Our Song

Read This Week: Exodus 15

I will sing to the Lord, for he is highly exalted. Both horse and driver he has hurled into the sea. “The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him. The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is his name. – Exodus 15:1-3 NIV

Exodus 15 contains a powerful and beautiful moment in the aftermath of the crossing of the Red Sea. This portion of Scripture, often called the “Song of Moses and Miriam,” is a touching moment of worship that celebrates the Israelites’ liberation from slavery in Egypt and their miraculous and unthinkable journey to freedom. This passage highlights a significant event in biblical history and offers reflections on our lives today.

To fully appreciate this moving scene, it’s essential to be reminded of its context. It follows generations of brutal oppression, enslavement that was inhumane and cruel, a dwindling hope of rescue, the ten plagues culminating in the deaths of the firstborn, and the eventual departure. It comes after a roller coaster of emotions as they took flight to the miracle at the sea, an event that defied imagination and realm of human possibility. It comes after the terror of being pursued by Pharaoh’s army and the sweeping deliverance the Lord provided in a way that only He could.

The splendid and poetic lyrics of the song not only pay tribute to Yahweh as their salvation but also worship Him as a warrior who will fight on behalf of His people. The song converges two attributes of God’s character in showing us His mercy to deliver and righteousness to defend. Verses 2-3 capture this:

The Lord is my strength and defense; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him. The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is his name.

This part and the whole chapter emphasize the spiritual importance of responding to God’s faithfulness in saving and fighting for us. In our worship, like the Israelites, we should practice acknowledging and celebrating the moments of deliverance and protection, both big and small. We glorify God when we praise and thank Him for the understated things as much as the tremendous ones.

The song of Exodus 15 also reminds us that God is ultimately in control, and His power can bring about extraordinary change even when we can’t see a way or think it’s possible. It further encourages us to trust God in difficult situations, knowing He is a warrior and can intervene in our lives to eternal effect. Verses 12-13 reinforce this truth:

You stretch out your right hand, and the earth swallows your enemies. In your unfailing love, you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength, you will guide them to your holy dwelling.

We, too, can write a song of worship to God in our own way, just like the Israelites on the banks of the Red Sea. We can start a gratitude journal where we write down daily things for which we are thankful. This discipline shifts focus from our challenges to our many blessings. We can always seek the Lord in prayer and spend intimate time with Him, especially when facing difficulties, as a means of community, to submit to His will, and to acknowledge His ability to intervene in our lives. We can create a playlist of songs that resonate with our experiences of deliverance and faith while singing or listening to them as a way to connect with Father God. We can spend time in the Scriptures and be confident in God’s sovereignty and power. We can set aside time annually when the proverbial waters come to a calm and reflect on what God has done in our lives.

As we reflect on our own journeys to freedom, let us join the song of Moses and Miriam and continually celebrate the victories God’s given, trusting in His incredible presence and power. That’s our song.


  1. Trina on October 3, 2024 at 3:15 pm

    Exodus Chapter 15 Verse 23
    When they came to Marsh, they could not drink its Waters for they were bitter; therefore it was named Marah [ bitterness].

    Exodus Chapter 15 Verse 24
    The people murmured against Moses, saying, what shall we drink?

    Exodus Chapter 15 Verse 25
    And he cried to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a tree which he cast into the waters, and the waters were made sweet. There [The Lord] made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there He proved them.

    Exodus Chapter 15 Verse 26
    Saying, If you will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord your God and will do what is right in His sight, and will listen to and obey his commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases upon you which I brought upon the Egyptians, for I am the Lord Who heals you.

    ~The Redemption Of Bitterness~

    God Is Saying To Me:
    When the aches and pains of life, try to make you bitter, follow me. My love for you is true, fulfilling and sweet. It’s all you need. I have the most compassion, mercy, grace and justice for you when you remain obedient and follow my will for your life. I am faithful! I am Yahweh! I am the Lord God Almighty!

    What This Means To Me:
    1. God allows testing in our lives.
    2. God heals and delivers us from oppression and bitterness when we remain faithful, obedient and keep his commandments.
    3. Prayer, worship and dependence upon Father God allows us to receive His provisions and learn who He is and how faithful He is to heal us and set us free!

  2. Heidi on October 4, 2024 at 11:49 am

    Exodus 15:2 The Lord is my strength and my song,
    And He has become my salvation;
    This is my God, and I will praise Him;
    My father’s God, and I will exalt Him

    True worship
    Why do we want to worship God, our father
    Because it’s important to him
    it blesses his heart and when we worship him praise Him with singing, talking and listening, to Him when we do we get blessed.
    What is worship there’s many ways that we can worship and you can look them up, but for me worship is a lifestyle. It’s all about my heart to want to honor God Praise Him, sing to Him, listen and bless Him with my whole heart for all He does He is a good good Father and I’m thankful I get to be His daughter.
    Every Christian is called to be a worshiper
    We are to want to praise Him and sing
    “The Lord is my strength and my song,
    And He has become my salvation;
    This is my God, and I will praise Him;
    You want o look to God For what you need and know that he’s always with us to help us. The Israelites have just crossed the red sea, and they are now beginning their journey with God in the wilderness. And now they are in a place of being thankful and their worshiping, and they understand , that the Lord took care of them And you see Moses worshiping and singing you see Miriam worshiping with the women they have tambourines, she sang to them and to the Lord
    she is telling them Sing and praise the the Lord!
    He deserves great praise
    God deserves to be be praised 24-7 we should be doing that every day worshiping and being thankful for all God does even in the hard times. remember, God is always there
    And allowing things in your life so you can see where your heart is, it’s all about you and God first !

    When we are truly in worship, our hearts are being changed in God‘s presence
    if God is calling you to a deeper commitment with him ask him what it is and if you’re having a hard time letting go of things start worshiping and let the Holy Spirit change your heart And give you the strength that you need to continue in your walk with him he will give you the strength ask God to shape your heart, help it to grow in his ways.
    He’s got a mission for you. Do you know what it is? Ask him he will lead you in the right way so keep worshiping And learn more about it seek Him more and more you will be blessed ❤️

  3. Heidi on October 4, 2024 at 11:52 am

    This is a beautiful song of praising Jesus he deserves our praise and all that we do to honor him for what he’s done for us thank you, Jesus
    By elevation
    It was my cross You bore
    So I could live in the freedom You died for
    And now my life is Yours
    And I will sing of Your goodness forevermore
    Worthy is Your name, Jesus
    You deserve the praise
    Worthy is Your name
    Worthy is Your name, Jesus
    You deserve the praise
    Worthy is Your name
    And now my shame is gone
    I stand amazed in Your love undeniable
    Your grace goes on and on
    And I will sing of Your goodness forevermore
    Worthy is Your name, Jesus
    You deserve the praise
    Worthy is Your name
    Worthy is Your name, Jesus
    You deserve the praise
    Worthy is Your name
    Worthy is Your name, Jesus
    You deserve the praise
    Worthy is Your name
    Worthy is Your name, Jesus
    You deserve the praise
    Worthy is Your name
    Be exalted now in the heavens
    As Your glory fills this place
    You alone deserve our praise
    You’re the name above all names
    Be exalted now in the heavens
    As Your glory fills this place
    You alone deserve our praise
    You’re the name above all names
    Be exalted now in the heavens
    As Your glory fills this place
    You alone deserve our praise
    You’re the name above all names
    Be exalted now in the heavens
    As Your glory fills this place
    You alone deserve our praise
    You’re the name above all names
    Be exalted now in the heavens
    As Your glory fills this place
    You alone deserve our praise
    You’re the name above all names
    Be exalted now in the heavens
    As Your glory fills this place
    You alone deserve our praise
    You’re the name above all names
    Worthy is Your name, Jesus
    You deserve the praise
    Worthy is Your name
    Worthy is Your name, Jesus
    You deserve the praise
    Worthy is Your name
    Worthy is Your name, Jesus
    You deserve the praise
    Worthy is Your name
    Worthy is Your name, Jesus
    You deserve the praise
    Worthy is Your name

  4. PK Chat on October 6, 2024 at 11:01 am

    Isn’t it wonderful to come together with the family of God? We gather in unity, worshipping the Lord with music and singing, feeling the presence of His Spirit as we are filled with His peace and love. I truly love worshipping the Lord—don’t you?

    Yet, as beautiful as worship is, there’s something even more profound: learning to listen to God and follow His guidance. While worshiping in spirit is essential, it serves as preparation for the deeper relationship we cultivate by listening to Him and living our lives according to His will.

    It is better to listen and obey than to offer sacrifices. Our daily walk with Him, moment by moment, is what truly matters.

    Personally, I find great joy in worshipping the Lord through music and song. But even more meaningful is worshipping Him with my entire life—in everything I do and say.

    1. The Lord cares for us—He has saved us, He provides for and protects us. He is worthy of all our worship and praise.
    2. Worship comes in many forms. We can praise Him through song, but we also worship through our time, talents, and treasures. The highest form of worship is when we listen to God and follow His instructions.
    3. When we live a life of worship, we experience God’s blessings not only for ourselves but for those around us as well.

  5. reachchurch on October 6, 2024 at 4:14 pm

    This Week in the Life: Exodus 15

    For the best experience, we suggest you listen to the first song, the message, and then the second song.

    1. Sunday Worship – First Song: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/20241006-Worship1.wav
    2. Sunday Message: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/20241006-Message.wav
    3. Sunday Worship – Second Song: https://reachchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/20241006-Worship2.wav

    Join the Party Line Live – Schedule: https://reachchurch.org/connect

  6. Alma on October 14, 2024 at 5:23 pm

    This week in exodus chapter 15 I got a song

    Let’s come together to worship our Lord Let’s come together to worship our Lord . The Lord is our strength who gives us salvation the Lord is our strength gives us salvation The Lord is glorious. He helps fight our battles. He helps us fight our battles. He lifts us up when we are weak. He gives us hope when we feel defeated His love is unconditional. Yes, his love is unconditional. The Lord will reign forever and ever the Lord will reign forever and ever amen

    The Lord will always come through us. His spirit lives in us. He is our light amen.

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