christ are not indifferent towards Jesus and His mission. We are not indifferent towards the Holy Spirit that empowers us to do life for Him every day. We are not indifferent towards the resources that God gives us, or towards needy people all around us. Followers of Christ are not indifferent towards a world that is lost. What we do to others, we do to Jesus. When it is done for others, it is done for Him.
Matthew 25:23 says, His master replied, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness.”
Being faithful to what gives us is so important. It’s not always about money, it is important to learn how to be a good steward with what God gives us. God has given us gifts and talents to be good servants. As we use our gifts and talents you’ll notice how much you grow in what God has blessed you with. The key is not to hide or be afraid of what God has given us so we can help others. First is your relationship with Father God, love Him with your whole heart. Then:
1. Turn To The Bible, asking God how He wants you serve and what to do with what He has giving you.
2. Pray For Direction.
3. Follow The Will Of God.
4. Remember the Promises Of God.
5. Living A Purpose Driven Life is the most wonderful thing to do.
6. Have an open heart and ask God how To Apply His Purposes He has for you In Your Life.
7. Ask God for a new goal, dream, have A Personal Challenge for yourself daily.
The more He gives you in your life you will feel blessed to be a part of what He is doing. I’m so blessed to be a servant for the kingdom, we are blessed to have the opportunity to serve Him, we bless Him for when were always ready to serve Him when He asks us to do something, and He counts on us to do it and be creative with what He has given us.
Father, I pray for those who are ready, want to, willing to serve you with their whole heart, that they can see you helping them as they ask You for help, and feel you blessing them with more and feel your joy because they are blessing You for being faithful to You. Love you
What are the 5 gifts from God? They are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.
This is all so rich and deep and practical, Heidi. I could comment on all of it because it’s so good. But this section really stood out and needs to be seen and absorbed by everyone who wants to have an intimate and vibrant relationship with God.
First, love God with your whole heart. Then:
1. Read the Bible and ask God how He wants you to serve and use what He has given you.
2. Pray For Direction.
3. Follow The Will Of God.
4. Remember the Promises Of God.
5. Living A Purpose Driven Life is the most wonderful thing to do.
6. Have an open heart and ask God how To Apply His Purposes He has for you In Your Life.
7. Ask God for a new goal, dream, and have a personal challenge for yourself daily.
If we would simply follow this truth-filled and biblically-based progression every day, there is literally no limit to the power that could resonate and be expressed through our lives individually and collectively as the people of God. This is truly the practical way of the faithful servant.
God gave me a poem from Matthew 25 verse 21:
Lord give me life, full of only you
With faith through your view.
Let the Holy Spirit do all the leading,
So I may be to you faithful and pleasing.
Lord, give me a heart, that is always willing
To be compassionate merciful, and giving.
Let me not live a life stubbornly self-centered
But one that is to you steadfastly surrendered.
Lord give me a life eager to do your will
A heart of empty of me so your love it can fill.
What that means to me is to have the joy of the Lord and be His companion and receive the rewards which He has promised. These are the rewards that He has prepared for being a faithful servant. God is a reward for those who seek to please Him.
Jeri, this is such a hopeful poem and offering of worship to God. I read this line several times and it really stuck out to me as I consider the reward and joy of being faithful to and following Jesus and what that means for our lives:
Lord give me a life eager to do your will
A heart of empty of me so your love it can fill.
Doing the will of God leads to greater joy and certainly leads to a life filled with love and expressions of His heart in the world.
This is what I got from God in Chapter 25: “The parables that you are reading are to emphasize you being ready for the coming of Jesus. You are the bride of Christ; you should be wise and prepared, and not foolish and unprepared. Without the Holy Spirit, you are not ready for the return of Jesus. Once the door is shut, it will never be opened. Be ready! My parable of the servants shows the good servants did their work promptly, with perseverance, and with success, and being willing to give an account to their Master. This is how you are to be.
My Son looks for faithfulness and goodness in his servants. You will receive the “joy of the Lord.” You will be judged on your own individual faithfulness and effort. I will ask you what you did yourself? Your readiness for My Son’s return is determined by your stewardship of the resources I have given you. The question is what have you done with your knowledge, your time, your money, and the abilities I have given you? You can not afford to be indifferent to Jesus and his return, and you can not afford to be indifferent to needy people around you, and the resources I have given you.”
What this said to me is I need to have an open heart to change my ways and to obey what God is telling me. With the resources He has given me, I need to love on others for Him. I need to do all I can to be ready for Jesus’s return. If I am indifferent to Him, He will be indifferent to me.
Such great commentary, Kathy. This part and the thought stuck out to me the most:
Our readiness for My Son’s return is determined by your stewardship of the resources I have given you. The question is what have you done with your knowledge, your time, your money, and the abilities I have given you?
I appreciate how you pulled this out of the chapter. This is the central nature of Jesus’ teaching in this part. He is driving home the truth that stewardship directly leads to readiness. The more faithful we are, the more ready we will be both to serve the Lord in the present and to meet Him in eternity. Faithfulness in our time, money, and abilities is the driving force of stewardship which in turn leads to preparedness and faithful action that is indicative of a mature life.
This week in Matthew 25, God gave me a song called, “Blessed”:
We are blessed, blessed, blessed
Our father is always working
Never fret, don’t worry because our Lord will guide us through
We are servants of the Lord
Willing to help those in need
Let’s be willing to help feed the hunger
Give water to the thirsty
Praising our father as we bless His children in need
We are blessed, blessed, blessed
Our father is always working. Amen.
It’s a beautiful thing when we serve God and help others in need. Sometimes it can be saying something encouraging or opening a door. Always be willing to do your part.
I needed this today, Alma, as I am sure others do too. I needed to be reminded that I am blessed just by being a child of God and being a person redeemed by His grace. I agree that knowing that should inspire and empower us to serve Him and others especially those in need. As you said, it could be something small yet powerful.
Your song reminded me of Hillsong’s “Blessed”:
Blessed are those who dwell in Your house
They are ever praising You
Blessed are those whose strength is in You
Whose hearts are set on our God
We will go from strength to strength
Until we see You face to face