Willing Hearts
Read This Week: Exodus 35
Then the whole Israelite community withdrew from Moses’ presence, and everyone who was willing and whose heart moved them came and brought an offering to the Lord for the work on the tent of meeting, for all its service, and for the sacred garments. All who were willing, men and women alike, came and brought gold jewelry of all kinds: brooches, earrings, rings and ornaments. They all presented their gold as a wave offering to the Lord. – Exodus 35:20-22 NIV
The wilderness had been a place of trials and transformation for Israel. They have seen God’s power in the plagues of Egypt, walked through the parted sea, and trembled at Mount Sinai as the Lord spoke. But they have also disobeyed and stumbled. They built a golden calf when impatience and doubt overtook them in their act of unbelief. In Exodus 35, the people stand before Moses again, awaiting his words and His directive from the Lord. This time, the call was not one of judgment but of restoration.
Moses lifted his voice and reminded them first of the Sabbath. He tells them that they are commanded to rest before anything else, before labor or giving, before the work of their hands begins. For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh is a day of sacred rest to the Lord, he declared to the children of Israel. It was as if God was teaching them that their value did not come from their efforts but their relationship with Him. Their inherent value came from being made in His image and being His chosen people. Their work would be important and necessary, but it was not the foundation of their identity. Their identity was rooted in their connection to God and their obedience and trust in Him.
After this, Moses gave them their work to build the Tabernacle, the very dwelling place of God among them. But this was no ordinary construction project. It would not be built by forced labor or taxation. Instead, it would come from the willing. Anyone who is willing and whose heart moves you come and bring an offering to the Lord, Moses instructed. The people responded with a passion that had not been seen since they began their journey to freedom from Egypt. Men and women alike came forward, their arms full of treasures: gold, silver, bronze, fine linen, and acacia wood.
Some brought their possessions, while others offered the work of their hands—spinning yarn, weaving fabrics, crafting precious metals. There was no reluctance, no hesitation. The same people who had once hoarded their gold for an idol now poured it out joyfully before the Lord.
Among them were two men whom God had set apart for a special purpose: Bezalel and Oholiab. They were not priests or warriors, but craftsmen. The Spirit of God had filled them with skill, making them master builders, engravers, and designers. In them, artistry was not just a trade—it was a divine calling. They were not only talented but also teachers, equipped to instruct others in the sacred work. As they took up their tools, shaping wood and hammering gold, they were not merely building a tent; they were creating a place where heaven and earth would meet.
The beautiful thing here is the entire community played a role. Some gave, some built, some taught, but all contributed in their own way. And in the end, the abundance was so great that Moses had to tell them to stop bringing gifts. They had more than enough. This word picture indicates the theological implications of this chapter and what happens when God’s people come together with willing hearts. It teaches us that obedience starts with rest, that generosity is not about the size of the gift but the posture of the heart toward Father God, and that every skill—whether in art, craftsmanship, or leadership—can be used for God’s glory.
As we read this passage in A Week in the Life, we are challenged with questions to reflect on. Do we rest in God’s provision and identity as image bearers, or do we define ourselves by endless labor? Do we give freely, or do we hold tightly to what we have? And do we see our talents as ordinary, or do we recognize them as part of God’s plan? Being made in the image of God is enough. Giving out of the generous heart God gives us is enough. And doing all for God’s glory in every arena, profession, community, and family is enough. All He desires from us is a willing heart to serve Him.
The Israelites, like us, were not perfect, but when the time came, they answered the call with joy and dedication. May we do the same.
This week in exodus Chapter 35 I got a song
Let’s come together to worship our Lord let’s come together to worship our Lord praising lifting are hands singing, hallelujah hallelujah we
thank you for your Grace and Mercy you’re forgiving heart oh Lord, your glory fills the skies above. your glory, fills the skies above You are the light the Light of the world bringing your children together Serving you and others. You have a perfect plan. A perfect plan for each of your children like putting a puzzle together we are different but come together serving you serving you amen.
Our Lord has a perfect plan for all of us. It’s about serving him first and serving together listening and responding in his way amen.
Exodus 35:4 And Moses said to all the congregation of the sons of Israel, “This is the thing which the Lord has commanded: 5 ‘Take from among you an offering to the Lord. Whoever has a willing heart, let him bring it as the Lord’s offering: gold, silver, and bronze,
Verse 21: and they came, each one whose heart stirred him up, and who his spirit made him willing, and brought the Lord‘s offering to be used for the new tent of meeting, for all it service, and the holy garment.
Verse 22 they came, both men and women, all who were willing hearted you can read the rest when you go to exodus 35
A Willing Heart to Build God’s Church
God calls us to use our gifts and talents to build His Church. He has given each of us abilities for a divine purpose. If we have given our hearts to Him, then He lives inside our hearts and we each have a part in building His family. God invites us to partner with Him, inviting others into His family.
What’s in your heart? Have you ever felt stirred or prompted to do something for God? Giving and serving should come from a willing heart. It’s never about obligation—it’s about love. God delights in a heart that recognizes His prompting and responds with joy.
In Exodus 35, after the Israelites were delivered from Egypt and had experienced God’s presence, He invited them to participate in building the Tabernacle. But He wasn’t looking for forced labor—He wanted willing hearts. The Tabernacle was built through the generosity and skill of those who gave freely, a beautiful picture of how God still works today. Now, instead of building a physical tabernacle, He calls us to build His Church—the family of God.
Who wants to be part of this? We have the privilege of sharing the gospel, spreading the good news, and being a blessing wherever we go. Every act of love, every word of encouragement, every seed we plant is part of what God is doing in the world.
Is your heart open to God? Do you desire to spend time with Him, to talk with Him throughout the day? An open heart longs for His presence, welcomes His correction, and allows Him to refine it. A heart that listens, obeys—even when it’s difficult—shows grace, kindness, and forgiveness. And a heart that loves God also loves to give—offering gifts that build His Church.
May our hearts be willing, our hands be open, and our lives be fully surrendered to the One who calls us to build with Him.
God is saying to me, I have given you talents, abilities, and resources for divine purposes. The purpose is is to use what I have given you to build the family of God that’s what blesses my heart. It blesses me when you bless someone for me and I love it when everyone gets together to do something for me. I’m calling you all to work together in building the family
So don’t let anything or anyone to cause your heart to harden. Keep your heart open to me keep it soft come to me and I will help you through it.
What this means to me is God is calling us to partner with him to build his church, the family of God, not a structure, but as a family of believers. He is speaking to our hearts, inviting us to be a part of what he is doing in this world.
Thank you, father God, Jesus and your Holy Spirit that loves us so much and wants us to go out in spread your love. I love you.❤️
Exodus Chapter 35 Verse 1
Moses gathered all the congregation of the Israelites together and said to them, These are the things which the Lord has commanded that you do:
Exodus Chapter 35 Verse 5
Take from among you an offering to the Lord. Whoever is of a willing and generous heart, let him bring the Lord.’s offering: gold, silver, and bronze;
~God’s Commands And The Congregation~
God Is Saying To Me:
My child, I love you so much and desire for you to have a generous and willing heart. Do you love me enough to give from your heart rather than out of feeling obligated? You have many talents and treasures stored up for me, so I want you to give of your resources, money and skills to me and the community according to your ability. Give freely with a gracious attitude and connect with others to uplift them with obedience to the congregation and Kingdom!
What This Means To Me:
1. God has given his commands. It’s up to us to be obedient and share our resources for the congregation and the Kingdom.
2. Work hard giving of your time and resources but always give honor, glory and obedience to God and His people on the Sabbath.
3. We all are important to Father God. We all have something to honor Him and the church. Do not give begrudgingly as your giving may be in vain. Lead and give by the Holy Spirit and follow His spirit-led leaders.
4. Utilize your salvation and be a co-builder of God’s by connecting with other spirit-led members of your congregation. Together, we are all useful for the glory of God! ❤️
God also gifted me these words also: ❤️
Exodus Chapter 35 Verse 5
Take from among you and offering to the Lord. Whoever is of a willing and generous heart, let him bring the Lord’s offering: gold, silver, and bronze;
Exodus Chapter 35 Verse 21
And they came, each one whose heart stirred him up and whose Spirit made him willing, and brought the Lord’s offering to be used for the [new] Tent of Meeting, for all its service, and the holy garments.
~The Greatest Gift Of All~
God Is Saying To Me:
My child, I know your heart and I know that you love me and desire to do your best for me. Use your talents, treasures and resources well, to honor and glorify me in all that you do and say. We are changing the hearts of many, one person at a time because you are willing and generous.
What This Means To Me:
1. As Christians giving willingly and generously blesses God’s heart. As God’s children, we should understand these concepts because God graciously has been good to us.
2. Following God’s commands and sharing our time and talents for Him are free will gifts. We must remain willing, allowing the Holy Spirit to empower our walk with God.
3. Be a generous giver and do not view your contributions to God and the congregation as a chore or burden. We should be the most generous people of all because we know that we have received the greatest gift of all, Jesus!! ❤️❤️❤️
This morning, I’d like to talk about our hearts. Have you ever done a heart check? Is your heart willing to give, serve, love, and help God and others? It’s a good thing to do. Self-examination can be super helpful to see if our actions truly reflect the people we want to be.
God has given us spiritual gifts, as well as other practical talents, to be used for Him and His kingdom—to serve God and others as He directs us. I like to say that our time, talents, and treasures, which God gives us, are to be used as worship to the Lord, given to Him as He directs us, and shared with others.
I have found that by giving, we truly receive from God. It’s not only an act of obedience in formal worship—it’s how we receive. There’s a flow from God to us, and through us to others. So, don’t stop the flow. If you’re in need, give. God will provide what you need and increase your ability and capacity to serve others.
1. Remember the Sabbath. A day of rest is not only good for us; it’s a day of worship and a reminder of what God has done for us.
2. All spiritual gifts and practical talents come from God. Remember to use them for Him.
3. Have a willing heart to love, give, and serve God and others as the Lord directs us. Don’t stop the flow.