
Read This Week: Exodus 33

And the Lord said, “I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.” – Exodus 33:19-20 NIV

Exodus 33 is a powerful chapter filled with deep theological truths and practical lessons for daily life. Taking place after the Israelites’ sin with the golden calf and a serious rupture in their relationship with Yahweh, we see Moses interceding for the people and wrestling with God for His continued presence. The way this interaction unfolds gives us insight into God’s character, spiritual direction, and the pursuit of His presence.

The first six verses illustrate the trickiness of experiencing blessings without the presence of the Lord. God tells Moses that He will send an angel to lead Israel to the Promised Land, but He will not go with them because of their stubbornness (v. 3). This is a sobering moment. God offers them victory, land, and protection yet withdraws His spiritual presence. It is sobering that outward success can be hollow without God’s hand on our lives. Many today strive for achievement, wealth, or security, but these things can become meaningless without a relationship with Jesus. The Israelites recognized this and mourned when they heard God’s words (v. 4). It’s a reminder that what we need most is not just Father God’s blessings but an abiding communion with Him.

At this point, Moses sets up a tent outside the camp where he meets with God. Whenever he enters, the people watch in awe as the pillar of cloud descends, signifying God’s abiding presence. Moses’s example of setting up a ‘Tent of Meeting’ outside the camp, where he regularly met with God, is a powerful example. We may not need a physical tent today, but we need a dedicated space and time to seek God through prayer and His Word. A great question is whether we have a ‘Tent of Meeting’ in our daily lives or a place and time where we consistently seek God’s guidance.

Moses then pleads with God in verse 15: If Your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. Moses understands that what distinguishes God’s people is not their power or wealth but His presence. He refuses to move forward without it. We often make plans and then ask God to bless them. Moses does the opposite. He refuses to move unless God is leading Him and the ones he is called to lead. This declaration is a challenge for us, especially for those in spiritual leadership positions. We must ask ourselves if we rely on God’s presence or ask Him to sanction and rubber-stamp our plans.

The glory of God is revealed at the end of the chapter as Moses makes a daring request for the Lord to show him His glory (v. 18). God responds by saying Moses cannot see His face, but He will allow him to see His back. This moment highlights God’s goodness in revealing Himself (even partially), His holiness, and His grace. Moses desired more of God, even after all he had experienced on the journey to freedom. But no matter how much we have seen or known of God, there is always more. We can’t be satisfied with a surface-level relationship, but we should desire the consistent presence of God and, like Moses, hunger for a deeper encounter.

This chapter of our study teaches us that God’s presence in our lives is more valuable than anything else. It reminds us to seek Him daily in our own “tent of meeting and prioritize His presence over personal success. It challenges us to refuse to move forward without His leading and continually desire a more profound revelation of Him. We should pray like Moses, Lord: if Your presence does not go with us, we do not want to go!


  1. Trina on February 13, 2025 at 3:22 pm

    Exodus Chapter 33 Verse 3
    Go up to a land flowing with milk and honey; but I will not go up among you, for you are a stiff-necked people, lest I destroy you on the way..

    Exodus Chapter 33 Verse 4
    When the people heard these evil tidings, they mourned and no man put on his ornaments.

    Exodus Chapter 33 Verse 5
    For the Lord had said to Moses, Say to the Israelites, You are a stiff-necked people! If I should come among you for one moment, I would consume and destroy you. Now therefore [penitently] I leave off your ornaments, that I may know what to do with you.

    ~ Repentance After Sin Leads To Restoration~

    God Is Saying To Me:
    When the Israelites rebelled against me and made a golden calf to worship, they committed a great sin. Some repented and some didn’t. Those that didn’t suffer death and those that did must restore their faith in me, by repentance and a renewing of their relationship with me. Being forgiven is necessary but being forgiven and in steady fellowship with me is different. As a Christian, you must remedy your fellowship with me.

    What This Means To Me:
    1. As a Christian, I must believe by faith the promises God has made for me.
    2. Restoration with God requires relying on the Holy Spirit to guide and protect me. Relying on my own. Will, my intelligence, my skills or power won’t restore my fellowship with God.
    3. Restoration means turning completely away from sin and seeking out a continued, intimate relationship with Father. God. Participating in rituals or meetings does not lead to a total trust in God.
    4. Patient faith results in continuous praying and interceding for yourself and others.
    5. True and total restoration comes with a craving and true desire and hunger to know God more intimately. God ‘s glory is given to us through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. When our fellowship and our relationship is totally restored, we experience and feel God’s peace of the Holy spirit that surpasses all understanding! May we rest in peace knowing that God’s glory reigns forever!

  2. Trina on February 13, 2025 at 3:41 pm

    God Also Gave Me An Additional Word… Thank you God! ❤️

    Exodus Chapter 33 Verse 19
    And God said, I will make oh My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim My name, THE LORD, before you; for I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will show Mercy and loving-kindness on whom I will show mercy and loving-kindness.

    Exodus Chapter 33 Verse 20
    But, He said, you cannot see My face, for no man shall see Me and live.

    Exodus Chapter 33 Verse 21
    And the Lord said, Behold. There is a place beside Me, and you shall stand upon the rock.

    Exodus Chapter 33 Verse 22
    And while my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft of the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by.

    Exodus Chapter 33 Verse 23
    Then I will take away My hand and you shall see My back; but My face shall not be seen.

    ~The Rock Of Christ Produces Peace ~

    God Is Saying To Me:
    The rock will protect you from the tribulations and trials of the world. The Rock protected Moses and The Rock protects you. I have given you a Rock of protection through Christ. Everyone who hears My name and My words and act upon them is like a wise man that built his life on the Rock of Christ. When my wrath comes, you won’t have to beg for my wrath to fall on you from the mountains and hide you from the glory of Me on my throne because you are saved from my wrath and walk in My glory by The Rock of Christ, just like Moses!

    What This Means To Me:
    1. When we build our life on the foundation of God, we weather the storms and are protected by Him.
    2. Experiencing the glory of God is a continual journey with Christ, walking in righteousness, grace and compassion and being a living sacrifice, all for the restoration of our life honoring God.
    3. When we are fully restored in God by building and believing on the fortress of Christ, we will know and others will see the fruits of our deliverance, one being peace, peace that surpasses all understanding no matter the chaos going on around us. Thank you God for offering eternal peace and rest in you!

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